
File Uploader Uploader3.1.0

Share even large files with one click from your Android device

Vote: 3.5/5 (102 votes) Platform: Android

Screenshot Uploader0.24

Quickly take pictures of your desktop and upload them wherever you want from your Windows desktop

PRO: Basic image editor
CON: Only JPEG images
Vote: 9.0/10 (3 votes) Platform: Windows

VirusTotal Uploader2.2

An antivirus program for Windows that is used to remove viruses and other malware 

PRO: Integrates well with context menu and command line
CON: Pretty ugly
Vote: 9.2/10 (14 votes) Platform: Windows

Panoramio Uploader1.3

Photo-sharing app that uses geolocation to discover photos

Platform: Android

Free Uploader for Facebook1.2.37.328

A plugin for downloading online videos using Firefox

Vote: 6.4/10 (74 votes) Platform: Windows

Picasa Facebook Uploader

Effortlessly upload your favorite photographs and other images from Picasa on Facebook from a computer

Vote: 6.3/10 (28 votes) Platform: Windows

Facebook Photo Uploader1.4.1

Resize your saved images and upload them to Facebook without having to sign into each time

Vote: 5.9/10 (7 votes) Platform: Windows

Photo Auto Uploader1.1.1

Automatically upload pictures to Picasa or Facebook after pictures are captured.

Vote: 4.0/5 (61 votes) Platform: Android

Yts Browser2.4.0

Browse through the movies uploaded by the popular uploader YIFY!

Vote: 4.0/5 (91 votes) Platform: Android


An Android App for maintainers, uploaders or developers of the Debian community.

Vote: 4.5/5 (75 votes) Platform: Android