
Convert To Amr

AMR to MP3 Converter1.4

Efficient tool to seamlessly convert AMR files to MP3 format on Windows

PRO: Does what it promises
CON: No editing
Vote: 6.6/10 (64 votes) Platform: Windows

MikSoft Mobile AMR Converter1.5.0

Efficiently converts audio files between AMR, MP3, and WAV formats for mobile compatibility

PRO: Batch conversion mode
CON: Cumbersome user interface
Vote: 10.0/10 (5 votes) Platform: Windows


A complimentary educational tool for science enthusiasts on Windows systems

Vote: 6.6/10 (24 votes) Platform: Windows

FreeStar AMR MP3 Converter2.0.1

Easily transform AMR audio files into MP3 format on Windows

Vote: 2.3/10 (8 votes) Platform: Windows

Convert Image1.86

Easily transform image formats with this intuitive Windows application

Vote: 3.0/10 (2 votes) Platform: Windows

Convert to PDF2.0

Easily transform any document into PDF format on Windows

Vote: 4.0/10 (3 votes) Platform: Windows

Convert XLS16.3.0.753

Effortlessly transform Excel documents into various file formats on Windows

Vote: 7.3/10 (12 votes) Platform: Windows

Incredi Convert8.0.1

Efficiently converts IMM files to PST, ensuring the migration of emails with attachments and tags

CON: English interface only.
Vote: 6.9/10 (20 votes) Platform: Windows

Click to Convert5.8

Efficient tool to quickly convert files into various formats on Windows

Vote: 8.6/10 (3 votes) Platform: Windows

Base Convert2.8.2

Easy binary converter and calculator, HEX, OCT, DEC Bases and franction

Vote: 4.0/5 (50 votes) Platform: Android