Half-Life 2 - Fortress Forever Client v2.43
Fortress Forever is a Team Fortress mod for Half-life 2's...
- Category First Person
- Size 858.5 MB
- Program by FF Team
Half-Life 2 - Fortress Forever Client v2.43
Fortress Forever is a Team Fortress mod for Half-life 2's Source Engine. FF should please those who have stuck with or been a part Half-life: TFC over the years while at the same time doing more for new Team Fortress players than any prior Fortress attempt.
Get the v2.1 patch
User Interface
* Sound options added for the kill beep
Generic / Misc Stuff
* Massive server logging upgrades/changes
* Beep sound plays when you kill someone (optional client-side)
* Neutral flag model added
* Gibs go SQUISH and PLOP instead of CLUNK
* HW AC now shows tracers for 1 in 2 bullets rather than 1 in 4
* Smaller, less obscuring flamethrower effect
* Ragdolls now inherit a large force from fatal non-explosive shots
* Sped up the conc explosion effect
* Frag grenade no longer has the pin still attached when you throw it
* Fixed non-blue engineers with glow-in-the-dark accessories
* Pilot light added to the flamethrower
Bug Fixes
* Fixed various server crashes
* Fixed bug where if a medic heals a player > 100%, that player picking up a resupply bag "hurts" them
* Fixed jumppad not building properly on +attack2
* Fixed flaginfo
Class-specific Changes
* Scout:
o Scouts now take half fall damage (up from zero fall damage)
* Sniper:
o AR dmg down from 8 -> 7
o AR cone down from 0.09 to 0.07
o Legshot time reduced from 30 sec to 10 sec
* Soldier:
o Increased RPG re-fire rate from 0.65 to 0.7
* Demoman:
o Reduced starting mirvs from 2 to 1
* Medic:
o No changes
* HWGuy:
o AC has dual-cone system, one cone at 0.06, one at 0.12
o HW AC damage up from 6.5 to 8.2
o HW AC uses half ammo than before
o AC has 200 ammo rather than 300
o AC cooldown time reduced from 0.4 to 0.1 seconds
o AC has a little bullet push
* Pyro:
o IC damage down from 70 to 55
* Spy:
o No changes
* Engineer:
o SG's can now be built overhanging edges more
* All Classes:
o Nailgun pushforce reduced
Map changes
* Impact
o New map with a new gametype (!)
* Palermo
o All new visuals/lighting
o Various layout changes, bug fixes
o HDR added
* Vertigo
o Engineers and demomen limited to 2, removed defender detpacks
o Objective icon fixed
* Waterpolo
o Objective icons added
* 2fort
o "Cheap" water added in the yard
o Noannoyances added to spawns
o Can't grab gren bag through wall in ramp room anymore
o Spawn doors behave better
* Schtop
o New map (capture the flag)
* Destroy
o New map (capture the flag)
* Aardvark
o Working security icons
* Openfire
o Visual/lighting updates
o Working security icons
o Small resupply bag added in the flag room - 50/50 h/a every 15 seconds.
* Monkey
o Improved ladders, new ramp on flag point
* All Maps
o Players start with full health/armor/ammo by default unless map overrides it