Water World (Alien Frequency Mix)
Slow but powerful remix of Duke Nukem 3D's 'Water World'...
- Category First Person
- Size 4.9 MB
- Program by Bart Klepka
Water World (Alien Frequency Mix)
Slow but powerful remix of Duke Nukem 3D's 'Water World' tune (by Bobby Prince), great listen.
FILENAME: Bart Klepka - Water World (Alien Frequency Mix).mp3
SONG TITLE: "Water World (Alien Frequency Mix)"
MIXED BY: Bart Klepka
GAME: Duke Nukem 3D
DATE MIXED: 11.04.2000
MP3 QUALITY: 128Kpbs, 44Khz, Stereo
MUSIC STYLE: Ambient/Dub
A long time favourite tune of mine that really stood out for me in Duke Nukem 3D. Although Duke 3D was a comedy action game, Bobby Prince managed to capture the emotional feelings of the aliens, the levels, the story, and Duke's primal intent. I chose the mix title 'Alien Frequency' since this is how it felt for me to play Duke Nukem all those years back. I would start the game normally and blowing up this and that, then without me knowing it, I would suddenly be in a trance with the game. Each alien I capped was a great victory, and I played many levels before I finally got butchered by a gang of alien pigs, the rest is history.
This mix has been in the works since October 1999, at the same time I started the C&C Act On Instinct mix. As with the original song, I left most of the instrumental areas very clean and simple. I changed the violin to a synth key, but left the deep strings as they were. The drums for this I also kept very very clear so that the original tune was still understandable, since it's so amazing. Slowing some breakbeat and cutting it up here and there got me dub. I didn't do too much bass work since the deep strings were already powerful enough to hold the beat together. A big bonus for this track was to add the 'radio' bits in to the start and end of the song. Although it was more time consuming to create than I first expected, I don't regret it one bit and have learnt a lot from the experience. I took the original 'Grabbag' theme from Duke3D and ran multiple highpasses over it and pitch-shifted the whole thing once or twice.
EMAIL: [email protected]
ICQ: 2778980
WWW: http://bart.overclocked.org