
PotC Build v8.4

This is a MOD build for Pirates of the Carribean wich adds...

  • Category Action RPG
  • Size 16.5 MB
  • Program by NathanKell

PotC Build v8.4

This is a MOD build for Pirates of the Carribean wich adds 95 great features !

NathanKell POTC Mod Build

Special thanks to:

Sailor Al


Vice Admiral Wallace


Pirates Ahoy! ( and Ellaybe Island (

Everyone who contributed mods to this build!

Please post at the forum in either community if you have comments / questions / need of help.

This archive is all you need to get playing POTC with the latest mods! All you need to do is extract this archive’s two folders into your main POTC directory and choose “overwrite all.”

Suggestion: make a backup of your PROGRAM folder, and the INI and QUESTSTEXT folders in RESOURCE, before you install this build.

After installing, none of your old saved games will work, and you must start a new game. Then you can play normally. Note that if you are upgrading from a previous version of the build, you may or may not have to start a new game, only re-initialize (see the Changelog for more details).

Please see attached file Docs for Crew Morale - Divide the Plunder for documentation for that mod. Even if you’re already familiar with it, please read that documentation!

Please see attached file Quests Added.txt for all the re-enabled quests and their walkthroughs.

Please see attached file Changelog.txt for a list of what’s changed since the last build, and the current date of this build.

Note: Difficulty levels have now been implemented!

New Commands:

(At sea) F2-> Enter/Exit Cabin to enter cabin

(in cabin) F2->Enter/Exit Cabin to exit cabin

L: Toggles various logs on/off (the character-appear logs, the XP logs, etc.)

K: Toggles Always Run on/off (you must change the area to “refresh” the always run state, i.e. walk somewhere and make the scene change, or enter/exit your cabin)

I: Reinitialize. You MUST do this at least once after adding items/ships/rumors, or changing prices/stats, i.e. if you’re upgrading from a previous build. See the Changelog for more details.

N: Change your name. This resets your name to the name entered in the Name.c file in the PROGRAM folder in your POTC folder. You can edit it with notepad and change the name listed; then just load the game and press N, and your name will update.

T: Shows the name, fencing skill, and HP of the character in front of you.

R: Toggles 1x/3x time acceleration.

G: If time is 1x, sets to 10x; otherwise sets to 30x (press R to go back to 1x).

ALSO: If you attempt to board your ship from land, and the game crashes, reload and press T and then try again. If it still crashes, drop me a note at either forum.

Added Things / Things to be Aware of:

The relations system from Pirates! Gold has been implemented. You can now buy Letters of Marque (if the nation is neutral or better towards you), buy amnesty if they’re wary or worse, be promoted and gain land, renounce service, etc. Talk to a governor, and check your relations screen, for more. Note that merchants and shipwrights may not deal with you, depending on your relation with their nation and your reputation.

Towns now have populations, which can increase or decrease over time, depending on the amount of food available. A chunk of the population is killed / leaves town, when you sack the town. Troops in forts, and crew available for hire in taverns, and goods available in stores, are based on town size. Goods' prices are based on the quantity of the good vs. the size of the town, and price updates for each unit of goods purchased. Note: goods price calcs take time--if your game looks like it's frozen up, give it a minute; it's just calculating cost. The town now also has a set amount of gold, which changes based on population size and in trading with the merchant and shipwright; if they don't have enough money, you can't sell...this gold is also used to find how much booty you take when you sack the town (and that gold is then subtracted from the town's gold). XP on sacking is based on number of troops; after sacking a town, population decreases (as does number of troops), and then slowly grows back.

Town gold is displayed on the right side of the “gold bar” when trading with merchants or shipwrights; your party’s gold is on the left. When buying and selling goods, the current price to buy or sell a unit of that good is displayed in the center of the bar. The average price per unit is displayed in parentheses after the total price to buy/sell.

Ask a citizen in the streets about the colony; they'll tell you the population.

If town size or goods get screwed up, press I to reset towns to default population, goods, and gold.

You can now change the difficulty level. Talk to a hired encounter officer (one you get from a tavern, not from a quest) and say you feel you don’t fit in. Then choose your new difficulty level. The difficulty level defaults to Apprentice, the easiest. As the difficulty level increases:

1. Enemies get generated with higher ranks and /much/ more HP per rank (3 vs 12 or so).

2. Friends (at the moment, only officers and boarding crew count as "friends" for generation purposes) get lower ranks and /much/ less HP per rank.

3. Captains are more likely to have officers helping them, and are more likely to be higher level, above and beyond the normal increase to rank based on difficulty. At Swashbuckler level, captains' ranks are "uncapped" from ship class, so you'll see someone ranked higher than you even captaining a lugger.

4. Encountered ships start with less random damage.

5. Your crew gets mad faster and wants more gold if you've signed articles and thus give your crew shares; and salary is higher than normal, if you haven't. On the other hand, you get more gold too…

6. Characters are more likely to be generated with better equipment at higher difficulty levels. i.e. at Apprentice, minimum level required for swords is 2x normal, rarity for swords is normal, and guns are never given. At Swashbuckler, minimum level for swords is normal, swords are twice as likely to be given (i.e. 1/2 as rare); min level for guns is 1.33x normal, and they are 0.44x as rare.

7. The damage you do is increased at low levels, and damage done to you decreased; at high levels, damage done by you is decreased, and damage done to you is increased.

8. Less crew available for hire at taverns, and their morale is lower.

You can also choose whether or not the classes of ships encountered are capped based on the class of your own ship. The officer will tell you whether that’s on or off when he tells you your current difficulty level, and you can toggle it by choosing choice 5.

You can change from being a normal captain to a privateer, and back again, the same way; choose the option “Let’s sign articles” if you want to be a privateer and pay your crew shares of the plunder (and have share size increase/decrease morale); once you’ve done that you can change back again, but only on the same day you divide the plunder.

If you take a captain prisoner, you can ransom him; go to the Passengers view and scroll over to him, then click Release. You can also execute him, for XP but a hit to reputation.

You can change your clothes by talking to an officer you’ve hired from a tavern.

You can change the rations for food and rum by talking to a quartermaster you’ve hired from a tavern. Doing so will also tell you how many days of food and rum are left at current rations. Choose “What’s the status of our provisions?”

Minimum crew is now enforced for ships. This means that you cannot take a ship as a prize unless you give it sufficient crew first, and you can’t swap ships unless you have enough crew to man your new one. Once you own a ship—whether your own, or a newly-taken prize, you can only reduce its crew to minimum by transferring crew. If the conditions aren’t met, you’ll hear a knocking sound. Just add more crew and then it should let you do whatever you want to do. If it knocks when it shouldn’t, assign a captain and then remove him, then try again.

Ability to raise and lower flags at will. Speak to a tavern-hired officer and choose to change your colors. Note that this will NOT change your relation with nations, just the flag your ship is flying.

Here are the mods included, in the order installed, and their descriptions. You must start a new game anyway, so disregard any instructions about prerequisites or restarting the game. However, some mods do require reinitializing. You can of course uninstall any mod you don’t like, assuming it’s not a prerequisite to another mod; also, you can install any mod that is not included here, again assuming you install its prerequisites (if any) first; but do both before restarting the game, reinitializing, and saving for the first time. To install or uninstall a mod you need Viper’s Patcher.

Have fun!

1. Scumdog’s soundpack.

2. Blue French uniforms from the French Corsair modpack.

3. Stone-D’s mods, including More Random Officers, Surrender Mod, Character Sheet, Sell All. Note that the SM has been tweaked so you can ransom captives anywhere.

4. Viper - AdmiralWestside - Stone-D's Character Sheet Enhancement v2.0 Revamped Description=This MOD, originally by Stone-D allows you to see and adjust skills/abilities for ALL of your passengers in the character screen, instead of just your captains and companions. AdmiralWestside made some modifications to allow you to also see the crewmembers on other vessels, instead of just the captain. I recently reworked the order of the officers to make things more organized. I also fixed the 'error_error' officer bug that was in the original versions.

5. Viper - Pre-req for adding new ships Description=This MOD modifies the variable structure used by the ships.h file to make it much easier for modders to distribute their new ships to the end-users.

6. Mithrandir - Weather Mod

7. ALexusB - Additions to Officer Dialog Description=Gives three new options in dialog with you random officers: a "come with me on boarding/sit out boarding" toggle, "Follow me," and "Stay here."

8. ALexusB - Always Run Description=This MOD makes you run unless you hold the RUN key (default = Shift), then it allows you to walk :).

9. ALexusB - Bugfix - Officers not equipping 4x pistol Description=This MOD fixes a bug in the game where an officer with Professional Gunman ability refuses to equip a 4x pistol, because the game is checking whether the Main Character has the ability instead of the officer in question...

10. ALexusB - Charge cannon with keyboard Description=This MOD allows you to change cannon ammo types using the numbers 1-4 on your keyboard to select between Balls, Grapes, Knippels, and Bombs, respectively. Note that if you load a savegame that was saved before installing this mod, you will need to reset your controls to default in the options menu to fix the control interface.

11. ALexusB - Crew / Cannon Recharge Description=This MOD makes cannon recharge time based on crew amount and morale.

12. ALexusB - Minimum Crew Enforced Description=This MOD enforces the minimum crew of vessels--they can't be taken with less than minimum crew.

13. ALexusB - Timescale and Show Names (edit by NK) Description=This MOD allows you to change the timescale anywhere, and shows the name of the person you're looking at. Edited by NK: Now includes 1x/2x time (*, only at sea), 1x/3x time (R), and 10x/30x time (G). Name/Skill is set to T. Note: With timescale at 1x, press G once for 10x time, and once again for 30x time. Once at 30x time, press R to go back to 1x time.

14. ALexusB - Quest Bugfixes / Larrouse Description=Bugfixes to a couple quests, and the Clair Larrouse quest is reenabled.

15. ALexusB - Sail Ho Description=This MOD changes the worldmap interface to allow you to sometimes skip encounters. Translation and lil' bitty tweak by NK.

16. ALexusB - Saved Games Dated Description=This MOD adds the date to the saved games' titles.

17. ALexusB - See Distance Description=This MOD lets you see the distance to a ship with the best spyglass.

18. ALexusB - Set ON perk InstantRepair if officer has it Description=This MOD allows the game to also check sub-officers of ships for the Instant Repair ability, instead of just the Main Character or captains.

19. ALexusB - MOD-Ship can fire with all ammo Description=This allows enemy ships to switch to other ammo types depending on range, instead of always just using bombs.

20. Amokachi - Goods Quantity Description=This MOD gives stores more goods (x10) to allow for trade fleets.

21. Amokachi - Hoist Pirate Flag Description=Places a new ability icon when at sea that allows you to hoist the pirate flag. Raising a pirate flag via the battle interface will make you hostile only with those nations that are present at that time and can see you do it.

22. Draksen - 40 Save Slots Description=This MOD lets you save 40 times instead of 20.

23. Keemo - Remove Undead Description=This mod removes the undead from random encounters.

24. Keemo - See Crew on Deck in First-Person Description=This MOD lets you see your crew on deck in First-Person mode. (also including the high-rez crew mod)

25. KFleshman - Play Past Ending Description=This MOD allows you to keep playing after completion of the main quest.

26. kobuk/NK - Larger Fleets Description=This MOD adds more, larger fleets to encounter. Per kobuk, modified by NK so they're somewhat smaller and called in addition to the normal encounters, and so the total number of ships possible in an engagement is "uncapped." Also added is a global variable, MAXPIRATECLASS, that determines the best class of ships pirates get (currently set to 2). Version 3.

27. NK - Buy Men o'War Description=This MOD lets you buy Men o'War in yards. Per Rafe Bligh. Recommended to also set MoW encounterable in the Ships_init file.

28. NK - Encounter Distance Description=This MOD makes battles start 6x further away.

29. NK - Tweak Experience from swordfighting and Give Dead's Blade Description=This MOD changes the experience so it's not just based on the difference between skills but the average of the skills as well, and sometimes gives you the blade of the fallen enemy.

30. NK - Fix Artois Quest Description=This MOD fixes the Artois Voysey quest so it doesn't half-restart every time you visit Conceicao.

31. NK - Fix Cannons v5 Description=This Mod changes the cannon. The ranges have been scaled to the best of my knowledge, 1/6 normal range: 12=640, 16=775, 24=920, 32=1100, 12cul=800, 16cul=970, 24cul=1150. 32s have been re-enabled, and their damage has been scaled up (from 3 to 9, vs. a 24's 4). Also, cannon reload rates have been doubled and their damage tweaked, as was the different ammos' damage.

32. NK - Fix Tutorial Description=This MOD fixes the bugs in the tutorial (which appear if you change your starting condition), as well as turning off Malcom Hatcher's invulnerability.

33. NK - Merchant Ship Mods v3 Description=This MOD fills merchant ships' holds, reduces their crew, lowers their morale, and gives them 12pdr cannon only. Also, it slows them down on the world map a little. You now get a calculated (but somewhat random) amount of money when you successfully board a ship, lots for merchants, some for warships (MoW with a really good captain gives about the same money as a Galleon with a good captain), and a very random amount for pirates (from not very much to even more than the above Galleon). Also, the ransom you're payed when you release captives is changed, so it's based on the character's rank, old ship's weight and class, and a random scalar. This REQUIRES Stone-D's Surrender Mod. If you have a previous version of this, please uninstall it first!

34. NK - Pre-Req for New Items Description=This MOD is like Viper's Pre-Req for New Ships mod, but for items. Thanks to Viper for thinking up this way of doing it. Note: You must install this before any mod that includes new items (i.e. my Swords and Items mod or Verruckt's QC Brothel mod).

35. NK - Random Officers Chance Description=This MOD makes random officers appear more often (50% vs. 20%).

36. NK - Reinitialize Stats Description=This MOD allows you reinitialize various arrays, thus updating them without requiring you to start a new game. Included at the moment are: items, ships, goods, cannon, weather, sea encounters, nations, and rumors. If they work, locations will be added. Note that for the update to take effect, you may have to "refresh" whatever you changed, i.e. for items go to inventory and un-equip; go back to normal play; go to inventory and re-equip. You'll probably have to do this for your officers too (and thus you'd need Viper's Force Officers to De-Equip mod). Ships seem to refresh automatically. Probably a good idea to force a scene change before assuming the various reinitilzations will take effect. Lastly, this may break your game. I haven't seen that happen, but it's possible. So be careful. Instructions: If you apply this mod and then load a game, you probably need to go to options->controls->reset defaults. Then go back to the game. If you start a new game, it should be keyed in automatically. Usage: Press the I key during the game.

37. NK – Rumours v2 Description=This MOD changes the Rumour function and the various rumours to be more random, reflect the current island, and give quest pointers, and opens up the possibility of using rumours as a way to add pointers to new quests. With thanks to Donalbane for the trade rumors!

38. NK - Sail Damage Bugfix Description=This fixes a bug in the sail damage routine where the attack character, not the defending character, is checked to see whether they have defense perks.

39. NK - Swords and Items Description=This MOD does two things. First, it changes some swords: upgrades a sword, the Silverleaf, to a new 7500-level price. It's now 24/32, 45/45. It also tweaks the Vagrant slightly, increasing pierce (it is, after all, a rapier). Second, it totally rewrites the function that gives swords, pistols, and glasses to traders, and the one that gives them to characters (the former function in the game seems to have been slapped together with many items skipped and no reference made to rarity or min level in the init file, the latter based on hard-coded choices irrespective of min-levels in the init). The rarity for blades was rewritten, with the starting blades at .9, the expensive blades at .5, the more expensive blades at .37, the very expensive at .25, the hyper-expensive at .1, and the most-expensive (i.e. Corsair's Pride, Conq, Windmill) at .05. Also comments were added to items_init to name the blades. The new functions also support any number of added blades/pistols/glasses for traders and any number of added blades for characters. THIS MOD REQUIRES THE PRE-REQ FOR NEW ITEMS MOD TO BE INSTALLED FIRST. Assuming you have that installed, start a new game or just use the reinitialize mod to make these changes take effect. Updated to sort blades for enemy encounters.

40. Verruckt - Become a Pirate Ingame

41. Verruckt - Quebradas Costillas Shipyard mod Description=This MOD adds a pirate shipyard in the town of Quebradas Costillas. Also, tweaked by NK so Gregor in Oxbay Port has every sword and pistol. Use him sparingly though, half the fun is finding them…

42. Verruckt - Quebradas Costillas Brothel MOD for Pre-Req New Items Description=Adds a brothel near the back of town, sleep with loose women, buy drinks, all in good fun!

43. Viper - Emblemed Sails v2.5 Full Description=This MOD adds a few new pirate sails, as well as an interface to allow you to pick your sails. To activate the interface, talk to any shipyard owner and tell him you need to use his services. The 3rd option will be "I would like to change my ships' sails." After choosing that option, you will then exit the dialog and press ENTER to bring up the interface. NOTE: To install this mod you first have to uninstall any previous versions of the Emblemed Sails Mod. You will also need to have Verruckt's QC Shipyard Mod installed, as well as v1.06 or better of the MOD-Patcher.

44. Viper's Fix for Missing Children Quest Description=This fix allows the Greenford Tavern Keeper to give you access to the 'teacher' being held in the prison, in the event that you've killed the warden

45. Officers De-Equip Things Description=This MOD forces officers to de-equip items before the exchange interface, so you can take things and force them to switch.

46. Viper - Reinstate Rapers Description=This MOD turns the 'Rapers' encounters back on, since Akella scrapped them when Disney took over. Major thanks goes out to skeletor9000 for providing the translated dialog files, and also some of the original .c files (i didn't back mine up first, DOH!) for comparison.

47. ALexusB / NK - Kill-Pirate Quests for VMM Description=This MOD allows the governors to offer you kill-pirate quests. Code, idea, and work by ALexusB, with rough translation and a bit of tweaking by NathanKell, as well as rewriting the ship and skill functions to be compatible with any and all new ships, a max class for pirates (assigned in the encounters mod), and a slight tweak to the gold reward.

48. Duke Suraknar - Xebec Barbarossa - Ship (at QC Shipyard) Description=This Mod adds a new (retextured) ship in to PotC.

49. NK - Pirate Frigate Description=This MOD adds a pirate frigate, because I hate how the Mephisto looks. Buy it, and the Manowar Guber, and the Fearless, at the QC Shipyard.

50. Kell-Mudd Sailing for Professional Scalawags Mod Description=This MOD features the Improved Ship Stats of HarcourtFentonMudd for both Realistic Sailing Mode and Arcade Sailing Mode, and the realistic sailing code of NathanKell for the Realistic Sailing Mode. You MUST have the Reinitialize mod installed, and in order to activate this mod you MUST reinitialize at least once after starting a new game or loading a game that was saved before this mod was enabled. Also, if you switch Sailing Mode you must reinitialize for the ship stats changes to take effect. Note that if you're sailing in Realistic mode you must install NK - Fix Cannons v3 or v4, and NK - Merchant Ship Mods v2, for best effect.

51. ALexusB - Cabin at Sea Description=This MOD adds a cabin option to the F2 menu while at sea. There is one trunk in the cabin and things placed in it do not disappear (and there are no random items). Officers on your officers list (not passengers) appear there with you, and you can exchange items and talk with them (best with the New Officer Dialogs mod). This mod does NOT require a restart! Notes: If you canceled the tutorial in the cabin, the bosun will reappear every time you enter the cabin. You can kill him, but that won't give you the Windmill Slayer, and he'll reappear the next time you visit the cabin. If you ended the tutorial anywhere else, this bug will not appear. Fixing this bug requires starting a new game (but you only need to if you have this bug and mind it.)

52. ALexusB - NK Quest Bugfixes and Reenabling v1.2 Please see attached file Quests Added.txt for all the re-enabled quests.

53. NK - Items and Ship Prices Description=This changes swords' and guns’ prices to 10x(old price / 100)^1.5, multiplies goods prices by 5 and ship buy prices by 2, and divides ship sell prices by 12 (i.e. now 1/6 stock price, 1/12 new buy price). This mod requires the Reinitialize mod, and you must reinitialize at least once (and then save, and only load saves from after that...) for the changes to take effect.

54. Taghmon - Fix Character Sheet Bug Description= Returning from Perkview always opened Characterview for Mainchar. This Patch fixes that.

55. Taghmon - Random Officers Mod with NK Officer Models Mod Description=This Mod enhances the creation of Random Officers. They now get Skill/Perkpoints the same way as the main character and allocate their skills and points according to their type (First Mate, Boatswain, etc.). When hiring an officer, you can ask to see his stats, which opens Characterview only for them. A bit by NathanKell to combine with his officers mod which selects officers by model. This mod REQUIRES Additional Officer Dialogs by ALexusB and Character_Fix by Taghmon. NK Officer Models: this switches a couple crew models out (so crew models are distinct from officer models) and adds 19 new officer models, and makes the officer role dependent on the model (basically, tough blokes are bosuns, slightly less shabby folks are gunners, spiffier—but sometimes fat or...spindly—people are navigators and/or quartermasters, and snazzy professional-looking people are first mates). You MUST reinitialize once if you wish to play with this mod on and don’t want to restart.

56. Amokachi/NK - Boatswain Ship Sounds v3 Description=Included voices: loading ammo type, more/less sails, anchor, boarding, sinking, cargo aboard, sail ho, land ho, clear for action, ship ahoy. By Amokachi and NathanKell. This mod REQUIRES ALexusB - Sail Ho!

57. Taghmon - Add Video Options and various control options from the German Version.

58. NK - Fix Forts Bug Description=This MOD fixes the bug where forts will still fire on you even after you fix relations. Also, it fixes the bug where the game doesn't register you've met a relation agent.

59. NK - Fix Tutorial Description=This MOD fixes the bugs in the tutorial (which appear if you change your starting condition), as well as turning off Malcom Hatcher's invulnerability. It also now sets your HP based on rank so starting at higher ranks gives you the appropriate HP.

60. Verruckt - Fragster - NK - Adding Portraits Description=Adds portraits for: pirat10, pirat4, admiral, bocman4, depp, fatman, fatman2, fatman2_1, and will. And fixes bocman's portrait.

61. NK - Toggles Description=This mod toggles Always Run with the K key and logs with the L key. It requires Always Run and Stone-D's Shared Experience Mod be installed. Note that AlwaysRun will ONLY update when the game switches areas/reloads, it will NOT update immediately.

62. NK - Take All Mod Description=This MOD changes the Take All function so it takes the most expensive goods first.

63. NK - Rep Changes Description=This MOD changes the way reputation increases work so you get more of a boost from quest increases/decreases, and it also increases the cost of Priests and makes it based on your rank and current reputation. The donate choices are now, based on a neutral rep: 1 rep point, 5 rep points, and 10 rep points. Don't be scared by the high prices, just do some quests! Also, the penalty for firing on a friendly ship has increased.

64. NK - Fix SDSM Fort Bug Description=This MOD fixes the bug in Stone-D's Surrender Mod where you can get stuck taking forts. It thus requires Stone-D's Surrender Mod. Thanks to Jopieseethoek for the line! It also has a temporary fix to give forts their normal crew.

65. NK - Worldmap Ships Description=This MOD hides the nationality of ships on the world map. You won’t know their colors until the lookout tells you! For now, pirates are still visible. o compensate, you have a far better chance of having "No" available on the "Engage?" screen, and the chance for it being available is now based not only on sailing skill and luck but also on sailing perks and your speed vs. the encounter's speed.

66. Sailor Al - NK - New Swords v2 Description= This MOD adds four new blades, the Atwood F100, the Cardinal's Guard, the Solingen Rapier, and the Bosun's Choice. It also changes the Windmill Slayer to better fit its description.

67. Two new models by Lord_Kosmos, a Royal Navy captain and admiral.

68. Jack Sparrow is in-game, thanks to Kodo_Boon and ALexusB.

69. NK - Fix Trade Quest Bug Description= This MOD fixes the bug where the wrong colony is show in the questlog.

70. Wardrobe v3 Description= ****NEW MODELS AND PORTRAITS BY LORD_KOSMOS, KODO_BOON, VERRUCKT, FRAGSTER, AND NK**** This MOD allows you to choose your model when you talk to Malcolm right at the start; if you end the tutorial in port you can talk to him there and choose "Change clothes," and you can change clothes by talking to any random-officer you've hired from the taverns. With thanks to Sailor Al for some great ideas and lines! Now includes five new models: Jack Sparrow, Will (by Akella and Kodo_Boon), a Royal Navy Captain and Admiral (by Lord_Kosmos), and a black captain based off the Corsairs by me. Also included are twelve new portraits by Verruckt and fragster. Now it changes your model immediately! Note that you MUST uninstall any previous version of this mod first!

71. Captain Gull - Bug Fix Loan Shark infinite money Description=This is a fix to the bug where loans in the game are infinite

72. NK - Morale and Divide the Plunder Description=This MOD updates your crew's morale daily based on the quantity of food and rum and their respective rations, the size of each crewman's share of the loot, and the current length of the expedition. With food at half-rations it lasts twice as long but the crew takes a -2 morale hit each day. With no food, the crew may start dying! With normal rum rations the crew gets +1 morale each day (-1 if no rum left), with double rations the crew gets a big bonus...but every once in a while, a big hit to morale. That depends on chance, leadership, luck, and your Will. Food is currently Wheat, and rum is...rum. The goods are eaten at a rate of 1/100 of a unit per crewman per day, and appear on other ships…so if you’re running low, take a prize! The current size of the crewman's share, and, if early in the expedition, the size of the last expedition's shares, also affects morale, as does the length of the voyage. Currently there's a lot of log text so you know what's going on. When you want to end an expedition, go to a loan shark and ask to divide the plunder (If the option doesn't show up, exit the dialog and re-enter it. He has to get to know you first.) Dividing the plunder gives the crew shares of the gold, adds 10% of the plunder to your permanent wealth, and leaves 10% to start the next expedition. NOTE THAT ALMOST ALL VALUES CAN BE TWEAKED! Look in the file DailyCrewUpdate.c in the folder PROGRAM\WorldMap. Please give feedback if you think the values are wrong!

73. NK - Fix Artois-Animists Bug Description=This MOD fixes a conflict in the Artois quest and Animists quest, and the bug in the Artois quest that results in this.

74. NK - Tweak to Rapers ModDescription=This MOD gives back the rep boost: if your rep is under 80, 1/2 the time you get +1 rep instead of the gold. This mod REQUIRES the Rapers mod to be installed first.

75. NK - New English Governor Description=This gives Redmond a new governor after you kill or capture Silehard. I'll let you find out who! Note that even though this adds a new character, you do NOT need to start a new game!

76. pythagoras - replace main menu POTC logo with SD2 logo

77. Viper - Fast Travel to Port MOD Description=This MOD changes the spawn location when using Fast Travel to get back to the Port in any city. Instead of appearing at the gates, you now appear at the landing, so you can just get back on your ship w/o walking a mile.

78. NK - Taghmon - Redo Character Generation Code: This mod recodes all random character generation to use Taghmon's officer code with a new Random Enemy officer type, and to correctly equip the characters (with no blade if they shouldn't have one, and not just a saber if they should); this includes the respawning soldiers, who now are based on your rank. Also, chargen for ship captains is now totally redone; and they can now have "virtual" officers, giving them skill bonuses at sea; and it adds a difficulty scalar. Talk to an Encounter (aka Random) Officer and tell him you don't fit in right to change it.

79. NK - Give Other Captains Virtual Officers: increases the skills--but only while at sea--for captains who are not companions, by giving them "virtual" officers, i.e. increasing their skills by a multiplier semi-randomly based on how many officers the player has enabled and the class of the captain's ship.

80. NK - Difficulty levels: There are now four difficulty levels. When you start the game, you start on the easiest; hire an officer from a tavern and talk to him to change your difficulty level (if you're not starting a new game, just talk to a hired tavern officer). This scales, on generation, enemy character ranks and HP; officer ranks and HP (inverse of the difficulty), chance for characters to be generated with better blades, and the chance of ship captains having "virtual" officers, to increase their skills.

81. NK - Make Enc Rank based on Ship Class: checks to see if, for encounter generation purposes, your rank is greater than (8-ship class) * 2 and if so makes rank (8-ship class) * 2. Note that this applies to Pirate Hunting quest enemy generation too.

82. NK - Items: now harder for enemy characters to get good blades, and in addition scaled based on difficulty. Also, thanks to MareX, you now get gold too.

83. Surak'nar - Add crew-on-deck for Fearless.

84. Viper - Add Cargo Value to Ship Sale Price Description=This saves you from having to unload the holds of a prize ship before selling it to the shipyard. Bear in mind, however, that when performing a 'trade-in', the cargo is retained and transferred over to your new ship, so the 'trade-in' value is generally much less than the stated selling price.

85. Sailor Al - Quest Log Text for New Quests: for now, only the Blacques are covered, but coming soon there will be Quest text for all re-enabled quests.

86. NK - Luck in fighting: Luck, and difficulty level, now affects the amount of damage you do.

87. NK - Shared Experience: My version of a Shared Experience mod. When party XP is added, half of full XP goes to each passenger--all if the party has the SXP perk; if the passenger is an officer (or the player), he/she gets the full XP. When personal XP is added, half goes to each officer (including the player), or the full if SXP.

88. Walker - Falling Masts

89. MareX - Exchange gold in 100gp lots

90. NK - Raise flag: Ability to raise and lower flags at will; speak to a tavern-hired officer. Note that this will NOT change your relation with nations! (Note you must be neutral or better with a nation to raise its flag—but you can always raise the Jolly Roger.)

91. NK - Relations Mod: With thanks to Verruckt for the idea and much programming and legwork. The relations system from Pirates! Gold is added to POTC. You can now buy letters of marque, your relation with nations is tracked, and you can buy amnesty if they hate you. You can also leave service; but if your reputation is too low, you may not get out alive…Merchants and shipwrights may not trade with you, depending on your reputation and your relations with said merchant/shipwright's country.

92. GreatZen and NK: Added land to character and charsheet. It is given with promotions from governors. Land also returns a profit.

93. Change to prisoners: Execution now hurts the player's reputation, but awards XP equal to the ransom.

94. Dynamic towns: Towns now have populations, gold supply, and dynamic supply/demand goods and prices. See Added Things, above, for more details.

95. When an encounter is created, ships of the correct nation are assigned (though there is a slight chance that a ship not of that nation may be assigned, to keep things interesting).

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This is a MOD build for Pirates of the Carribean wich adds...

Papers, Please 1.4.12

In this game's dreadful world, one must possess the right documents

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