
Digital Fashion Pro

A design program specifically for making designs for clothes like shirts, pants and more


3 Votes

Revolutionary fashion design software with a user-friendly interface.


diGital faShion Pro is an innovative software that offers a comprehensive platform for fashion designers. Its functionality extends from designing to pattern making, allowing users to create and visualize fashion ideas.

Interface and Usability

The interface of diGital faShion Pro is intuitive and user-friendly, ensuring ease of use even for beginners. The software provides a range of tools and features that are easily accessible and simple to use. The learning curve is minimal, with users typically able to navigate through the software within a few hours.

Features and Functionality

diGital faShion Pro boasts a rich array of features that cater to all aspects of fashion design. The software allows users to design clothes for both men and women, and includes a variety of templates and models to work with.

One of the standout features is the ability to see designs on a virtual model, offering a realistic representation of the final product. This helps designers make more informed decisions about their designs.

The software also includes a robust fabric library, allowing designers to choose from a wide range of materials. Users can even upload their own fabric patterns to add a personal touch to their designs.


diGital faShion Pro performs excellently, running smoothly without any lag or crashes. The software has a fast rendering process, allowing designs to be visualized almost instantly.


The software offers excellent customer support, with a dedicated team ready to assist with any issues or queries. Users have praised the prompt responses and helpful assistance provided by the support team.


In conclusion, diGital faShion Pro is a versatile and powerful tool for fashion designers. Its intuitive interface, wide range of features, and excellent performance make it a standout option in the field of fashion design software. The added benefit of excellent customer support further enhances its value, making it a highly recommended choice for both beginners and seasoned professionals in the fashion industry.

Harper Arrington
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Farmington Hills, MI