Freelancer - Discovery 483+Ambient Lighting Mod
This is Discovery483 mod for Freelancer but now with reduced...
- Category Space
- Size 36.1 MB
- Program by Alexander
Freelancer - Discovery 483+Ambient Lighting Mod
This is Discovery483 mod for Freelancer but now with reduced and more moody ambient lighting for each system, all 116 of them. This brings out more shadows and colors. Sometimes the effect is mild...other times striking. I never liked how the orginal game looked so heavily washed out. You'll noticed the difference from the first system, it will be darker and have a slight bluish tint to it given off by the local sun.
Freelancer: Discovery Mod v4.83 by Igiss ([email protected])
1. General Information
2. Installation
3. Recent Changes
4. New Ships
5. Changelog
6. Credits & Thanks
Before you start
Discovery mod was designed to be easy for beginners, but there are several things that you should know before you start.
1) Before turning Open SP on, make sure that you have a backup of Freelancer\DLLS\BIN\content.dll file. Freelancer Mod Manager (FLMM) will delete this file during mod deactivation, and you'll need to restore it manually. If Open SP is not enabled, content.dll will not be deleted.
2) It is not recommended to install any other mods or patches prior to and after Discovery activation. 1.1 official patch is included into the mod.
3) If Discovery won't activate properly in FLMM, your Freelancer installation is most probably corrupt. Reinstall Freelancer, and FLMM, if necessary.
4) Do not forget to transfer scanners, ID items, and armor upgrades each time when you buy a new ship. These items are displayed in 'Internal Equipment' section of ship inventory.
5) ID items present in Discovery are not used only for role-playing. They also act as tractor beams. Freelancer IDs are available for purchase from every base (500 credits).
6) If your large ship gets stuck while undocking from certain space stations, try moving backward, use thruster, or log off and on again with your character.
7) If you are automatically kicked from multiplayer servers, either check your ship loadout for equipment that's no longer mountable on this ship, or stop cheating.
8) Never enable Open SP when playing online.
9) Refer to this Readme if you need help and more information.
The award-winning Discovery modification was designed as a full-scale expansion pack for Freelancer. It breathes new life into the familiar PC game by adding lots of new features without taking away the atmosphere and balance of the original. Discovery allows players to develop and explore far beyond the reaches of unmodded Freelancer, both in multiplayer and in singleplayer modes. The modification adds 63 new systems, 107 new ships, hundreds of new weapons, equipment and commodities, new factions and NPC encounters, and much more - everything seamlessly integrated into Freelancer universe. View distance limitations, 1 billion player credit limit, and 10 million item price limit are all things of the past for Discovery.
After becoming the only Freelancer mod in the top 100 best mods of 2006, Discovery Freelancer has won the Simulation Genre Award of's Mod of the Year-2006 (MOTY-2006). The award recognized our continuous 2-year work on making this mod better; however, the work is nowhere near the end and we are glad to present to you the new version of Discovery - 4.83.
4.83 continues the best traditions of its predecessors with lots of new features to enjoy, including 10 new ships (5 of them are Discovery-exclusive models created by Legeonation, Vaporlynx, and Doom), 4 new and 8 updated systems (many of them clan systems by Dab and Nightfall), dozens of new weapons for fighters and capital ships, armor upgrades for capital ships, new equipment and commodities. Three new factions became part of Discovery with the new release; NPC freelancers can now be seen in many regions of Sirius. Like before, storyline singleplayer is fully supported, and Open SP can be enabled in mod options. See complete changelog below in this Readme file.
Discovery features a storyline about a war between Bretonia and Kusari that started shortly after the Nomad war - read the news on different bases for more details. The story will evolve and continue in future Discovery versions.
If you prefer online play, you are welcome to official Discovery Freelancer RP 24/7 and PvP 24/7 servers, and a number of other servers running Discovery mod. Server operators are allowed to run this mod without any restrictions, IONCROSS data files are included.
Visit Discovery forums at and Discovery website at
- Ambient lighting reduced and altered to all systems
- 107 new pilotable ships of different classes, including brand new ships, custom ships based on original game models, and ships previously available only for NPCs: Starblazer, CSV, Juni's Defender, advanced versions of House fighters, transports, trains, liners, gunboats, cruisers, destroyers, and battleships.
- Each new ship carefully customized - weapons, shields and equipment balanced, cameras placed where they should be.
- 63 new systems, including:
9 fully populated systems - Newcastle (Bretonia), Dundee (Bretonia), Munich (Rheinland), Omega-15, Omega-55 (Border Worlds), Omega-47, Omega-49, Omega-52, and Omicron Delta (Edge Worlds);
30 populated clan systems;
Arena system (Connecticut), and many more.
- Numerous new bases both in new and original systems.
- Player credit limit increased to 2 billion; maximum item price increased to 1 billion.
- Unique and simple docking system - large ships can dock everywhere.
- New assignable hotkeys for up/down strafe and selecting subtargets.
- Evolving storyline about the war between Kusari and Bretonia, and about the pirate war between Corsairs and Outcasts.
- View range increased - you'll see stations, ships, trade lanes from a longer distance (can be changed in mod options).
- Numerous new factions, including 30 guardian factions, Freelancer faction, and more.
- Many dozens of balanced new guns and turrets for fighters and capital ships.
- New equipment, including armor upgrades, scanners, thrusters.
- New commodities and trade routes; all ships drop pilots when destroyed.
- Battleship encounters in most populated systems, Nomad battleship encounters in the Unknown systems.
- Battleship killing missions available, all mission rewards increased.
- NPC AI enhanced, NPCs use shield batteries and nanobots.
- Faction IDs available for role-playing purposes. ID item also serves as a tractor beam.
- Serverside options when activating the mod: server administrators can enable or disable player looting, set starting money and reputation, choose character uniform.
- Clientside options when activating the mod: players can disable or enable intro movies, player engine trails, spinning planets, change view distance.
- Open Singleplayer (Open SP) can be enabled as mod option; players can choose Open SP starting system, credits and reputation.
- Storyline singleplayer available when Open SP is disabled.
- Correct and complete infocards for all new ships, items, and commodities.
- Everything is ready to start your own server: IONCROSS data files included.
- Many other features - see the changelog in this Readme.txt file!
- And last, but not least - retained original Freelancer atmosphere and playstyle.
Official Discovery Servers
Discovery Freelancer RP 24/7
Mod version: 4.83
Current geo location: Czech Republic
Status: RP, Official
Player stats:
Administrators: Igiss, Korrd, Nightfall
Server owner/hoster: Majk.
Quick Connect Shortcut properties:
"C:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\Freelancer\EXE\Freelancer.exe -s82.113.48.5:2302"
Discovery Freelancer PvP 24/7
Mod version: 4.83
Current geo location: United Kingdom
Status: PvP, Official
Player stats:
Administrators: BULLDOGNK, Igiss
Server owner/hoster: BULLDOGNK.
Quick Connect Shortcut properties:
"C:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\Freelancer\EXE\Freelancer.exe -s81.106.181.110:2302"
Other servers that run different versions of Discovery modification are listed here:
Discovery Clientside Installation
1) Requirements:
- Complete and clean installation of Freelancer without any patches or addons. English version is preferable, for all Discovery texts are written in English.
- Freelancer Mod Manager (FLMM) version 1.3 or 1.4 latest beta (currently beta 4). You can get FLMM here:
- For activating 7zip version of Discovery, only FLMM 1.4 beta will work. For activating the zip version, both 1.3 and 1.4 are suitable.
- 100 Mb of free space is required on the disk where FLMM is installed; 200 Mb of free space is required on the disk where Freelancer is installed. If Freelancer and FLMM are installed on C:, 300 Mb are required. No additional system requirements apply.
2) When all required software is installed and ready for use, download the Discovery mod (.zip.flmm file) and double-click it. If FLMM was installed correctly, the file will be unzipped to FLMM folder. "Ready for activation" message will appear, and FLMM main window will open.
3) On this stage, you should be ready to set up options for Discovery. If you are not sure what to choose, refer to appropriate section of the Readme.txt file. If you are going to play Open SP, backup Freelancer\DLLS\BIN\content.dll NOW.
4) In FLMM main window you will see a list of all mods available for activation. Choose Discovery and press Activate. Mod options window will appear. Choose the options you prefer and proceed with activation; this will take some time (up to 1 minute).
5) If the mod is activated successfully, you will see a green mark next to its name in FLMM. Everything is ready for playing now.
6) To reset setup options, deactivate and activate the mod in FLMM. Deactivation of Discovery is absolutely safe and will not corrupt your Freelancer installation. If you enabled Open SP, copy the backup of content.dll to the original folder after mod deactivation.
Before you enable Open SP, don't forget to backup Freelancer\DLLS\BIN\content.dll file! After you deactivate Discovery with Open SP enabled, you'll need to copy content.dll back to Freelancer\DLLS\BIN\ folder. If you did not backup content.dll file before Open SP activation, you may copy OPTIONS\patch.dll file from Discovery folder into Freelancer\DLLS\BIN\ and rename it into content.dll.
Discovery Serverside Installation
1) For the serverside installation, everything is the same as for clientside. Server operators should pay special attention to serverside setup options.
2) Player looting settings should be changed both on clientside and serverside mod versions to work, and it's not recommended to change default value for this.
3) Ioncross Freelancer Server Operator (IFSO) hash files for Discovery are located in the IONCROSS folder in mod root folder. Using ISFO V or IFSO V.1 is highly recommended. You can get IFSO from here:
1) Make sure that freelancer.exe, flserver.exe and other programs that use Freelancer files are not running during the mod is activated or deactivated in FLMM. This applies to Discovery and all other mods.
2) If you have other mods activated in FLMM, they MUST be de-activated prior to Discovery activation.
3) If FLMM reports errors during the mod activation, it is highly recommended to reinstall Freelancer and FLMM. It is also recommended to delete all files from My Games\Freelancer. Make a backup if necessary.
4) If the steps listed here do not help, visit our forums at and report your problem there.
Setup Options
1. Clientside Options
Clientside options work both for multiplayer and singleplayer. If you run a server, changing these options will not have any effect on players.
- Would you like the intro movies on/off? - Off is default.
- What view distance would you prefer? - This setting changes view distance for space stations, jump gates, trade lanes, and other objects. NPC or player ships are not affected. Medium is Discovery default; Low is Freelancer original values; High is for the longest view distance, but might cause low FPS even on hi-end PCs in certain systems.
- Would you like to enable spinning planets? - Spinning planets may not work properly on certain PC configurations. Planets often slow down and stop if you fly far away or just use Alt-Tab to switch windows.
- Would you like player engine trails enabled? - No is default. Player engine trails don't cause graphic issues or slowdowns on most systems.
2. Serverside Options
These options are server-related and should not be changed by players unless necessary. Starting money and reputation options work for server administrators only. Uniform choice and player looting will affect singleplayer game.
- Do you want to enable player looting? - Yes is default, and very few (if any) server operators disable this.
- Set amount of starting money for new characters - 8,500 is default, server administrators may change this value, ranging from 2,000 to 500,000,000.
- Do you want new players to start neutral? - No is default and is recommended for role-play servers. Yes sets all factions to be neutral to beginning players, except Nomads and Administrator Faction.
- What uniform would you like for server characters? - Trent's uniform is default. Choose carefully, for uniform applies to all new characters created on server. This option also works for singleplayer and Open SP.
3. Open Singleplayer Options
If you leave Open SP disabled, do not set Open SP options. FLMM won't let you activate the mod if you do.
Before you enable Open SP, backup Freelancer\DLLS\BIN\content.dll file. When you deactivate Discovery with Open SP enabled, this file will be deleted by FLMM (reason remains unknown, probably FLMM bug). In this case restore your backup, or reinstall Freelancer.
Clientside options will affect Open SP. Serverside options will not, except for player uniform option.
- Would you like to enable Open SP? - Default is No.
- Which system would you like to start in? - There are 53 systems to choose from, including several new Discovery systems.
- How much starting money would you like? - Choose amount of starting credits, ranging from 2,000 to 1,900,000,000.
- What reputation do you want? - Default Discovery reputation is the lawful role-play reputation used in multiplayer. Other options are: All factions neutral, friendly or hostile. Nomads are hostile regardless of your choice.
Do not enable Open SP if you are playing online.
Storyline singleplayer will be active if Open SP is disabled. All clientside options, as well as uniforms, will work in Storyline SP.
New in Discovery 4.83:
- 10 new ships:
Arrow by Vaporlynx
Collector (CSV II) by Doom
Decurion (Advanced Legionnaire)
Dragon Gunboat by Vaporlynx
Griffin (Advanced Hawk)
Huntress Cruiser
Hyena (advanced Bloodhound)
Kusari Cruise Liner
Stinger by Legeonation
Tiger Shark by Legeonation
- 4 new systems:
Dundee (Bretonia)
Omega-52 (Omega space)
Omega-55 (Omega space)
Omicron-64 (Omicron space)
- 8 updated systems:
Connecticut (Arena system)
Omicron-74 (Zoner system) by Dab
Omicron-82 (Phantom system) by Nightfall
Omicron-85 (Outcast system) by Nightfall
Omicron-100 (The Order system) by Nightfall
Tau-63 (Blood Dragon system) by Nightfall
Vespucci (Lane Hacker system) by Dab
Virginia (Liberty Navy system) by Dab
- 18 new stations in both new and updated systems listed above.
- New objects (planets, asteroid fields, wrecks) added to many of the previously empty systems and guard systems.
- 3 new factions: Freelancers, The Wild, and Phantoms.
- Players are visible for other players from longer distance (15K).
- View distance for player and NPC fighters and freighters increased.
- All shipyards now sell capital ships, along with shields, weapons, and equipment for capital ships.
- 12 new level 9 weapons available for fighters. All pirate factions now have their own level 9 weaponry.
List of weapons: Heavy Flashpoint (new version), Barrager Mk V, Protector Mk IV, Suncannon D, Fury 5, Destroyer, Hellflurry Mk IV, Trefoil, Luger Type D, Gaia's Angel, Black Widow (new version), Vulture 4.
- 7 new missile turrets for capital ships added.
- Power and energy efficiency of all capital ship turrets rebalanced; missile turret refire rate halved.
- High-level fighter guns and turrets rebalanced, prices changed.
- Turret number for some of the largest battleships increased from 14 to 16.
- 7 new armor upgrades for capital ships added.
- Fighter turret levels range from 1 to 5 now (original levels were divided by two, so level 10 is now level 5, level 7 is level 4 etc). This was necessary to distinguish between larger and smaller turrets.
- Maneuverability of all gunboats reduced. Balance for all capital ships enhanced.
- Countermeasure dropper hardpoints added to capital ships of all classes, both new and original, including the liners.
- The original Starflier added for sale at Pittsburgh.
- Solaris became a level 10 codename available only from wrecks. Two new codenames added.
- New thruster for capital ships added.
- Explosions of capital ships look more impressive.
- Sounds enabled for Liner, Prison Liner and several other engines.
- Relations between factions updated.
- Nomads are now visible on the faction reputation list.
- Descriptions for many factions updated; new allies, enemies listed.
- Mission level increased for House battleships and certain stations.
- Power of turrets increased for stationary battleships of all Houses.
- Armor and codename weapons now require cargo space to carry (weapons don't take up cargo space when mounted).
- Base price for many original commodities increased to make trade routes more profitable. Many trade routes changed.
- Spaceship Crew commodity added. Server rules for RP and PvP official 24/7 servers available as commodities.
- Special admin commodities available: Warning Notification and Fine Notification.
- New ID types added: Military ID, Pirate ID, Trader ID, Terrorist ID, Phantom ID, and others. ID prices now differ.
- Mineable asteroids drop more loot (fix based on mineable field list by Sid).
- New mod option: view distance selection. Available choices: Medium (Discovery default), Low (Freelancer original), High.
- War between Bretonia and Kusari continues; more news about ongoing events available.
- Many other changes related to weapon and ship balance, system layout, equipment stats, and more.
- Fixed few bugs remaining from 4.82, corrected infocard errors.
Transition to 4.83 from previous versions
Equipment changes necessary after this release:
- Albatross & Assault Battlecruisers: equipping battleship shields is no longer possible.
- Corsair Dreadnought is no longer usable and should be exchanged for another ship.
- Corsair Gunboat - forward gun should be replaced with a turret.
- Liner and Prison Liner - most level 8 turrets should be changed to level 7 or lower.
- Miner - level 8 turrets should be changed to level 7 or lower.
- Mk II light fighters - level 9 shields should be changed to level 8 or lower.
- Starblazer - weapons and shield should be changed.
- Swarm missile pod is no longer usable, should be unequipped and sold.
Player wipe is not required when transferring from 4.82 to 4.83. Wipe is essential if the server previously had Discovery 4.80 installed, and highly recommended if the server had 4.81 installed.
Using Freelancer Player Cleaner by Lancer Solurus ( is recommended to transfer the player database between the mod versions. You can get the correct version of HashList for FL Cleaner from Discovery forums. Remember, backup of player database is essential before cleaning.
-= Fighters and Freighters =-
name weapons cargo hull nb/sb price notes
Arrow 2/0 20 5000 35 1,744,000 Light fighter/interceptor
Camara 0/6 345 8900 70 812,000 Heavy freighter
Death Scythe 6/0 50 4400 33 318,000 Camouflaged heavy fighter
Greyhound 4/0 70 9800 63 1,648,000 Pirate elite heavy fighter
Marauder 6/1 50 7000 44 1,730,000 Agile heavy fighter
Marsflyer 4/2 80 10000 64 Unknown Unknown
Moldy Crow 6/1 60 8200 52 1,215,000 Agile pirate heavy fighter
Raven Claw 8/0 60 9500 62 1,855,000 Advanced very heavy fighter
Raven's Talon 6/1 75 10800 65 2,075,000 Elite very heavy fighter
Slipstream 6/1 40 4800 35 876,000 Agile and fast light fighter
Spatial 6/1 180 28000 300 4,180,000 Space exploration vessel
Stinger 6/1 80 10400 64 1,935,000 Civilian very heavy fighter
Talon 6/1 70 9200 60 1,825,000 Agile heavy fighter
Tiger Shark 3/0 40 5600 36 1,592,000 Civilian light fighter
Viper 6/1 65 8400 54 1,740,000 Fast and powerful heavy fighter
X-Shuttle 6/3 245 5600 35 440,000 Armored freighter
Kadesh Freighter 2/6 190 4000 25 246,000 Middle-class freighter
Kadesh HF 6/0 70 8200 50 1,095,000 Powerful heavy fighter
Kadesh LF 4/0 35 1900 17 43,200 Cheap and nice light fighter
Kushan Freighter 3/5 350 12000 80 1,515,000 Elite freighter
Kushan HF 5/1 55 5400 35 554,000 Middle-class heavy fighter
Kushan Scout 4/0 50 6400 40 1,045,000 Maneuverable light fighter
Kushan VHF 3/2 75 9800 66 1,318,000 Cheapest VHF-class ship
Somtaaw SHF 2/5 160 30000 340 3,540,000 Super heavy fighter
Somtaaw HF 6/1 70 9000 60 1,560,000 Maneuverable and powerful HF
Somtaaw LF 4/0 30 2600 18 68,000 Light fighter with torpedo mount
Taiidan Freighter 4/3 135 2600 18 122,500 Great ship for beginning traders
Taiidan HF 6/1 70 7500 47 932,000 Powerful heavy fighter
Taiidan Bomber 4/0 60 15500 80 3,785,000 Agile and powerful bomber
Raiders Freighter 2/6 400 15000 100 1,795,000 Heavy freighter
Raiders LF 4/1 40 3800 28 148,000 Middle-class light fighter
Liberator 4/0 45 5800 38 1,118,000 Advanced Patriot
Executioner 5/1 65 7500 48 945,000 Juni's 'Defender'
Guardian 5/1 74 12000 68 1,750,000 Advanced Defender
Avenger 5/1 75 13200 72 1,845,000 Advanced Executioner
Anubis* 6/1 65 4200 29 248,500 Order very heavy fighter
Nephthys 6/1 70 14500 78 1,910,000 Advanced Anubis
Hussar 4/0 50 6400 42 1,242,000 Advanced Cavalier
Templar 6/0 76 14000 76 1,895,000 Advanced Crusader
Wyrm 4/0 45 6200 40 1,195,000 Advanced Drake
Blood Dragon 6/1 65 9600 62 1,620,000 Blood Dragons' ship
Chimaera 6/0 70 12400 70 1,760,000 Advanced Dragon
Phantom 4/0 55 6800 44 1,358,000 Advanced Banshee
Wrath 5/1 70 11500 67 1,785,000 Advanced Valkyre
RH Bomber 4/2 120 21800 145 5,120,000 Capital ship killer
Bactrian 4/4 280 8000 50 986,000 Corsair heavy freighter
Hyena 3/1 60 7200 45 1,396,000 Advanced Bloodhound
Werewolf 5/1 90 16000 86 2,155,000 Advanced Wolfhound
Starblazer 4/0 35 3100 25 157,600 Civilian light fighter
Griffin 4/0 50 6600 44 1,308,000 Advanced Hawk
Scimitar 4/1 50 6700 44 1,395,000 Advanced Dagger
Decurion 4/0 45 6300 40 1,414,000 Advanced Legionnaire
Sea Serpent 4/0 40 6400 40 1,285,000 Advanced Piranha
Manta 6/1 80 10600 65 1,885,000 Advanced Hammerhead
No Fighter 3/0 60 11800 65 2,050,000 Nomad fighter
Titan* 6/1 70 13500 73 1,825,000 Corsair very heavy fighter
Sabre* 6/1 70 11200 66 1,755,000 Outcast very heavy fighter
Eagle* 6/1 70 9900 63 1,795,000 Zoner very heavy fighter
* Statistics of original ships provided for reference. Some settings were changed.
-= Trading Vessels =-
name weapons cargo hull nb/sb price notes
CSV 2/1 140 6000 50 162,500 Junkers' Combat Support Vehicle
Collector 2/3 160 12600 110 1,745,000 Junkers' heavy freighter
Armored Transport 2/7 480 60000 240 2,120,000 Heavily armored transport
Repair Ship 0/3 340 14600 750 1,015,000 Repair vessel
Transport 0/5 1000 50000 200 5,000,000 Transport
Large Transport 0/5 2000 80000 350 9,500,000 Large Transport
Lifter 0/5 750 40000 150 3,250,000 Lifter
Miner 0/10 1400 145000 600 8,500,000 Mining Ship
Train 0/6 3000 80000 400 18,000,000 Train
Large Train 0/6 4500 120000 500 45,000,000 Large Train, transport with the largest cargo bay
Kusari Cruise Liner 0/6 1150 75000 380 7,550,000 Cruise Liner
Liner 0/11 2600 190000 700 32,000,000 Luxury Liner
Prison 0/9 2200 140000 600 20,000,000 Prison Ship
Behemoth 2/8 2500 90000 400 14,500,000 Rheinland heavy transport
Container Transport 0/12 4400 140000 550 45,000,000 Transport with the 2nd largest cargo bay
Whale 0/0 3500 100000 450 19,000,000 Transport without turrets
-= Capital Ships =-
name weapons cargo hull nb/sb price notes
LI Gunboat 1*/7 400 120000 350 24,000,000 Liberty Gunboat
LI Cruiser 1*/7 800 240000 500 62,000,000 Liberty Cruiser
LI Dreadnought 0/12 1600 420000 800 350,000,000 Liberty Dreadnought
Osiris 0/12 1500 340000 700 365,000,000 Order/Corsair Battleship
BR Gunboat 0/6 400 110000 350 23,000,000 Bretonia Gunboat
BR Destroyer 0/7 800 235000 500 55,000,000 Bretonia Destroyer
BR Battleship 0/14 1600 440000 800 355,000,000 Bretonia Battleship
KU Gunboat 1*/5 360 95000 350 21,000,000 Kusari Gunboat
KU Destroyer 0/9 700 195000 500 48,000,000 Kusari Destroyer
KU Battleship 0/18 1700 640000 1000 370,000,000 Kusari Battleship
RH Gunboat 1*/6 440 140000 350 28,000,000 Rheinland Gunboat
RH Cruiser 0/11 900 260000 550 70,000,000 Rheinland Cruiser
RH Battleship 0/18 1800 700000 1000 390,000,000 Rheinland Battleship (Safe undocking from certain planets not guaranteed)
NO Gunboat 0/6 320 125000 400 25,000,000 Nomad Gunboat
NO Cruiser 0/10 700 245000 500 44,000,000 Nomad Cruiser
NO Battleship 0/15 1700 670000 1000 385,000,000 Nomad Battleship (Safe undocking from certain planets not guaranteed)
Albatross BCruiser 0/12 900 280000 600 138,000,000 Independent Miners Guild Battlecruiser
Assault BCruiser 0/12 1000 300000 600 145,000,000 Liberty Assault Battlecruiser
Battlestar 0/14 1500 320000 650 315,000,000 Battlestar-type battleship
Battlestar Advanced 0/14 1600 380000 700 360,000,000 Battlestar-type battleship
BH Battleship 0/14 1500 360000 700 345,000,000 Bounty Hunter Battleship
BH Destroyer 0/8 700 190000 500 50,000,000 Bounty Hunter Destroyer
Corsair Gunboat 0/8 480 115000 350 24,000,000 Corsair Gunboat
Dragon Gunboat 0/7 430 100000 350 22,000,000 Blood Dragon Gunboat
Hessian Cruiser 0/12 800 205000 550 60,000,000 Red Hessian Cruiser
Huntress 0/12 600 180000 450 57,000,000 Huntress Cruiser
LH Spyglass 0/16 1600 545000 850 395,000,000 Lane Hacker "Spyglass" Battleship (Safe undocking from certain planets not guaranteed)
LI Carrier 0/16 2000 485000 800 375,000,000 Liberty Assault Carrier
Rogue Gunboat 0/6 400 90000 350 18,000,000 Liberty Rogue Gunboat
Outcast Destroyer 0/12 700 195000 450 52,000,000 Outcast Destroyer
Outcast Dreadnought 0/16 1600 500000 800 370,000,000 Outcast Heavy Battleship
RH PI Cruiser 0/9 800 165000 400 42,000,000 Rheinland Pirate Cruiser
Talarca Cruiser 0/8 600 160000 400 46,000,000 Talarca Light Cruiser
Zoner Juggernaut 0/16 1700 550000 900 400,000,000 Zoner Heavy Battleship (Safe undocking from certain planets not guaranteed)
* = Special forward cannon installed. All forward cannons have different level and cannot be exchanged between ships.
(Safe undocking from certain planets not guaranteed): It is known that some planets damage capital ships more than others. Generally, the larger is the planet, the more reliable is undocking.
Note that large ships often get stuck when undocking from 'depot'-type stations (small stations with two round docking bays, like Detroit Munitions or Freistadt Base). This is an original Freelancer problem, and the mod cannot solve it.
Prices may increase due to additional equipment pre-installed.
-= Ship selling locations =-
name level system
Arrow 30 California
Bactrian 28 Omega-41
Camara 28 Hamburg
Collector 32 New London
Death Scythe 20 Omega-15
Greyhound 30 Dublin, Cortez
Marauder 28 Omicron Theta
Marsflyer 36 Somewhere in Nomad space
Moldy Crow 26 Dresden, Manchester
Raven Claw 32 Omega-15
Raven's Talon 32 Omega-49
Slipstream 24 Magellan, Frankfurt
Spatial 34 Dublin
Stinger 32 Sigma-17
Talon 32 Somewhere in Nomad space
Tiger Shark 28 Omega-7
Viper 32 Omicron Theta
X-Shuttle 24 New Tokyo, Tau-31
Kadesh Fr 12 Stuttgart
Kadesh HF 30 Stuttgart
Kadesh LF 2 Colorado, Stuttgart
Kushan Fr 30 Frankfurt
Kushan HF 26 Frankfurt
Kushan Scout 28 Frankfurt
Kushan VHF 32 Somewhere in Nomad space
Somtaaw SHF 34 Dresden
Somtaaw HF 32 Dresden
Somtaaw LF 7 Cambridge, Dresden
Taiidan Fr 10 Magellan, Munich
Taiidan HF 28 Munich
Taiidan Bomber 32 Somewhere in Nomad space
Raiders Fr 32 Omega-15
Raiders LF 13 Shikoku, Omega-15
Liberator 27 Texas
Executioner 26 Colorado
Guardian 32 New York
Avenger 32 Texas, Sigma-17
Anubis 16 Cortez, Sigma-17
Nephthys 32 Omicron Minor
Hussar 28 Cambridge, Newcastle
Templar 32 Newcastle
Wyrm 28 Hokkaido
Blood Dragon 30 Chugoku
Chimaera 32 Kyushu
Phantom 28 Frankfurt
Wrath 32 New Berlin
RH Bomber 36 Omega-15
Bactrian 28 Omega-41
Hyena 28 California, Dublin
Werewolf 32 Newcastle
Starblazer 13 Colorado, New York, Dublin
Griffin 28 Kyushu
Scimitar 28 Frankfurt
Decurion 28 Omega-41
Serpent 28 Omega-15
Manta 32 Omega-7
Nomad Fighter 34 Omicron Delta
CSV 12 New York, New London
Armored Transport 36 California, Stuttgart
Repair Ship 30 New York, Colorado, Hamburg
Transport 38 New York, Stuttgart
Large Transport 38 Newcastle
Lifter 36 Leeds
Miner 38 Honshu
Train 38 New Berlin
Large Train 38 Newcastle
Kusari Cruise Liner 38 New Tokyo
Prison 38 New York, Hamburg
Liner 38 Cortez
Behemoth 38 Munich
Container Transport 38 New Tokyo
Whale 38 Texas
LI Gunboat 38 Somewhere in Liberty
LI Cruiser 38 Somewhere in Liberty
LI Dreadnought 38 Somewhere in Liberty
Osiris 38 Somewhere in Nomad space
BR Gunboat 38 Somewhere in Bretonia
BR Destroyer 38 Somewhere in Bretonia
BR Battleship 38 Somewhere in Bretonia
KU Gunboat 38 Somewhere in Kusari
KU Destroyer 38 Somewhere in Kusari
KU Battleship 38 Somewhere in Kusari
RH Gunboat 38 Somewhere in Rheinland
RH Cruiser 38 Somewhere in Rheinland
RH Battleship 38 Somewhere in Rheinland
NO Gunboat 38 Somewhere in Nomad space
NO Cruiser 38 Somewhere in Nomad space
NO Battleship 38 Somewhere in Nomad space
Albatross BCruiser 38 Somewhere in Bretonia
Assault BCruiser 38 Somewhere in Liberty
Battlestar 38 Somewhere in Nomad space
Battlestar Advanced 38 Somewhere in Omega space
BH Battleship 38 Somewhere in Omega space
BH Destroyer 38 Somewhere in Omega space
Corsair Gunboat 38 Somewhere in Corsair space
Dragon Gunboat 38 Somewhere in Kusari space
Hessian Cruiser 38 Somewhere in Rheinland
Huntress 38 Somewhere in Corsair space
LH Spyglass 38 Somewhere in Independent space
LI Carrier 38 Somewhere in Liberty
Rogue Gunboat 38 Somewhere in Bretonia
RH PI Cruiser 38 Somewhere in Omega space
Outcast Destroyer 38 Somewhere in Outcast space
Outcast Dreadnought 38 Somewhere in Outcast space
Talarca Cruiser 38 Somewhere in Kusari
Zoner Juggernaut 38 Somewhere in Omicron space
See changes for the most recent version above, in (3) RECENT CHANGES section of the Readme.
New in Discovery 4.83 final:
- Updated Discovery system map (discoverymap.gif).
- Added more news about the war between Kusari and Bretonia.
- Rebalanced trade routes: new profitable routes added, some of the older routes made less profitable.
- Added gun hardpoint, changed hardpoint locations for Collector.
- Increased power rating of Battlecruisers.
- Fixed view distance, maneuverability of the Arrow.
- More fixes and minor tweaks.
New in Discovery 4.83 beta 5:
- New ships:
Arrow by Vaporlynx
Collector (CSV II) by Doom
Dragon Gunboat by Vaporlynx
- Updated system:
Virginia (Liberty Navy system) by Dab
- Tiger Shark updated (larger model, improved hardpoints).
- New commodity: Spaceship Crew.
- Numerous balance enhancements, bug fixes.
- Many infocard text corrections and amendments.
Ships that will require equipment change after this release:
- Tiger Shark must be sold and re-bought!
- Albatross & Assault Battlecruiser: equipping battleship shields is no longer possible.
New in Discovery 4.83 beta 4:
- New ship:
Tiger Shark
- Stinger has less hull and reduced maneuverability.
- Damage for gunboat energy turrets increased.
- Cargo requirements for Capital Armor reduced.
- Bugs found in beta 3, serverside and clientside, fixed.
- Many infocard text corrections and amendments.
New in Discovery 4.83 beta 3:
- 4 new ships:
Kusari Cruise Liner
Griffin (Advanced Hawk)
Decurion (Advanced Legionnaire)
- 4 new systems:
Dundee (Bretonia)
Omega-52 (Omega space)
Omega-55 (Omega space)
Omicron-64 (Omicron space)
- 6 updated systems:
Omicron-74 (Zoner system) by Dab
Omicron-82 (Phantom system) by Nightfall
Omicron-85 (Outcast system) by Nightfall
Omicron-100 (The Order system) by Nightfall
Tau-63 (Blood Dragon system) by Nightfall
Vespucci (Lane Hacker system) by Dab
- 16 new stations in both new and updated systems listed above.
- New mod option: view distance selection. Available choices: Medium (Discovery default), Low (Freelancer original), High.
- New mod option: adding Discovery official server objects. Those objects include: brief version of server rules, AW ID, Helghast ID, Coalition ID.
- New mod option: adding Terrorist IDs for free sale (for PvP servers only).
- 3 new factions: Freelancers, The Wild, and Phantoms.
- Relations between factions updated.
- Descriptions for many factions updated; new allies, enemies listed.
- 12 new level 9 weapons available for fighters. All pirate factions now have their own level 9 weaponry.
List of weapons: Heavy Flashpoint (new version), Barrager Mk V, Protector Mk IV, Suncannon D, Fury 5, Destroyer, Hellflurry Mk IV, Trefoil, Luger Type D, Gaia's Angel, Black Widow (new version), Vulture 4.
- 7 new missile turrets for capital ships added.
- Power and energy efficiency of all capital ship turrets rebalanced; missile turret refire rate halved.
- High-level fighter weaponry rebalanced, prices changed.
- Top-tier light fighters cannot equip shields of level 9 now (except for the Nomad Fighter).
- Turret number for some of the largest battleships increased from 14 to 16.
- Maneuverability of all gunboats reduced.
- Miners can no longer equip Gunboat turrets.
- Weapon slot removed from Corsair gunboat.
- Nomad fighter armor reduced.
- Prices for some ammo types (missiles, mines, cruise disruptor missiles) reduced.
- Solaris became a level 10 codename available only from wrecks. Two new codenames added.
- Power of turrets increased for stationary battleships of all Houses.
- Countermeasure dropper hardpoints added to capital ships of all classes, both new and original, including the liners.
- Explosions of capital ships look more impressive.
- 7 new armor upgrades for capital ships added.
- Thruster for capital ships added.
- Sounds enabled for Liner and Prison Liner engines.
- Mission level increased for House battleships and several other bases.
- Base price for many original commodities increased.
- Players are visible for other players from longer distance.
- New objects (planets, asteroid fields, wrecks) added to many of the previously empty systems and guard systems.
- Nomads are now visible on the faction reputation list.
- Mineable asteroids drop more loot (fix based on mineable field list by Sid).
- Fixed many bugs, corrected infocard errors (as usual).
- And... a surprise: the original Starflier added for sale at Pittsburgh!
Ships that will require equipment change after this release:
- Mk II light fighters - level 9 shields should be changed to level 8 or lower.
- Miner - level 8 turrets should be changed to level 7 or lower.
- Starblazer - weapons and shield should be changed.
- Corsair Gunboat - gun should be replaced with a turret.
New in Discovery 4.83 beta 2:
- New ship: Huntress Cruiser
- Connecticut system re-done (almost) from scratch.
Now has a new station, planets, mine fields, and more... explore yourself!
- All shipyards now sell capital ships, along with shields, weapons, and equipment for capital ships.
- Fighter turret levels range from 1 to 5 now (original levels were divided by two, so level 10 is now level 5, level 7 is level 4 etc).
This is necessary to distinguish between larger and smaller turrets.
- Ship stats changed for Viper, Werewolf, Hyena and a number of other fighters.
- Frigates can equip battleship shields again.
- Gunboat weapons deal less damage, but have better range.
- Flak turrets became more powerful.
- Liner and Prison Liner have less gunboat turret slots.
- Warning Notification and Fine Notification commodities added.
- Armor takes up more cargo space (up to 5), codename weapons now require cargo space to carry.
- HUD: Blocks returned in place of solid lines.
- Fixed a few bugs, corrected infocard errors.
New in Discovery 4.83 beta 1:
- New ship: Hyena (advanced Bloodhound)
- View distance for most fighters and freighters increased.
- Weapon stats and prices for capital ships were changed.
- Many ships rebalanced (mainly fighters).
- Cruise disruptor missiles are significantly faster.
- New general ID types added: Military ID, Pirate ID, Trader ID. ID prices now differ.
- Freelancer ID converted into Mercenary ID, lawful/independent ID similar to Bounty Hunter ID.
- Swarm missile pod and Corsair Dreadnought can no longer be purchased in-game.
- Fixed a few bugs, corrected infocard errors.
New in Discovery 4.82:
- New ships:
Red Hessian Cruiser
Rheinland Pirate Cruiser
- Open Singleplayer integrated into Discovery; see details above in 'Setup Options' section of this Readme.
- Open Singleplayer options available: players can choose starting location, starting credits and reputation.
- New serverside setup options: server administrators can choose starting credits and player reputation.
- New clientside setup options: players can disable or enable spinning planets, choose distance from which trade lane rings are visible.
- Number of new systems is now 59, including 7 pre-4.81 systems and 29 clan systems.
- 3 new stations: Battleship Macduff (Tau-31), Prison Station Fairbanks (Alaska), Fortaleza Base (Humboldt).
- Wrecks and other objects can now be found in previously empty systems.
- Battle for Tau-31 continues: Bretonia sets up mine fields around Harris, Kusari ships trapped.
- 17 new high-level fighter weapons available, many more weapons rebalanced.
- All capital ship turrets became more powerful, gunboat turrets in particular.
- Capital ship forward gun slots no longer allow exchanging weapons; forward guns added for sale again.
- Frigates now have two slots for equipping battleship turrets.
- Different types of shields (Positron, Molecular, Graviton) have same capacity and regeneration rates.
- Gunboat turrets are no longer mountable on most transports.
- Fighter anti-shield (pulse) weapons, nomad weapons and some codename weapons deal less damage than before.
- Newly added very heavy fighters rebalanced (changed maneuverability and weapon slots).
- House advanced light fighters have less hit points now.
- Titan and Werewolf have better power supplies now (for newly bought ships).
- Stations in clan systems now sell faction weapons.
- Level of missions available on new bases increased.
- Police and Navy scan for different pirate pilots and will demand them if found.
- Faction IDs, Neutral and Freelancer IDs cost 500 thousand instead of 1 million. Level requirement for getting an ID is now 40.
- Reputation requirements for purchasing certain IDs (Civilian ID, Zoner ID and some others) became lower.
- Liberty Security Force (LSF) and Phantom IDs added.
- Mod performance and stability improved, both for multiplayer and singleplayer.
- Many bugs and infocard errors fixed.
Transition to 4.82 from previous versions
Player wipe is not required when transferring from 4.81 to 4.82. However, wipe is essential if the server previously had Discovery 4.80 installed.
Most of the empty systems added in previous release were removed. This was done to improve performance, and to make exploration of new Sirius regions less repetitive.
52 of those new systems still remain, including 29 clan systems. Many of them were renamed and relocated, see the navigation map for details (discoverymap.gif).
Characters, multiplayer and singleplayer, that stay in empty systems with no objects (clan systems are safe) should be moved away to populated systems, either by using Ioncross editors or by travelling in-game. Attempt to log in with a character from deleted system will cause both client and server to crash. Therefore, players who enter the server and see '????' symbols instead of system name near their characters should never attempt to log in, but rather contact administrator and request their characters to be moved.
Level of transport turret slots was lowered, so transport owners might get kicked for cheating. To fix this, players should unequip and sell turrets that can no longer be mountable on transports (gunboat turrets).
New in Discovery 4.81:
- 9 new ships:
Container Transport
Corsair Dreadnought
Liberty Carrier
Manta (Advanced Hammerhead)
Nomad Cruiser
Raven's Talon
Scimitar (Advanced Dagger)
Sea Serpent (Advanced Piranha)
- 282 new systems, including 29 populated clan systems. See more details on new systems below 4.81 changelog.
- 29 new Guardian factions that inhabit clan systems.
- Player credit limit increased to 2 billion.
- Maximum price of ships, items and goods increased to 1 billion (from 10 million).
- NPC faction tag is now gained at slightly lower reputation.
- Ship visible distance increased, 'Far' display distance increased, docking initiation distance doubled.
- Capital ship turrets re-ranked: battleships can equip only level 10; cruisers - only level 9; gunboats and transports - level 8 and below; freighters and fighters - level 7 and below.
- Capital ship shields re-ranked: battleships can equip level 10 and below; cruisers - level 9 and below; gunboats and certain transports - level 8 and below; other transports, trains and freighters - level 7 and below.
- 8 new shields added for capital ships and transports, all shields available for purchase.
- All station and weapon platform turrets became more powerful.
- Battleship cruise disruptor added, stats for previously added CDs improved.
- Nova and Mortars became energy weapons (to deal with battleship immunity issues).
- Added Solaris chaingun turrets for gunboats and cruisers, Solaris refire rate reduced.
- Supernova Mine damage and price reduced, item renamed into Nuclear Mine.
- Faction reputations will now change in a different and more complicated way, including The Order reputation.
- Former Freelancer ID renamed into Civilian ID.
- New Freelancer ID allows unlawful activities; may be purchased after level 35 as an alternative to Neutral ID.
- One more armor upgrade and new credit card (100 million) available.
- Ships are sold for 50% price, not 80% like before.
- Bribes became more expensive.
- Dropping multiple pilots from certain ships enabled.
- New modification of Slipstream available (old one is now useless and needs to be re-bought).
- Miner ship model changed.
- Inverness base renamed into Mull base (Inverness is new system name).
- Moldy Crow model replaced with better one (by Mancer), stats changed, ship needs to be re-bought.
- Singleplayer: campaign capital ships have weaker hull now.
- Special administrator faction and items available.
- History developing: Tau-31 is now occupied by Kusari, Bretonia retreating, but planning to strike back!
- Clientside and serverside performance improved.
- Various bug fixes and infocard corrections.
New in Discovery 4.80:
- 14 new ships:
Albatross Frigate
Assault Frigate
Bounty Hunter Battleship
Bounty Hunter Destroyer
Colonial Viper
Corsair Gunboat
Cylon Raider
Guardian (Advanced Defender)
Lane Hacker Spyglass
Liberty Rogue Gunboat
Outcast Battleship
Mephthys (Advanced Anubis)
Talarca Light Cruiser
Zoner Juggernaut
- Three new stations: Rostock in Omega-15, Corfu in Omicron Theta, Ibiza in Omicron Alpha.
- New assignable keys available: selecting previous/next subtarget (station turrets, battleship sections).
- Option that allows to enable engine trails when activating the mod (clientside).
- 51 faction ID items added for role-playing purposes. IDs cost 1 million credits and can be bought from primary bases/planets of each faction - if you are on friendly terms with this faction.
- New ships and commodities have correct icons now (icons borrowed from Evolutions mod, thanks to Chips for allowing to use them).
- Battleship spinning reduced (to some extent).
- History continues: more news added about war between Kusari and Bretonia.
- 7 types of cargo pods available for purchase, to customize look of transports and trains.
- Enhanced balance for many new ships (maneuverability stats, number of turrets, power supplies etc).
- Turret firing angles for many capital ships increased to improve firepower.
- 16 new weapons, including Cruiser and Gunboat modifications of Razor and Inferno, Corsair Cruiser and Gunboat turrets, Order turrets and more.
- Range for cruiser and battleship weapons increased (especially for advanced weapons).
- Gunboat forward turrets hidden, forward guns for Liberty Cruiser, Rheinland and Liberty gunboats removed from purchase.
- All ships have scanners in their default selling packages.
- SUR (hitbox) files for many new ships modified.
- Outcasts fly Huegenot (now known as Outcast Destroyer), Bounty Hunters fly Bounty Hunter Destroyer.
- Huegenot encounters replaced with Rogue Gunboat encounters in Liberty and Bretonia systems.
- 25 new lootable faction pilots added, replacing general pilots.
- Faction relations changed according to ongoing war between Bretonia and Kusari.
- The Order now has encounters in Nomad Worlds, Order displayed on faction reputations list.
- Battleship Isis has a commodity dealer.
- Shields for capital ships made tougher.
- Power supplies for battleships equalized (to 7 million), all power supplies for capital ships improved.
- Raven Claw hit points reduced from 10400 to 8400, Slipstream hit points reduced from 7000 to 6500, price also reduced.
- Somtaaw Light Gunboat became a Super Heavy Fighter.
- Increased number of missions available on all bases.
- Increased difficulty of station killing missions.
- Mission rewards & difficulty on some new bases increased.
- Enhanced several trade routes.
- Name change certificates for players who wish to change their character name (for multiplayer only, sold on four House capital planets, Crete and Malta).
- Fixed looting bug - advanced fighters no longer drop loot like players, will also improve server performance.
- Fixed bug that prevented Rheinland Battleship from launching from Stuttgart and some other planets.
- Fixed sun bugs in Omega-47 and Omega-49.
- Fixed 'internal turret' bug for Kusari gunboat.
- Infocard errors fixed for Inverness Base, Camara and many other objects.
- Various fixes related to server performance.
- Freelancer SDK 1.5 files by Louva Deus included.
- Readme file renewed; new ship stats table contains more info and is more convenient to use.
New in Discovery 4.79:
- 22 new pilotable ships:
Kadesh Freighter
Kadesh Heavy Swarmer
Kadesh Swarmer
Kushan Freighter
Kushan Heavy Fighter
Kushan Scout
Kushan Bomber
Kiith Somtaaw Light Gunboat
Kiith Somtaaw Heavy Fighter
Kiith Somtaaw Light Fighter
Turanic Raiders Freighter
Turanic Raiders Fighter
Taiidan Freighter
Taiidan Heavy Fighter
Taiidan Bomber
Death Scythe
Raven Claw
Battlestar Advanced
and more.
- 5 new systems:
Newcastle (Bretonia)
Munich (Rheinland)
Omega-15 (Border Worlds)
Omega-47 and Omega-49 (Edge Worlds)
created by Angel, with bases, encounters and complete infocards.
- New bases in Liberty and Rheinland systems, created by Angel.
- New bases in Omicron Delta (Freeport 11) and Omicron Minor (Battleship Isis).
- Strafing up and down is now enabled. Players may assign keys for new strafe moves in Options menu.
- NPCs became tougher, especially higher-level ones; now they have better equipment and improved AI.
- New encounters included, featuring advanced fighters of Sirius houses.
- Added 28 new weapons, including Tizona del Cid turret, new capital ship weaponry.
- Battleships, destroyers, gunboats and liners can equip cruise disruptors.
- Ammo limit for all weapons increased from 50 to 70.
- Planet Toledo now has a mooring fixture.
- Turret views and cockpit views improved for many ships.
- Agility stats for most new ships changed.
- Battleships have better power supplies, and their weapons consume more power.
- Number of turrets for capital ships of similar class is now similar.
- Marsflyer has stronger hull, but comes with less powerful weaponry.
- Liner and Prison Ship can carry more cargo than before.
- All mines deal better damage.
- Omicron Delta is no longer directly connected to Alaska.
- Alaska jumpgate moved to initial position for singleplayer missions integrity.
- New York internal jumphole moved to initial position for the same reason.
- Many balance-related changes for new weapons, equipment and ships.
- Sounds for new items and music for new systems became more versatile.
- Server stability and performance significantly improved.
- Many bugs, flaws and infocard errors fixed.
New in Discovery 4.78.2:
- New pilotable ships:
Liberty Gunboat
Moldy Crow
Rheinland Bomber
Additional information, selling locations and credits for new ships - in the bottom of this file.
- Clientside setup options when activating the mod: you can disable or enable intro movies and choose uniform for your characters.
- Startup player looting option. (For server administrators: do not forget to include your player looting status into server description!)
- New system: Omicron Delta.
- New system: Connecticut, the Liberty Arena.
- 7 new bases: one in New York, one in New London, one in Omicron Delta and four in Arena.
- Planets Gammu and Primus sell commodities and ships.
- Prison Station Mitchell in Alaska is active, Alaska now has NPC encounters and more.
- Singleplayer Omicron systems open for exploration.
- New weapons added, including chainguns of 5 different levels.
- Armor upgrades available for purchase.
- Scanners and tractors available for purchase. Don't forget to transfer them while buying a new ship!
- 14 new commodity types added, including credit cards.
- Hit points for capital ships increased due to hidden armor removal.
- All mission rewards increased 1,8-2 times.
- Battleship killing missions included.
- Mining in many asteroid fields became more profitable.
- Bribes became 4 times more expensive.
- Starting reputations slightly modified.
- CSV is now a freighter, not a fighter.
- Trains can equip tractor beams.
- Damage of 5.88 refire rate weapons increased to enhance weapon balance (thanks to Titus for pointing out this issue).
- Many bugs fixed, including bug with 10th mission (thanks to Macster), multiplayer lag reduced.
New in Discovery 4.77.1:
- New pilotable ships:
Liberator (modified Patriot)
Avenger (modified Executioner)
Hussar (modified Cavalier)
Templar (modified Crusader)
Wyrm (modified Drake)
Chimaera (modified Dragon)
Wrath (modified Valkyre)
Phantom (modified Banshee)
- Blood Dragon is now capable of equipping level 10 shields and weapons.
- Capital ships turrets are available for sale on major planets of each House.
- Level requirement for buying new ships and equipment is now 38 (single-player compatible).
- Fire rate of capital ship missile turrets reduced.
- Gunboats and cruisers no longer come with forward guns pre-installed; players can buy them separately.
- Turrets from capital ships cannot be equipped on transports, freighters and fighters.
- Power supplies for capital ships regenerate slower.
- Titan is slightly more maneuverable and has better power supply than before.
- Torpedo speeds increased.
- Level of detail ranges for stations and large ships increased - you'll be able to see further than before!
- New York internal jump hole relocated.
- Orinoco nebula in Omicron Theta relocated.
- Cruise speed is now displayed correctly.
- Fixed Executioner strafe bug and other bugs.
New in Discovery 4.76:
- New pilotable ship:
Blood Dragon
- New commodities: VIP's and prisoners. Both are special commodities with high buy prices and even higher selling prices - for players who enjoy challenging trade routes and high profits.
- NPC ships now eject pilots when destroyed. Captured pilots can be sold at bases.
- NPCs will scan your ship for pilots, so watch out.
- Only battleships, cruisers, gunboats, miner and liners are able to equip Battleship and Cruiser shields. Transports can equip their own shield types and Gunboat shield.
- Defense stats for all transport and capital ship shields increased.
- Power output of capital ships increased up to 400.000 - 2.000.000.
- Capital ships weapons - including missile launchers - now consume energy
- Capital ships' flak cannons and forward guns are less powerful.
- Battleship impulse speed is 90.
- Power of all codename weapons increased.
- Nomad weapons now use energy (very small amount).
- NPC shields level 4 and above regenerate.
- All mission rewards are higher.
- Correct and complete infocards for all new ships, equipment and commodities.
- Yanagi Depot trade route made less lucrative.
- Gammu and Primus are now Zoner bases.
- Fixed docking to large stations and many other bugs.
New in Discovery 4.75:
- New pilotable ships:
Luxury Liner
Prison Liner
Nomad Battleship
Nomad Gunboat
Executioner (Juni's Defender)
- Rheinland and Kusari battleships are now able to launch from planets.
- New hitpoint values for all battleships - see the table below.
- Battleship prices increased - 23-26 million credits more.
- Capital ships have weaker missiles, but more powerful forward guns, flak cannons and slightly more powerful turrets.
- New weapons: Nova torpedo launcher and Outcast "Inferno" Pulse Cannon.
- Large train shield bug fixed.
- Corrected HP amount for NPC transports and trains.
- Nomad capital ships drop more, but they became more powerful.
- Fixed infocards for all new ships.
- Fixed HP for components of large ships, both pilotable and NPC.
- Nomad thruster available for purchase.
- Many minor changes and bugfixes.
- Ioncross server datafiles included (see IONCROSS folder in mod root).
New in Discovery 4.74:
- New pilotable ships:
Large Train
Kusari Battleship
Rheinland Battleship
Nomad Fighter
- Malta, Crete, Gammu and Primus have mooring fixtures.
- Nomads are tougher, nomad guns are harder to get.
- NPC transports and capital ships have more HP.
- Planets in Corsair Unknown now sell items, good items :)
- Nomad battleship encounters in Corsair Unknown.
- New weapon - Nova Torpedo Launcher, deals 45000 hull damage.
- Starflier is sold for 10000 more, this should compensate low starting money.
- Bretonia Battleship and Large Transport have tractor beams.
- Many bugfixes related to docking, capital ships equipment and engines, etc.
New in Discovery 4.73a:
- Cargo bay capacity for Liberty, Bretonia and Kusari freighters reverted to default (80, 125 and 175 respectively);
Dromedary (BW freighter) - 215 cargo bay;
Humpback (Rheinland freighter) - 275 cargo bay.
- Engine bug for large ships fixed.
- Anubis added for sale at Kurile and Curacao.
- Initial credits changed to 2500 from 4500 because of abuse. But initial ship costs 4000 more, so when you buy a new ship you'll get 2000 back.
- Wolfhound has 50 cargo bay (instead of 40).
New in Discovery 4.73:
(4.73 was the first public release of Discovery)
- Capital ships prices increased (see table above in this Readme).
- NPC shield battery capacity increased.
- NPC capships spawn quantity reduced.
- Ship prices rebalanced, freighter capacity changed. Liberty freighter - 65, pirate - 90, Bretonia - 105, Kusari - 155, Dromedary - 200, Rheinland - 255.
- Rear view fixed for all new ships.
-= End of changelog =-
Transition to 4.81 from previous versions
Because of extensive balance changes, player wipe is highly recommended when transferring to 4.81. If server administrators are unable to perform wipe for some reason, there are compatibility features that will allow to transfer without wipe. However, if you do so, lag and number of flserver errors will increase drastically, and wipe will still be essential when moving on to future versions.
Transition to 4.80 from previous versions
Do not forget to transfer your faction ID whenever you buy a new ship. Faction ID item also serves as a tractor beam. More information about ID system is available from Discovery forums.
Transition to 4.79 from previous versions
Player wipe is not necessary for 4.79, but players who own following ships must re-buy them:
- Huegenot
- Marsflyer
- Slipstream
Marsflyer weapons and equipment from previous versions might also cause problems, both serverside and clientside.
If problems occur while undocking from stations or planets, unequip all items from your ship and equip them once more.
Transition to 4.78 from previous versions
Don't forget to transfer and mount your scanner and tractor each time you buy a new ship. Scanners and tractors (as well as armor) are equipped in Internal Equipment section of ship inventory, like nanobots and shield batteries.
In 4.78, all original Freelancer ships got new versions with the same stats, to make player looting option possible to implement. Therefore, original game ship hulls cost nothing now, and when you'll try to sell your old ship for a new one, you won't get part of the price of your ship back, like before. This issue only concerns original ships (from Starflier to Titan).
Players who bought capital ships before 4.78 will not notice much difference in their hull integrity after equipping a new armor upgrade, because in 4.77 and before all capital ships came with hidden armor preinstalled. However, now there's no preinstalled armor for new ships you buy, and using upgrades will help a lot.
Lead modder: Igiss
-= System contributions =-
Munich: Angel
Newcastle: Angel
Omega-15: Angel
Omega-47: Angel
Omega-49: Angel
Omicron-74: Dab
Omicron-82: Nightfall
Omicron-85: Nightfall
Omicron-100: Nightfall
Tau-63: Nightfall
Vespucci: Dab
Virginia: Dab
-= Ship credits =-
Homeworld ships: Mantaray, Silvik, Garion (Halcyon Blade), Relic Entertainment
Albatross BCruiser: Nightstalker (Nebulon B-2 Frigate from WTS Ship Addon)
Arrow: Vaporlynx
Assault BCruiser: Darksaber, Zeelich, Gank and Nightstalker (ship from WTS Ship Addon)
Battlestar Advanced: Nightstalker
Behemoth: Mancer
BH Battleship: Nightstalker (Corona Frigate from WTS Ship Addon)
Bounty Hunter Cruiser: Mancer (Corellian CR90 from SW Shippack 4)
Camara: Konflict (from the Konfliction Industries mod)
Collector: Doom
Container Transport: Darksaber, Gringlas, JC and Silvik (from TIE Universe 2.1 mod)
Corsair Dreadnought: Nightstalker (Venator Attack Cruiser from WTS Ship Addon)
Corsair Gunboat: Mancer (Action VI from SW Shippack 4)
Death Scythe: Firebase
Dragon Gunboat: Vaporlynx
Huntress: Nightstalker (Scimatar from WTS Ship Addon)
Kusari Cruise Liner: Nightstalker (Jem'Hadar Fighter from WTS Ship Addon)
LH Spyglass: Nightstalker (Recusant-Class Cruiser from WTS Ship Addon)
Liberty Carrier: Nightstalker (Providence Cruiser from WTS Ship Addon)
Liberty Gunboat: Lord Fjord and )v(aster (Excelcia Mod)
Liberty Rogue Gunboat: Mancer (Adv. Missile Gunship from SW Shippack 2)
Marauder: Porsche (Cylon Raider)
Mars Flyer: Derrin Proctors, Harrier, Glock36 and Crabtree
Moldy Crow: Mancer
Nomad Cruiser: Nightstalker
Outcast Destroyer: Spawn and Bob the Dog (Huegenot from The Next Generation mod by Starfyre Studios)
Outcast Dreadnought: Nightstalker (Procurator Heavy Cruiser from WTS Ship Addon)
Raven Claw: Firebase
Raven's Talon: 3DHeaven
Red Hessian Cruiser: Mancer (Task Cruiser from SW Shippack 4)
RH Pirate Cruiser: Mancer (Starhauler from SW Shippack 2)
Slipstream: Firebase
Spatial: Mancer (Nebulon Ranger from SW Shippack 4)
Stinger: Steven Brenner a.k.a Legeonation (model and textures), Igiss (hardpoints and code)
Talarca Cruiser: Asmo (KitiHawk)
Talon: Recursion Studios
Tiger Shark: Steven Brenner a.k.a Legeonation (model and textures), Igiss (hardpoints and code)
Viper: Porsche
Zoner Juggernaut: Nightstalker (Munificent Frigate from WTS Ship Addon)
Several ships still remain uncredited, if you know their origin please e-mail me ([email protected]).
-= Code & Misc credits =-
Acid: chaingun code, modified (from All Good Things mod).
Angel: new stations in Liberty and Rheinland.
Chips: commodity icons, lootable pilots code (modified, from Evolutions mod).
Macster: singleplayer mission 10 fix.
Nightfall: new mod logos.
Profile: Deuterium commodity.
Wolfpack: files and general assistaince regarding Talon and Battlestars.
Populism Ambient Lighting
Chain guns code originates from Nova Design (Parabolix, Harrier and Dark Dragon).
Battleship encounters based on Advanced Battleship Encounters created by Crabtree.
Spinning planets code based on original script by Warzog, Bob McDob, Crabtree (Spinning Planets addon), and Gibbon (enhanced Spinning Planets).
Note for mod makers: if you use any parts of Discovery mod that were created by other modders (as listed in the Credits section), you'll need to ask their permission for using their work, models in particular. Using original Discovery files and code made by me does not require a permission, but don't forget about credits.
Discovery Freelancer is a non-commercial modification for a PC game; 3rd party content was included for entertainment, demonstration and educational purposes only. No copyright infringement intended.
Microsoft, Freelancer, DirectX, Digital Anvil, the Microsoft logo, the Microsoft Game Studios logo, the .Net logo, Windows, and Windows NT are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries.
Star Wars and related properties are registered trademarks of Lucasfilm Ltd.
Star Trek, Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, Star Trek: The Next Generation, Star Trek: Voyager (and the various logo devices used in them) are copyright Paramount Pictures, as are the characters, related images, and sound from the productions.
Homeworld, Homeworld: Cataclysm and Homeworld 2 are trademarks from Sierra Entertainment © 2003 Sierra Entertainment, Inc. All rights reserved.
Battlestar Galactica® is a registered trademark and copyright of Universal Entertainment. Copyright © 1978, 1998. The Second Coming® is a registered trademark and copyright of Su-Shann Productions/Merlinquest Entertainment. Copyright © 1998, 1999.
All other trademarks and copyrights are the property of their respective holders.
First of all I would like to thank everyone from Discovery Gaming Community ( for support and help during the development and testing of this mod.
Lots of thanks to Majk, hoster of our new official RP server; thanks to everyone who donated, without you building the new server could not've been possible. Thanks to BULLDOGNK for providing his server for our testing and gameplay needs.
Thanks to Korrd and Nightfall, the best server admins ever who provide me freedom to care about the mod (or care about my laziness :)
Very special thanks to Wolfpack for hosting and administering the Discovery Freelancer 24/7 server (2005-2007).
Thanks to Angel, Badger, Circadian_Lupine, Dab, Daedalus, DarkOddity, Denier-of-Soup, Fire-Fly, Fire Tzunami, Harlequinn, Jamez, Kane, Kiggles, Korrd, Lancer, Mantaray, Marauder, Nadir, Nightfall, Profile, Qunitinius~Verginix, Raven, Sid, Virus, Vladic, Wolfpack, Wrath and Xit who contributed the most into tracking bugs and enhancing balance while beta testing and playing on our official servers.
Thanks to Doom, Legeonation, Vaporlynx for creating great new ship models for Discovery.
Thanks to Accushot for FLScan 1.3 and to Lancer Solurus for FL Error Checker, great programs that helped me to find lots of code errors.
Thanks to Dev for tips on breaking Freelancer hardcoded limits; thanks to Louva-Deus for useful modding tools, SDK especially.
Thanks to Chips for most useful modding tutorials posted on TLR, and for allowing to use Evolutions icons in Discovery. Thanks to Nightstalker, Mancer, Firebase and all ship modellers listed in Credits for allowing to use their ships for Discovery.
Finally, thanks to Lancer's Reactor ( for hosting mods and for the most helpful Freelancer forums, and of course thanks to all modding software creators and to everyone who writes tutorials on TLR forums.
Good luck out there!
Alexander Zalessky a.k.a Igiss
Moscow, May 8 2007