This is the first dm level designed around bots to my...
- Category First Person
- Size 93 KB
- Program by SkullPlate
This is the first dm level designed around bots to my knowledge.
Title : SPBOTDM1
Date : 2.1.98
Filename : spbotdm1.bsp
Author : SkullPlate
Email Address : [email protected],[email protected]
Home Page : www.inside3d.com/bot/
(Bot News, Reviews, Help, Files, Maps, etc)
Description : This is the first dm level designed around bots to
my knowledge. It takes on the form of a warehouse
more or less.
Additional Credits to : id Software, Inside3D.Com(hosting)
Randar (www.ionet.net/~mimpchnk/)
for his advice on level design and playtesting
Creators of GlQoole
* Play Information *
Single Player : Look around
Deathmatch : 1 - 2 (Designed for bots, but people might like it)
6 dm starts
I am curious to know how this map plays with
real people.
Difficulty Settings : No
* Construction *
Base : New level from scratch
Editor(s) used : GlQoole
Known Bugs : It gets somewhat slow with more than 1 or 2 bots
because of its large open design
Build Time : Span over 2 days
* Other Info *
I encourage other skilled map authors to design a level around bots.
Current dm maps are often to complex for bots and simpiler levels
are needed. As bots get more intelligent this need may be eliminated.
* Copyright / Permissions *
Public distribution via Internet/BBS's without charging money is accepted.
Magazine cover CD's are generally okay if you ask me first.