Call of Duty: World at War ModTools v1.4
Treyarch has released this toolset allowing modders and...
- Category First Person
- Size 2,825.4 MB
- Program by Treyarch
Call of Duty: World at War ModTools v1.4
Treyarch has released this toolset allowing modders and mappers the tools needed to create mods and levels for Singleplayer and Multiplayer modes for Call of Duty: World at War. It also contains ModTools Package v1.2 and v1.1 update.
The individual download for
Call of Duty: World at War ModTools Package v1.4 Update
Changelog v1.2
- Custom models no longer crash the lighting process in Launcher.exe when compiling a map that contains a custom model.
- Converter's "ERROR: dll version number does not match converter version" error has been resolved.
- Launching "mp_usermaps" in the /mods directory no longer causes clients to be kicked when joining the host's game.
More info can be found in its readme file inside the release.
Changelog v1.1
- and all .map prefabs associated with it.
- code_post_gfx_mp, flamethrower, vehicle, and water CSV files.
- ambient, attack, and sprint Zombie sound effects.
- destructibledef and destructiblepiece files