
American McGee's Alice Movie

This .mpg is a trailer for American McGee's Alice...

  • Category Action
  • Size 6.8 MB
  • Program by Rogue Entertainment

American McGee's Alice Movie

This .mpg is a trailer for American McGee's Alice. It shows just how much trippy visuals Rogue Entertainment and EA have crammed into this Action/Adventure.

When Alice answers a distressed summons to return to Wonderland, she barely recognizes the befouled setting. From the fungal rot of the Mushroom Forest to the infernal chemistry of the Mad Hatter's Domain and beyond, Wonderland festers to its core. Undaunted by the diseased ambiance, cavernous confusion, and mortal danger that surround her, Alice must undo the chaos. Equipped with courage, a keen appetite for the bizarre, and a lethal array of transmogrified toys, she'll penetrate the strongholds of her enemies, confront the forces of evil, and put the wicked Queen of Hearts in her place.

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American McGee's Alice Promotional Movie [Hi Res]

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