
Dragon Age 2 - Autorun and Highlight Toggles Mod

HIGHLIGHTING: Turns the tab key into a toggle for...

Dragon Age 2 - Autorun and Highlight Toggles Mod

HIGHLIGHTING: Turns the tab key into a toggle for highlighting usable objects in game all the time. Many people have to hold the button down while running around, and this is a pain.

AUTORUN: Considering how much running around there is, it continues to amaze me that Mass Effect and Dragon Age do not have an autorun functionality. Well, now it does. If you set Numpad0 to the secondary MOVE FORWARD key, you can then use it as an autorun. Hitting Numpad0, W, or S, will toggle autorun off. If you would prefer a different autorun key, simply edit the file and change Numpad0 to the key you would prefer.


1) There are three .exes to choose from. Only run one at a time.

autorun_tab_toggle.exe - Autorun and Tab Highlighting toggles.

autorun_toggle.exe - Autorun toggle only.

tab_toggle.exe - Tab Highlighting toggle only.

2) You can run the .exe before you load Dragon Age, during, whenever. These are autohotkey scripts that should only have effect while the Dragon Age 1/2 game window is active.

3) To shut it down, right click the [H] icon in your taskbar and exit.

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