menu Load Board

Capacity tracking software for fleet managers, featuring comprehensive load calculators and a dedicated negotiation module


18 Votes

Brief Description Load Board: The go-to solution for freight matching and transportation management.

Overview Load Board is a robust freight matching and transportation management software designed to streamline the process of finding, negotiating, and managing freight. With its multitude of features, efficiency, cost-effectiveness, and productivity are significantly enhanced.

Freight Matching Capabilities

One of the standout features of Load Board is its freight matching capabilities. The software allows users to quickly and accurately match freight with trucks based on various parameters such as location, equipment, and load size. This feature not only saves time but also ensures that each load is matched with the most appropriate and cost-effective truck.

Rate Analysis and Negotiation Tools

The software provides a variety of tools for rate analysis and negotiation. These tools enable users to analyze market trends, compare different rates, and negotiate the best possible deals. With these insights at their fingertips, users can make more informed decisions and secure the most profitable loads.

Transportation Management System (TMS) Load Board offers a fully integrated Transportation Management System (TMS) that simplifies every aspect of freight management. From booking to billing, the software handles all tasks, eliminating the need for multiple solutions and ensuring a seamless workflow. Furthermore, the TMS is easy to use and customizable, allowing users to tailor it to their specific needs.

Customer Support and Training

The software provides excellent customer support that is available 24/7 to assist users with any issues they may encounter. In addition, it offers comprehensive training and educational resources to help users make the most of the software.


In conclusion, Load Board is an innovative and comprehensive solution that brings efficiency and cost-effectiveness to freight management. Its advanced features, user-friendly interface, and excellent customer support make it a worthwhile investment for anyone in the transportation industry. Whether you're a carrier, broker, or shipper, this software will undoubtedly simplify and enhance your operations.

HQ Location
New Plymouth, ID
  • Carrier - Basic: $39
  • Carrier - Advanced: $125
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