
SoftImage|XSI EXP for Half-Life 2 Tutorial Part 4

Creating Characters, Models and Environments for Half-Life 2...

SoftImage|XSI EXP for Half-Life 2 Tutorial Part 4

Creating Characters, Models and Environments for Half-Life 2 tutorial part 4. Learn how to make and animate high-quality Half-Life 2 characters with the SOFTIMAGE|XSI EXP for Half-Life 2.

This series of videos covers the wildly popular session organized by Softimage with the gracious support of ATI and Valve at GDC 2004. This session explores the entire character creation and build process, from choreography and character layout using the dedicated Valve Source Engine tools, to the deployment of the resulting character in a sample environment. Instruction includes modeling, texturing, enveloping, animation, and the all important export pipeline. Hosted by John Morello (DoD animator/designer, Valve) and Michael Isner (Softimage Special Projects).

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