fbdm2.bsp / ShadowHall
Quake II 1-on-1 DM level...
- Category First Person
- Size 281.3 KB
fbdm2.bsp / ShadowHall
Quake II 1-on-1 DM level. Also works for up to six players (will get kinda tight with six.)
Title : fbdm2.bsp / ShadowHall
Author : Jens Andreasson
Email Address : [email protected]
Description : Dm lvl for q2.
Where to get : http://home6.swipnet.se/~w-66360 (hmm, noticed that I've missed
w- thing in earlier .txt files)and cdrom.com
Other Works : Fbdm1-3, get 'em.
Ttemple, blueish dm lvl.
Det, large Dm which should have been playtested-and after that probably never released...
Grav, a sick experimental dm.
Dm46, Dm 4-6 conversion that becamesomething else.
Metall, Dump, first q2 lvls...
Pain, good 1-1 2-2 map for Quake1.
Thanks to : The man behind radiant.
The "lan-group" and my friends.
* Other Info / Authors notes *
Ok, here we go. My first "blah"DM# release. I named it so since Im uploading 2 more levels with it to. Those are,
as you may have guessed, fbdm1 and 2.
I didnt feel these lvls would fit in a pak together, so I didnt do that. Also, with a pak, some kind of mod should
follow, and though I have some ideas, Im not capable right now to do that.
This lvl, along with the other fb:s has been playtested and checked with a 3dfx card, so the light shouldnt look
like shit, though some parts may be kinda dark since rgb colored lights shines less then white light...pretty
This lvl is a bit larger than the first fb map...size will increase.
* Play Information *
Single Player : For practice.
Cooperative : No
Deathmatch : As always, 11 starts.
Difficulty Settings : No
New Sounds : No
New Graphics : No
Sound Track : Not def.
Demos Replaced : None
Source Included : No
Exit's To : No
Recommended # of Players: (2)-4-6-(8)
* Construction *
Base : New level from scratch.
Editor(s) used : Radiant 0.44
Known Bugs : None
Brushes : 830 brushes and 148 entinties.
Construction Time : Around 20 hours, spread on 2 days + some hours of
* How to use this level *
Make a "maps" directory in ../quake2/baseq2 and copy the level into it.
In Quake2, bring up the console and type in "map fbdm2".
* Copyright / Permissions *
This level is (c) by Jens Andreasson 1998.
You are NOT allowed to commercially exploit this level, i.e. put it on a CD
or any other electronic medium that is sold for money without my explicit
You MAY distribute this BSP through any electronic network (internet,
FIDO, local BBS etc.).