
EZ-Scripter v0.7

Its like notepad on steroids, but not really, its comprable...

EZ-Scripter v0.7

Its like notepad on steroids, but not really, its comprable to programs like Visual c++, or Visual Basic, as it color codes everything you write or load up. This makes writing the code more organized, and hopefully, easier.


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|| EZ-Scripter v0.7 ||

|| ||




****This program requires the VB6 Runtimes, they can be found at


1) Reason

2) What the heck is this?

3) Features

4) Whats next?

5) How do I change the stupid colors???

1) Reason:

I created this for the soul purpose of making scripting for Tribes much easier

for you. I love using the scripts you distribute, so i figure this is my way of giving something back.

2) What the heck is this?

Well, its like notepad on steroids, but not really, its comprable to programs

like Visual c++, or Visual Basic, as it color codes everything you write or load up.

This makes writing the code more organized, and hopefully, easier.

5) Features

** indicates features in development

.Simple, Notepad like environment

.Easy to use

.Automaticly colors characters as you write them

.Changable Colors(see section 5)

.Favorites that save your Banners or Often used scripts**

.Many more to come, i just need your feedback

4) How do i use it?

Use it like word or notepad, i tried to make is as easy as possible for you to

use. When you load a script, it will take a few seconds to a minute to color it, and then just type away, it colors it as you type even(not easily done in Visual Basic i might add,

it took me a week just to figure that one out! ) Anyways, there will be more options as it

developes further, there will probably be a new one posted every weekend(School/work


4) Whats next?

Well my friend, that is up to you, im making the program for scripters, so any reasonable request i recieve i will try to incoorperate into the program, just give me some

feedback at [email protected].

5) How do I change the stupid colors.

Well, i tried to make that as simple as possible, you just have to know the hex code

of the color you want.(Ill be adding a Hex converter later). There is a file in your

Directory call "colors.stg", open it with notepad or EZScripter. It will look like this,

But without the comments on the side, i put tem there so you an tell which color goes to

what, just change the hex color of the character you choose.

[Text Colors]

&H8000& "/"

&HFF& ";"

&HFF0000 "("

&HFF0000 ")"

&HFF& ":"

&H40C0& "{"

&H40C0& "}"

&H404040 "["

&H404040 "]"

&H800080 "="

&H800080 "+"

&H800080 "-"

&H00FF0000& "%"

&H00FF0000& "$"

&H00FF0000& "!"

&H80000005& --EVERYTHING ELSE--

[Background Color]

&H80000009& --Color of text window--


**Copyright 1999 Joshua McDonald, please respect this.

Joshua McDonald



[email protected]

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