
Half-Life Bank Vault Prefab

A bank vault with working door...

Half-Life Bank Vault Prefab

A bank vault with working door.

Half-life Bank Vault Prefab


A bank vault with working door. Good detail with minimum polys. Created with Valve Hammer Editor 3.4 (Worldcraft) and standard Half-Life textures. Originally intended to use as part of a Counter-Strike 2 map, but like many others I have found that I do not have the time for map-making.

Created By

Raging Bastard


Top 3 Half-Life Bank Vault Prefab Alternatives

Grand Theft Auto: Vice City 4.90

Sandbox game where players race around Vice City doing various things

Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas Free

Popular sequel in the GTA driver series

Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas for Windows 8 1.0

San Andreas version of the GTA driving game

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