CraigsList Reader20.9.2.15
Streamline your CraigsList searches and enhance browsing with this intuitive desktop client
PRO: Can check ads and notify you in case of changes
CON: Interface glitches
Vote: 6.0/10 (10 votes)
Platform: Windows
Daily for Craigslist3.9.2
Daily is the #1 app for Craigslist classifieds and is free for Android.
Vote: 4.0/5 (96 votes) Platform: Android
Postings for Craigslist3.2.1 (2016.07.04)
A clean and simple search app for Craigslist postings.
Vote: 4.5/5 (102 votes) Platform: Android
Browser for Craigslist1.4
Browser for Craigslist is a unique app that helps you find content on Craigslist
Platform: Android
Ad Browser for CraigslistAd Browser for Craigslist-4
An ultimate, free and best way to browse Craigslist classifieds in USA & Canada
Platform: Android
Garage Sales, Everywhere!4.7.0
Find Craigslist garage, yard, and estate sales on your Android device, Free!
Platform: Android