
Google Maps

Google Maps11.48.0801

Real-time GPS navigation & local suggestions for food, events, & activities

Google Maps is a navigation app for Android and iOS which supports voice navigation, saving maps

Vote: 3.6/5 (142 votes) Platform: Android

G Maps1.0.0.5

App for accessing Google Maps from your desktop

PRO: 4 map types
CON: Limited points of interest information
Vote: 6.2/10 (80 votes) Platform: Windows

Google Maps Engine2.2.1.4

Create and edit custom maps on the go.

Google Maps Engine is a versatile tool from Google that facilitates the creation and sharing …

Vote: 4.0/5 (85 votes) Platform: Android

Google Maps Go159.0

Get real-time traffic, directions, search and find places

Google Maps Go is a streamlined, lightweight version of the original Google Maps application. <h3 …

Platform: Android

Maps for Windows 81.0.1022.0

Windows 8 client for Google Maps access with mapping features

Vote: 0.0/10 (0 votes) Platform: Windows

Maps Measure1.4.4

Measure the world! Calculate distances, areas and elevations in Google Maps

Vote: 4.0/5 (103 votes) Platform: Android


The app uses Google Maps,

Vote: 3.5/5 (108 votes) Platform: Android

Voice Map1.4.4

VoMap helps you to get directions on Google Maps by using voice commands.

Vote: 4.0/5 (92 votes) Platform: Android

Nav Launcher3.0.0 beta 9

A convenient launcher for Google Maps Navigation

Vote: 4.0/5 (55 votes) Platform: Android

Street View on Google Maps2.0.0.447485744

Create your own Street View imagery or virtually explore the world

… Never get lost again with Street View on Google Maps. If you find that it's hard to locate where …

Vote: 4.0/5 (66 votes) Platform: Android