
Up a Creek

A true assault map for TFC...

Up a Creek

A true assault map for TFC. One team attacks the base, the other defends. If the attackers succeed, they swap sides and go again. The attackers score if they succeed, the defenders score by holding of the attackers.

This mission won't be easy. You're not going to be capturing flags. You won't be assasinating some umbrella weilding weenie. This time, your job is to take control of an enemy missle base and turn the missles on their former masters. To do it you must:

- Infiltrate the enemy base by any means necessary

- Detpack the generator that powers the key's defensive mechanism.

- Steal the missle key

- Take the key to the missles and launch them.

- Revel in your well earned victory.

A true assault map. One team attacks the base, the other defends. If the attackers succeed, they swap sides and go again. The attackers score if they succeed, the defenders score by holding of the attackers.

Top 3 Up a Creek Alternatives


The lemmings must take their flag to a small pool of water...

Circle Jerk (v2)

A fun map where an offensive team tries to bring a flag...

Mr Flibble's Bases

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