Homeworld v1.04
Upgrades the game to version 1.04, tuning performance,...
- Category Real-Time
- Size 2 MB
- Program by Sierra Software
Homeworld v1.04
Upgrades the game to version 1.04, tuning performance, fixing bugs, adding features, and more. See "more info" for a list of changes.
o Defender gun stats adjusted
o Heavy Corvette build time reduced, build cost reduced
o MultiGun Corvette build time reduced
o Minelayer Corvette build time reduced, build cost reduced
o Cloaked Fighter gun stats adjusted
o Carrier build time decreased
o Carrier hyperspace cost increased
o Attack Bomber armor increased
o Missile armor decreased
o Missile tracking decreased
o Missile Destroyer mass increased
o Bounty rating capped at 250.
o Homeworld now checks all available CD-ROM drives for the Homeworld CD - the Homeworld CD can be placed in any CD-ROM drive on the system
o Cheat detection for multiplayer games.
o Screensavers will no longer activate when Homeworld is running
o Various Save Game Bugs fixed
o Homeworld Dedicated Server Support
- If you create a game and are behind a firewall, you can now choose the server you use when you start the game. People can have lower latency games if they select a server that is geographically close to them. Also, people will be able to create their own Homeworld Servers with a separate program we will release soon.
New Commands added for online chatting and game control and creation. All of the commands are preceded by an ! mark, this designates the start of a command.
o Ignore
- Works only for the chatting in a room. In the chat text box use the following syntax: "!Ignore " You can use this feature to turn add and remove a person from your ignore list.
o Ban
- Works only for the Creator of a game. This is entered into the game chat text entry box, you use the following syntax: "!Ban " You can use this feature to add and remove someone from the list of people banned from your game.
o Kick
- Works only for the Creator of a game. This is entered into the game chat text entry box, you use the following syntax: "!Kick " You can use this feature to Kick someone from your game.
o Limit
- Works only for the Creator of a game. This is entered into the game chat text entry box, you use the following syntax: "!Limit " You can use this feature to limit the maximum number of Human players in your game.
o The statistics files are now being checked for inconsistencies in multiplayer games. If inconsistencies are detected, warning messages are added next to the appropriate line in the statistics files.
o The ability to view the world from any ship's point of view. Simply run Homeworld with /pilotView option (e.g. Homeworld /pilotview), and then focus on a single ship. Hit Q to toggle pilot view on and off.
Running Homeworld in Windows 9x:
o Homeworld will use the DirectSound mixer if your sound card driver reports as certified, otherwise Homeworld will use the Waveout mixer. If you have a newer sound card with new drivers, such as the Creative SoundBlaster Live or Diamond MX300, you may receive better performance by using the /dsound command line option because the drivers may not report as certified. If you have a slightly older card, such as the Creative SoundBlaster AWE32, and are having problems with sound try using the /waveout command line option to force use of the Waveout mixer. If you experience crashes that you believe are related to sound try the /waveout and then the /dsound command line options to see if one mixer is more stable than the other with your sound card and drivers.
Running Homeworld in Windows NT4:
o Homeworld will default to using the Waveout mixer, you should not use the /dsound option unless you are having crashes that you think may be related to sound.