Social Media Manager
Social Media1.7
Enjoy all top social media in one single app.
Vote: 4.0/5 (71 votes) Platform: Android
Social Media Connection1.6.6
Welcome in the world of Social Media using features of Social Media Connection.
Vote: 4.0/5 (77 votes) Platform: Android
Social Media VaultVersion 1.4.4
All in One Social Media App - Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, 9gag & 51 more.
… Social Media Vault: A secure hub for managing all social media accounts in one place. Overview …
Vote: 4.0/5 (109 votes) Platform: Android
Social Lite1.2
Consolidate all of your social media accounts into one handy platform
Platform: Android
Orbit Downloader4.1.1.19
Freeware that pulls video and audio from social-media sites
… Orbit Downloader is a versatile download manager that runs as a standalone program or embedded …
PRO: Integrated with most popular web browsers
CON: No support for torrents
Vote: 5.9/10 (7 votes)
Platform: Windows
Super smart Social Media Manager that's helping you grow online everyday.
… You may not know it, but social media sites aren't still up and running because of their everyday …
Vote: 4.5/5 (53 votes) Platform: Android
Social Folders
A trial version productivity tool that seamlessly manages your social media files
PRO: Very easy to use
Vote: 3.0/10 (3 votes)
Platform: Windows
OneNote for Windows 8
User-friendly Microsoft information manager packed with pro features with SkyDrive syncing and social media integration
PRO: Radial menu a pleasure to use
CON: Not designed for desktop users
Vote: 7.0/10 (1 votes)
Platform: Windows
Media Purveyor3.2
Efficient media manager with robust search, editing tools, and lossless image technology
Vote: 8.0/10 (1 votes) Platform: Windows