

A hiring program for businesses that helps with meeting diversity goals and tracking new employees


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A comprehensive job search platform designed for students and recent graduates.


WayUp is a unique job search platform specifically designed to cater to the needs of students and recent graduates. It provides a vast range of internships, part-time jobs, and full-time entry-level positions across multiple sectors and industries.

Job Search and Application Process

The job search and application process on WayUp is streamlined, with a simple user interface that makes it easy for users to browse through job postings. Users can filter their searches based on factors like industry, job type, location, and even the level of experience required. The application process is equally straightforward, allowing users to apply for jobs directly on the platform.

Personalized Recommendations

One of the standout features of WayUp is its personalized job recommendations. The platform uses smart algorithms to understand user preferences and provides job suggestions tailored to individual users' career goals and interests. This feature significantly improves the job search experience, making it easier for users to find suitable job opportunities.

Career Advice and Resources

In addition to its job search and application features, WayUp also offers a wealth of career advice and resources. Users can access articles, blog posts, and tips on topics like resume writing, interview preparation, and career planning. These resources can be invaluable for young job seekers who are just starting their career journey.

Performance and Reliability

WayUp has a strong track record of performance and reliability. The platform is consistently updated with new job postings and maintains a high level of accuracy in its job descriptions and requirements. It also offers reliable customer support to help users navigate the platform and resolve any issues they might encounter.


In summary, WayUp is a powerful and user-friendly job search platform that caters specifically to students and recent graduates. With its personalized job recommendations, rich resource library, and easy-to-use interface, it is an excellent tool for young job seekers looking to start their career journey.

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LinkedIn® Page (94 employees)
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Online recruiting network for college students and employers looking to fill general and specific jobs