
Spring Boot

This allows you to develop standalone applications that effortlessly run with the features you need


122 Votes

A comprehensive framework that simplifies Java development and boosts productivity.


Spring Boot is a robust framework that simplifies the bootstrapping and development of new Spring applications. It takes an opinionated view of the Spring platform to help developers get started quickly and with minimal configuration.

Key Features

Spring Boot provides a host of features that speed up development and reduce configuration hassles. Some of these include:

Autoconfiguration: Spring Boot automatically sets up the application based on the dependencies present in the project. This eliminates the need for manual configuration of the Spring setup.

Standalone: Applications developed with Spring Boot are standalone and do not require deployment to an external web server. They can run directly from the command line.

Production-ready: Spring Boot provides built-in features like health checks and metrics, making applications production-ready out of the box.


Spring Boot enhances the performance of applications by simplifying the configuration process. It automatically configures Spring whenever possible. But, it also gives developers the flexibility to manually configure parts of the application if desired.


Spring Boot is designed to be easy to use. It simplifies the bootstrapping and development process, making it easier for developers to get started. It also offers a simplified dependency management system which reduces the chances of version conflicts.

Support and Community

Spring Boot has a strong community of developers and contributors who regularly update the framework with new features and improvements. The Spring Boot team also provides excellent support and comprehensive documentation, making it easy for developers to learn and master the framework.

Final Verdict

In conclusion, Spring Boot is an excellent framework for developers who want to create Spring applications quickly and with minimal fuss. Its auto-configuration, standalone nature, and production-ready features make it a strong choice for modern Java development.

Highest-Rated Features:

  1. Platform Compatability
  2. Lifecycle Management
  3. Data Security

Lowest-Rated Features:

  1. Customized Branding
  2. UI Code Extending
  3. Workflows
HQ Location
San Francisco, CA
LinkedIn® Page (514 employees)
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