
Sewage Treatment Plant

Quake 3 deathmatch map...

Sewage Treatment Plant

Quake 3 deathmatch map. Emphasis on smaller weapons, stealth, and strategy. Lots of hiding spot, plenty of powerups.




Title: Sewage Treatment Plant

Project: Quake 3 Deathmatch Map

Author: Fiend

Email: [email protected]


Date: 4/30/2003




Deathmatch: Yes

Tourney: Yes


Bot File: Yes

New Textures: No

New Shaders: Yes

New Sounds: No

New Music: No

- Put f_q3dm01.pk3 in the baseq3 folder in your Quake 3 directory.

- Start Quake 3 as normal.

- It should show up in the skirmish menu under single player.

- Bring down the console and type "sv_pure 0" before you start

the game. Otherwise, you'll be kicked back to the menu screen

with an error message. I asked someone about this and they

told me it was unavoidable.




This is my first Quake 3 map and the first map I've ever

truly released. I've worked on countless maps for Quake 2

and Half-Life over the years, but this is the first time

I've had the resolve to actually finish one.

The map doesn't look at all the way I imagined it would when

I began it. Rather, it gradually mutated into something

only vaguely reminiscent of my original idea. There's one

fairly large area with lots of smaller rooms and places

around it. There's a lot of influence from Doom and Quake 2

in the architecture. I always enjoyed deathmatch in the

Quake 2 single player maps more than the oversimplified maps

that came out later (and most of the arenas in Quake 3).

Some people will probably complain that there's no rocket

launcher or railgun in the map. I was trying to emphasize

stealth and strategy over one-shot kills and mindless

running. In all honesty, the map really doesn't play that

stealthy, but that's probably because I haven't tested it

with human players. I didn't really design the map to be

bot-friendly, but they seem to do well enough to make it


I've tried to balance the lack of big weapons with various

powerups and other items. You'll have to look around to

find some of them, since they're not all lying around in

plain sight. There are two shotguns, a grenade launcher,

haste, regeneration and invisibility. To get the yellow

armor, the red armor, or the lightning gun, you'll have to

explore a little. Congradulations if you get the quad

damage. The BOTS can't even find that one.

Lastly, I've never been inside a sewage treatment plant, nor

has anyone I know. I've tried to make the map look

realistic, but I'm sure it's wildly inaccurate, so please

don't email me ranting about pipes and tanks and valves.




I compiled the map with fast vis instead of normal vis.

Towards the end, it was taking hours to compile just to test

it. I tried to do a full compile when it was completely

finished and I ended up crashing my Dell. The map runs fine

on my computer, but if it happens to run poorly on someone

else's, I apologize in advance.

I put a lift in the map, but since lifts aren't really used

in Quake 3, there are no sounds. You'll probably get a

warning message when the map first loads.

The bots won't use the lift. This is really not that big a

deal, since they seem to use my stairs just fine. They also

won't get some of the hard-to-reach items like the quad

damage and the regeneration. I really don't care.

Finally, if you are swimming underwater in the raw sewage

and happen to look up and spot a glass window outside the

water, you'll see something that doesn't quite look right.

I'm not exactly sure why, but maybe shaders can't affect

other shaders.

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