Action Battlefield Beta 1.150
Action Battlefield is the real action-packed WW2 experience...
- Category First Person
- Size 261.3 MB
Action Battlefield Beta 1.150
Action Battlefield is the real action-packed WW2 experience freed from the laws of a restricted and close-minded world. Action Battlefield is your perfect balance of fun and realism. It will raise the fun factor and boost the replay value of the original game while challenging you in the most intense and strategic battles you've ever experienced. All the tools, possibilities and features offered will force you to rethink the way you were used to fight on the many world-wide actual battlefields and the new ones. Brace yourself - the war has begun. Let's get ready for Action Battlefield!
System requirements
800 MHz CPU
128 Megabytes of RAM
3D accelerated 32 MB video card or equivalent with HW-T&L
(Hardware Transform & Lighting) and 24-bit z-buffer
400 MB free hard disk space (additional space required for Windows swap - file.)
DirectX 8.1 Compatible Sound Card
MS compatible mouse
1.4 GHz CPU (Athlon or Pentium 4 recommended)
256 Megabytes of RAM
3D accelerated 64 MB video card with HW-T&L (Geforce or Radeon recommended)
400 MB free hard disk space (additional space required for Windows swap - file.)
DirectX 8.1 Compatible Sound Card
MS compatible mouse
Required Operating Systems:
Windows 98, Windows ME, Windows XP or Windows 2000
Note that Windows 95 is not supported.
Note: For troubleshooting and gameplay performance solutions, please refer to the Readme file
included with Battlefield 1942.
*Singleplayer games are not supported for now!
Knife: right click makes you scream in anger!
Sniper rifle: stays zoomed until you press the zoom key again.
Defensive grenades: 4 seconds delay
Recon binoculars: can also be used to help anti-tank soldiers who use mortars.
Burst jetpack: each click of the mouse activates the jetpack temporarily for a quick burst. Limited amount of fuel in the tanks. Can be refilled at any ammobox. You are propelled to the direction where you look and if you are falling down too fast, you won’t be able to use the jetpack. You must slow your fall down with the parachute.
Throwable knives: aim at your enemy’s head for a fatal strike.
Long range machine gun: regular firing rate, low recoil
Defensive grenades: 4 seconds delay
Offensive grenades: detonates on impact, careful with that!
Short range sub-machinegun: high firing rate, more recoil
Knife: right click makes you scream in anger!
Bazooka: they now have an explosion radius!
Defensive grenades: 4 seconds delay
Landmines: now partially hidden in the ground, use right click for various throw power.
Portable mortar: drop on the ground, artillery assistance: right click to get scout targets.
Knife: right click makes you scream in anger!
Double shotgun: the closer the more damage you do.
Smoke grenade: 1 smoke grenade to start with, then it takes 30 seconds to prepare and use the next one if you press the reload key. Effect lasts for a good 45 seconds.
Personal medipack: more healing capacity, for immediate use.
Throwable medipack: a medipack that you can leave anywhere for long-term medical assistance! Carrying 3 of them. Stay at their location as long as the owner lives.
Buildable bunker: place the toolbox and wait for the bunker to appear. Use repair tool to finish up construction. Bunkers can be destroyed. Respawns as long as the owner stays alive.
Flame-thrower: flames slide on objects, perfect for clearing bunkers and houses.
Buildable Aagun: place the toolbox and wait for the aagun to appear. Use repair tool to finish build. Aaguns can be destroyed. Respawns as long as owner stays alive.
Repair kit: more repair capacity
Action Battlefield 1.150 Client installation
Thanks for downloading the Action Battlefield 1.150 Client version (to play the game! :)
To install ActionBF 1.150 properly just follow this procedure:
1- Uninstall any previous Action Battlefield installation if possible. The installer will overwrite all existing files, but it's always better to start from 0! (Start -> Control panel -> Add/remove programs)
2- Double-click the file "Action Battlefield 1.150 Client.exe" that's in this ZIP. Once the Installer window is up, give the installer the path of your "Battlefield 1942" game folder. If you always use the default location for your games, leave the current path untouched and click Unzip. (Default: c:\Program Files\EA games\Battlefield 1942)
3- When the installer is done and says "61 files unzipped sucessfully", click OK, then close the previous window by clicking CLOSE.
Just launch BF1942, and then use the "Custom game" menu to activate ActionBF 1.150.
See you on the battlefield! :)
Mail me if you have any question!