The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion - DesuChan's Kawa-Khajiits Race Mod
"Hailing from the province of Elsweyr, they are intelligent,...
- Category Traditional
- Size 198.9 MB
The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion - DesuChan's Kawa-Khajiits Race Mod
"Hailing from the province of Elsweyr, they are intelligent, quick, and agile. They make excellent thieves due to their natural agility and unmatched acrobatics skill. All Kawa-Khajiit can see in the dark..."
'Kawa' here is short for 'Kawaii' which means 'cute' in Japanese. Following this trend, 'shiro' and 'kuro' are Japanese for 'white' and 'black', respectively. Their stats and race abililties are almost the same as that of the Vanilla Khajiit race.
Base Attributes (Male/Female, same as Vanilla Khajiits):
Strength: 40/30
Intelligence: 40/40
Willpower: 30/30
Agility: 50/50
Speed: 40/40
Endurance: 30/40
Luck: 50/50
Personality: 40/40
TOTAL: 320
Skill Bonuses:
*Acrobatics, Hand-to-Hand: 10
*Athletics, Blade, Light Armour, Security, Sneak: 5
*Eyes of Night (same as Vanilla Khajiit)
*Demoralise (same as Vanilla Khajiit)
This race has a unique set of eyes based off idkrrr's Corean eye texture, and are available as normal or glow versions. There are 20 eye choices in total.
There is a wide variety of hair choices for this race: 19 hairs from Ren's Beauty Pack, 56 hairs by idkrrr (from the Corean, Saram and SulHwa races), 11 hairs from KumaKumaKokuma's Lop Ears Elf race, 20 hairs from HISSSA's hair pack, 26 hairs from the 2CH Hair Explosion set (Pr-ttyCure), 8 hairs converted from The Sims 2 by Sulpyun, 5 hairs by VanillaBeans and 1 hair by RAN, for a total of 146 hair choices. All hair is available for use by males and females.