
Rgb Color


Swap the RED, GREEN, BLUE buddies to step on their color.

Vote: 4.0/5 (86 votes) Platform: Android

Arduino RGB LED Control0.3

Control Color for RGB LED.

Vote: 3.5/5 (89 votes) Platform: Android

RGB Color Finder4.0.0.0

Find out the color you want in RGB code format with this digital color selector

Vote: 5.3/10 (14 votes) Platform: Windows

Color Names1.5

Names of RGB colors for designer - colors according to the color name

Vote: 4.0/5 (73 votes) Platform: Android

RGB Tool1.4.3

RGB Tool lets you find out all the colors you need!

Vote: 4.5/5 (92 votes) Platform: Android

RGB Express1.6.0.2

Easy to learn puzzle game with a serious challenge for puzzle game fans!

RGB Express is an engaging puzzle game that challenges gamers to deliver colorful packages …

Vote: 4.0/5 (84 votes) Platform: Android


Create new color pallets using RGB or HSV sliders or a screen color dropper

PRO: Helps you generate CSS style sheets
CON: Old-fashioned interface
Vote: 6.3/10 (9 votes) Platform: Windows


Free Windows download that allows you to pick colors complete with the RGB number

PRO: Functional
CON: Looks a bit 1990s!
Vote: 5.0/10 (5 votes) Platform: Windows

RGB MusicLab31

Application transforms any RGB image into a collection of musical scale sounds

PRO: Generates music automatically
CON: You don't have much control over the creation process
Vote: 7.0/10 (24 votes) Platform: Windows


Load an image and tap the desired area or pixel you want to transform using RGB and HEX color codes

PRO: Portable
CON: Interface is very functional, not very attractive
Vote: 10.0/10 (4 votes) Platform: Windows