

This cloud-based load balancer is able to see how well your application performs under digital stress


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A Dynamic and Reliable Cloud-Native Edge Router

Traefik is a modern and feature-rich HTTP reverse proxy and load balancer that makes deploying microservices easy and seamless. This software is specifically designed to handle and route HTTP traffic to different microservices in a network.

Key Features

Traefik comes with a wide range of features that make it stand out from other similar software. Real-Time Updates is one of its main selling points. Traefik automatically and dynamically reacts to every change in the system, eliminating the need for manual intervention or restarts.

Another noteworthy feature is its Load Balancing capabilities. Traefik ensures that all the services in a network share the load evenly, improving performance and reducing the risk of overloading any single service.

In addition to these, Traefik also provides HTTP/2 Support, letting microservices leverage the benefits of the HTTP/2 protocol. Lastly, it offers a User-Friendly Interface where users can monitor and manage all the services in the network in real-time.


In terms of performance, Traefik is highly reliable. It is designed to handle high volumes of traffic while ensuring optimal performance. The load balancing feature plays a significant role in this, ensuring that no single service in the network is overloaded.

Moreover, Traefik's real-time updates and automatic configuration changes mean that it can rapidly adapt to changes in the system, making it incredibly responsive and efficient.


Traefik's user interface is clean and intuitive, making it easy for users to monitor and manage their services. It also comes with detailed documentation and a supportive community, making it easy for beginners to get started.

In conclusion, Traefik is a robust, reliable, and efficient edge router that can significantly simplify the process of deploying and managing microservices. Its real-time updates, load balancing, HTTP/2 support, and user-friendly interface make it a must-have for anyone working with microservices.

HQ Location
San Francisco, CA
Year Founded
LinkedIn® Page (33 employees)
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