  1. IT Infrastructure Software

Apple OS X Yosemite

System software package updater and installer for Macintosh computers that run 10.9 Mavericks

Electrum Wallet

An open-source Bitcoin wallet with a 10-year track record of security, reliability, and optimal user experience


Trade Bitcoin and other leading digital assets in USD, CAD, GBP, JPY, and other fiat currencies


Cryptocurrency wallet that accepts many popular currencies and allows you to trade, receive and spend


Transfer large files with this secure and streamlined data sharing service that tracks real-time progress


An efficient and customizable miner for every CryptoNight coin available, featuring OLED compatability


Secure peer-to-peer cryptocurrency trading platform featuring leveraged contracts to hedge funds exclusively compensated via Bitcoin

Hortonworks Data Platform

This Hadoop distribution platform allows you to make and distribute changes as needed


Network and DNS monitoring tool that provides detailed insight and analytics along with data visualization

Trezor Wallet

Hardware physical wallet to securely hold and protect digital currency tokens plus very sensitive files