
TwiekBench Demo

TwiekBench Demo is a benchmarking utility that uses the...

TwiekBench Demo

TwiekBench Demo is a benchmarking utility that uses the UT2003 Engine to create a single number score

As many gamers know, there is a crucial need for good benchmarking utilities. Many people make their purchase decisions based on the information provided by review sites. Since the computer/gaming industry is so large, review sites make a huge influence. Reviewers make decisions about products and post concrete and comparable numbers based on benchmarks. Benchmarking tools also allow manufacturers and end-users to see the effect of upgrades and performance modifications. Therefore, a comprehensive and accurate* (accurate meaning able to accurately predict in-game performance) benchmark is an extremely valuable tool.

That tool is here. TwiekBench is easy to use, verbose, comprehensive, consistant, and best of all, accurate. Like 3DMark®, TwiekBench starts when the user presses a button, the tests run, and the benchmark returns a single number score.

Going a step further than 3DMark®, TwiekBench provides not only the Average fps, but detailed results for every test, including True Average fps, True Maximum fps, True Minimum fps, and True Median fps, as well as graphs that display the instananeous framerate durring the test, and a percentage graph that shows what percentage of frames were above a certain framerate.

Since TwiekBench uses the UT2003 engine to generate a score, it allows the test to cover a wide range of situations from outside/sky rendering to an indoor high polygon world, and from high detail particle effects to low detail textures, even a pure CPU test completely independant of the video card.

TwiekBench takes advantage of UT2003's demo playback functionality to allow the rendering of players and effects associated with gameplay (for example, the beam of the link gun). Since the demo is pre-recorded, the test will be the same on every machine, time after time.

The best feature of TwiekBench is the score. The single number score is based on not only the True Average framerate, but it also takes into account the 99.4% lowest framerate. This is a good indication of the lowest framerate encountered during the test. As a result, the score produced by TwiekBench more accurately predicts actual gameplay performance than any other benchmark to date.

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