
KUU Build 067

This is a major overhual of the ships in Bridge Commander...

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  • Size 51.7 MB
  • Program by Kenjar

KUU Build 067

This is a major overhual of the ships in Bridge Commander.

KUU Patch Beta

Build 067


The installation is an easy one, first you installed Bridge commander, and then the official 1.1 patch from activision, next download the KUU, run the install file, type in your bridge commander directory i.e. C:\program files\activision\bridge commander

It is very important that you not have Oddessys 1.2c, MPMP or any other patch installed, other then the official 1.1. The KUU Build 067 is Standalone only!


Not one single ship is unchanged from 1.2b with the exception of the Borg. I've added 18 new models, and there are at least 41 variants. I have added 8 new weapons, including Cloaked Gravidic Mines. Each ship variant has a code, those that don't are simply standard classes. These codes are, CC, LF, M, S, HA, Ex, Esc, I, and HI.

CC = Combat cruiser (starships built for all round combat duites)

LF = Light Friget (These are usually support ships for captial cruisers)

M = Mine layer (These lay cloaked Mines)

S = Scout (These have stronger a defence then offence)

HA = Heavy Assult (These are capital command ships)

Ex = Explorer (Basic variants, designed for exploration so haven't received War refits)

Esc = Escort (Basically a warship design using the lastest technology to create small powerful warships that can be used for attack or the escort of convoys, there is no single set standard for what the ships can do)

I = Interceptor (These are fast ships used to harry feaing starships until the captial ships can arrive.)

HI = Heavy interceptor. (The same as the Interceptor, but it does not require backup for large targets)

PC = Phaser Cruiser (Used to protect TC's and disable base sub systems without causing more damage to the installation hull. These shield ususally relay on phasers alone."

TC = Torpedo Cruiser (Because of Starfleet's bias towards exploration rather then conflict, they refitted some starships with massive torpedo loads, resulting in massive offensive ability, but requiring frequent resupply after engagements)

There are new weapons in the game, these include, type 13 Burst Phasers, RDF (Rapid Fire Disruptor) Light, heavy, and medium, AdvancedAI torpedos (See interceptor class, they are white torpedos), Station torpedos, Plasma torpedos, Romulan heavy cannons (see shadow assult class) and Mines (see mine layer class)


This is the first completed and playable version of KUU, as this is a first release, and I only have the ability to test the ships with my brother over the LAN, I suspect there will be problems with it. Because of this I've set up group at anyone is welcome to join and leave tips, messages and flames, if I did a bad job I want to know about it. Remember though, I did not make any of the models featured in KUU, I only spent 12 weeks asking for permissions, re-designing Hardpoints and working out the bugs.

Under the federation mutliplayer menu there are three ???'s First, is a Constellation Class, the second is a Constellation refit, and the third is a Promethius class. I am aware of these errors but for some reason the BCMP software isn't updating the TGL's properly. I will look into this when I have time, but my priority is getting the extra ships written for the upcoming 075 build. All federation ships do work reguardless of unpolished names and discriptions.

The Klingon, and Romulan ships are unfinished but playable.


Activision and Totally Games, for an awesome game.

Staryards Team (



Nine of Nine

Lord Bile




UCF Clan

GA Hartman

Origanal 1.2b Author, which KUU is based on.


KUU Patch Author


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