

Advanced mobile security platform specializing in mass device management, data safety and remote fleet tracking


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Brief Description

An innovative solution for device security, Prey provides comprehensive protection and recovery tools.


Prey is a robust device protection and tracking software, designed to offer peace of mind to users concerned about their electronic devices. This comprehensive solution helps secure personal and professional devices, providing features for tracking and controlling devices remotely.

Key Features

Prey's main strength lies in its device tracking capabilities. The software can track the location of devices in real-time, allowing for swift recovery in case of loss or theft. It also offers the ability to lock devices remotely and display custom messages to deter unauthorized use or encourage return of the device.

Another key feature is Prey's data protection suite. This includes the ability to wipe sensitive data remotely, preventing unauthorized access and potential data breaches. The software also takes automatic screenshots and front camera photos when suspicious activity is detected, providing additional evidence to aid in device recovery.


One of the standout aspects of Prey is its user-friendly interface. The software is easy to navigate and set up, making it accessible to users with varying levels of technical proficiency. Furthermore, Prey supports a variety of platforms, including Windows, MacOS, Android, and iOS, ensuring broad usability.


In terms of performance, Prey operates discreetly in the background without impacting device speed or performance. The real-time tracking is accurate and reliable, and the remote lock and data wipe functions work effectively. The automatic screenshot and photo capture features also work well, providing clear images under most circumstances.


For those seeking a comprehensive solution for device security and tracking, Prey delivers. With its robust set of features and user-friendly interface, it provides peace of mind and a reliable tool for device loss prevention and recovery.

Prey Project Inc.
HQ Location
Santiago, Chile
Year Founded
LinkedIn® Page (36 employees)
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