
Return to Castle Wolfenstein 1.41 Update

This file will update Windows users of Return to Castle...

Return to Castle Wolfenstein 1.41 Update

This file will update Windows users of Return to Castle Wolfenstein to v1.41. You can find the version details by clicking more information.

Fixes added in 1.41


• Fixed bug in Anti-lag weapon prediction code where Player's body remains present, animated with Medic icon - Even when player has "tapped out".

• Fixed miscellaneous issues in anti-lag code that generated unpredictable results

Top 3 Return to Castle Wolfenstein 1.41 Update Alternatives

Return to Castle Wolfenstein 1.41 Beta Update (Macintoshl)

This is the version 1.41 beta patch for the Macintosh...

Return to Castle Wolfenstein 1.32 Update (Macintosh - Full)

This file will update users running any version of Return to...

Return to Castle Wolfenstein 1.41 Update (Linux)

This file will update Linux users of Return to Castle...

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