
Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion - TamrielTravellers

This small mod adds Traveling Traders, Traveling Merchants,...

Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion - TamrielTravellers

This small mod adds Traveling Traders, Traveling Merchants, Roaming Types covering all of Cryodiil. These traders walk around the wilderness close to each town, inn, farm, roads, backroads, shrine,or priory. They will sell you weapons, armor, food, staffs, alchemy ingredients & equip, clothing, lockpicks, spells(limited) & Potions if in stock. Some can repair, recharge, sell spells and all will buy stolen items. They are a Neutral Faction, and do not report crimes commited against them. But, guards will fine you if they catch you stealing, fighting, etc...

This Also Bring Alive the quest talked about in Mage Guild - Anvil Recommendation, but, does not affect this quest in anyway. With Traders traveling within Each Region. It gives the appreance of a Merchants delevering goods to those NPCS that do not leave areas, Shrines, Farms, Inns, and Such. Just in appreance.

See Here for More Detail

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