
Dark Christof

This is a Vampire skin of Christof...

Dark Christof

This is a Vampire skin of Christof.


Create a folder in your Vampire Root directory called 3D, and within that create another folder called Materials. Unzip all the TGA files into that directory, and enjoy the new Dark Christof. To uninstall, simply delete the textures. It's that easy.

Currently the skins are only viewable to others if they also have them installed, but hopefully the release of the SDK can improve this.

Also included are 4 JPEG files, which are just screen captures of the skins in action.


This is my first attempt at skinning, ever, and as such it's pretty low tech. You may distribute these files freely, however you must include either this document, or at least give me credit. Please?


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Power system administration and screen sharing tools packed into a small portable executable file


Convenient cloud storage option featuring a variety of subscription plans and 10GB free for life

Adobe Illustrator

Graphic design software for vector-based images and animations that are compatible with print and web media formats