
KUU II Starfleet Edition

A multiplayer mod for Star Trek Bridge commander...

  • Category Space
  • Size 12.6 MB
  • Program by Kenjar

KUU II Starfleet Edition

A multiplayer mod for Star Trek Bridge commander. It include 52 new fedation ships to play online with.

KUU v2 Starfleet Edition


The installation is an easy one, first you installed Bridge commander, and then the official 1.1 patch from activision, next download the KUU v2 starfleet, run the install file, type in your bridge commander directory i.e. C:\program files\activision\bridge commander

By installing KUU v2 starfleet Edition on your PC you agree that it must only be installed on an unaltered copy of Bridge Commander version 1.1

I am not responsible for any damage caused by the installing of this patch on any computer. The installation of this software is that the users own risk. I have no affliation with Totally Games or Activision, this patch is NOT to be sold, and I am making no profit from KUU. I have writen it for fun and to study python scripting, 3D modeling, sound manipulation and 32-bit tga files.


The Sovereign Class now fires both Photon and Qauntum Torpedos at the same time. I have designed it is such a way that the Dirsruptor Fire key fires Photon Torpedos and the Torpedo Fire key launches Quantum. Because both torpedos have different guidence and speed settings it may take a little time to get used too as they will not lauch at idential angles.

This is the first completed and playable version of KUU v2, as this is a first release, and I only have the ability to test the ships with my brother over the LAN, I suspect there will be problems with it. Because of this I've set up group at

anyone is welcome to join and leave tips, messages and flames, if I did a bad job I want to know about it. Remember though, I did not make all of the models featured in KUU, I spent 12 weeks asking for permissions, re-designing Hardpoints and working out the bugs. All the starships I made where produced from kitbashes of stock models. The Ares Class was a redesign of the Prometheous Class held at the textures where altered by myself. The rest of the models I made where from conversions from other game stock models and those stock models and textures that came with bridge commander.

All ??? problems have been repaired.

Only Federation Starships reside in this version of KUU, this is a starfleet version only, designed to gain feed back from the BC community. The full version of KUU v2 will be released in 2004.


Activision and Totally Games for progamming Bridge Commander and the Bridge Commander SDK Kit.

Staryards Team ( For starship models.



Nine of Nine

Lord Bile





For creating the Foundation Plug-in

XFS, and =C= clans for helping to promote the patch. for hosting. for hosting.

KUU Patch Author


This patch is a complete rewrite, it shares no connection with KUU build 068 other then it was I that scripted it. It shares no connection with C2's 1.2b or any other multiplayer patch made by any other person.

Some model textures have been altered. All origanal Hardpoints have been discarded.

This is NOT the final release version of KUU v2, KUU v2 will be released after christmas 2003. KUU v2 starfleet is designed to advertize, and provide feed back from the internet community so that KUU v2 Roleplay Edition will be the best I can make it.

By installing KUU v2 starfleet Edition on your PC you agree that it must only be installed on an unaltered copy of Bridge Commander version 1.1

I am not responsible for any damage caused by the installing of this patch on any computer. The installation of this software is that the users own risk. I have no affliation with Totally Games or Activision, this patch is NOT to be sold, and I am making no profit from KUU. I have writen it for fun and to study python scripting, 3D modeling, sound manipulation and 32-bit tga files.

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