Mp3 Decoder
DVD Decoder3
Effortlessly decode and play DVDs on your Windows system with this lightweight, user-friendly software
PRO: Multiple outputs are supported within this architecture.
CON: There is not much information available in regards to the parent company Seven Soft.
Vote: 6.0/10 (37 votes)
Platform: Windows
WinMail Decoder2.01
Decode and retrieve attachments from WINMAIL.DAT files effortlessly
Vote: 5.0/10 (3 votes) Platform: Windows
Codec Decoder1.0
Easily decode and play various media formats on Windows
Vote: 4.0/10 (10 votes) Platform: Windows
Cargo Decoder5.1.1
Handy, searchable reference to the 2016 Emergency Response Guidebook
Vote: 4.5/5 (40 votes) Platform: Android
ROT13 Translator1.0.2
Plain and simple ROT13 encoder/decoder.
Vote: 4.5/5 (60 votes) Platform: Android
MPEG-2 Video Decoder2.0
Efficiently decode and play MPEG-2 format videos on Windows systems
PRO: Comes with a text file for license and changes
CON: Doesn’t work sometimes
Vote: 6.5/10 (30 votes)
Platform: Windows
WMA Encoder Decoder1.5.2
Convert various audio file formats to and from WMA with ease
Vote: 8.0/10 (6 votes) Platform: Windows
VAG VIN Decoder1.3.3
Decode VIN, options and engine codes for VAG cars.
Vote: 3.5/5 (74 votes) Platform: Android