
Quake 3: Arena - Western Quake 3 beta v2.2 [Full Client]

Full installer version of Western Quake 3 Beta 2.2 for...

Quake 3: Arena - Western Quake 3 beta v2.2 [Full Client]

Full installer version of Western Quake 3 Beta 2.2 for Windows. This is a Total conversion for Quake3Arena, spaghetti western style. Beta 2.2, by Smokin' Guns, is a continuation of beta 2.0 by Iron Claw Interactive.

Total conversion for Quake3Arena, spaghetti western style. Beta 2.2, by Smokin' Guns, is a continuation of beta 2.0 by Iron Claw Interactive.

Western Quake 3 is intended to be a semi-realistic simulation of the "Old West's" great atmosphere. Strap on your six-shooter, load that shotgun, and don't be the one to drop in a duel.

Western Quake3 Features List:

A full arsenal of weapons with historically correct design. Check our weapons page for more information.

A big variety of "western styled" maps and player models.

A realistic damage system with different locations (head, chest, neck, etc.) and increased falling damage.

New "Western styled" gametypes like Bank Robbery and Duel.

A Money System implying equipment purchase with money from rewards.

Easy-to-use graphical User Interface and HUD.

Western Quake3 Game System and Game Types:

Bank Robbery game type:

The goal of this game type is robbing the bank. One team has to attack the bank and steal the "money bag". The robber's team is equipped with triple dynamite, which allows them to blow a safe and proceed to the loot. After grabbing the money, they just have to head back to the escape point with it to win.

Robbing the bank isn't going to be easy because the whole second team is protecting the bank and will try to prevent the other team from getting in. While a robbery might be more difficult to pull off, it will be much more profitable than just killing off the defending team.

Duel game type:

The idea of duel is to enable classical western shoot-outs using only pistols. This game type is suitable for 2, 3 or 4 players and also for 2 player teams.

The duel maps are huge maps divided into several parts, as seen in our pics section. Separate Duels can be performed in each part of the map (up to 16 players are supported per map). The details of the duel are as follows: The combatants stand opposite each other while a musical clock starts to play. When the music stops, the duel begins. The holstered pistols have to be drawn, it will take a few seconds until one can aim precisely (this will be indicated by the crosshair gradually fading in). During this time the player can decide whether he wants to face his opponent (with poorer chances to hit) or seek cover.

The winner of the duel gets money for his kills and usually stays on the map part he "won" where he will meet the next challenger(s).

Changes from b2.00 to b2.10


*** FIXED ***

- no more firing when choosing weapon

- taunt animations work again

- mac hitfile loading works, mac users can run a server now

- bots don't fill up server completely in team games anymore

- bots won't spawn prematurely in team games anymore, this also prevents them from spawning

without ammo

- scoreboard shows correct fraglimit

- buy menu sometimes gets stuck, press buy key again to turn it off

- when cancelling weapon choose mode with esc, +attack will now fire on first click

- weapon choose menu is cancelled when activating an already deployed gatling, so you can no

longer use both gatling and pistols at the same time

- can't duplicate gatlings anymore

- when using a deployed gatling, when already carrying a gatling, the carried gat will have

bullets and will also be instantly deployable when you let go of the previously deployed one

- will now always autoselect another weapon when letting go of a deployed gatling

- can buy ammo belt after buying scope

*** CHANGES ***

- knife slashing damage increased from 30 to 50

- allowed for faster weapons switching

- you will no longer lose your score when switching teams

- Make (bot_minplayers / 2) bots get added to each team, instead of bot_minplayers. Round up to

the nearest even number, bot_minplayers = 5 will give you 3 bots on each team.

- cvar team_model is gone, use model instead for both

- new death messages (obituaries)

- load next map after 5 secs when no human players

- dynamite knockback increased

- boiler plate is reset to max health between rounds TRP and BR

- FFA is now always default gametype for wq_* maps

- Sharps scope turns red instead of green when aiming at a teammate

- g_speed now defaults to 200 instead of 180


- first person spectator mode

- deathcam shows who killed you, toggle on/off with g_deathcam (always off in duels)

- new command 'lastusedweapon', Q is default key

- Quickscores on HUD. Shows your score, and the score to beat. In team games, both teams' scores

are displayed instead. Works like in vanilla q3.

- custom background music for maps that specify it

- can disable automatic adding of bots only in BR and duels through bot_noBR and bot_noDuel cvars

- better teammate indicator on crosshair

- alt-fire button cancels weapon choose mode

- enable loading of hasteSmokePuff shader, to get a dust cloud when landing after a fall/jump

(only new maps)

- if dynamite in your hand is shot, it explodes

- func_door_rotating has got new spawnflags: ONE_WAY, X_AXIS, and Y_AXIS, plus 'distance' key

- crosshair teammate indicator now works through glass

- updated mapping tools

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