
FireArms 2.7 - 2.8 Patch

The patch that will make your FireArms client update to 2.8...

FireArms 2.7 - 2.8 Patch

The patch that will make your FireArms client update to 2.8 from v2.7. See more information for the list of changes.

Firearms 2.8 Change Log





Added ability for medics to heal before the maximum amount they can heal has been lost.

Added ability to treat concussions to medics.

Added ammobox hit effects.

Added battlefield information ability to the leadership skill.

Added concussion effect to concussion grenades.

Added CTI items to the compass.

Added delays to applying sulphur, suturing, and bandaging.

Added entity optimization system (cl_optimizedraw).

Added mortar statistics to the HUD.

Added Night Vision Goggles.

Added nomenclature ability to Sterling L2A3MK4 (new model included).

Added PKM with bipod functionality in place of the Steilhandgrenate.

Added rain and snow weather systems.

Added Remington M870 in place of the Benelli M3.

Added scope sway system.

Added secondary fire to grenades (new model included).

Added sounds for bandaging, merging magazines and grenade fuses.

Added VGUI based respawn menu.

Added VGUI based end game screen.

Added new event based shell ejection system for all view models.

Fixed audible claymores with stealth skill.

Fixed breathing sound playing after player's death.

Fixed claymore setting to trip mode if bandaging while the clacker is out.

Fixed death animation abnormalities while prone in water.

Fixed double fog bug.

Fixed iFeel support.

Fixed levitation.

Fixed server and client deploy times being out of sync.

Fixed sv_useskills 3 bug (getting stuck in skills menu).

Fixed the respawn menu not displaying automatically.

Fixed various other minor bugs. Too numerous to list.

Fixed various view height and hull problems.

Fixed various weapon balance issues. Too numerous to list.

Cleaned up lots of unused code.

Reduced chance of getting stuck on corpses.

New maps:



Updated maps:













"cl_optimizedraw" allows you to enable entity based optimizations which may result in a performance increase on slower machines. However, this may also cause extreme visual abnormalities in certain situations. default: 0


"cl_weather" allows you to enable or disable Firearms' particle based weather systems. Slower computers will experience a slight performance increase with this set to 0. default: 1


"cl_weathereffects" enables or disables weather based effects, such as water splashes. Slower computers will experience a slight performance increase with this set to 0. default: 1


Firearms 2.7 Change Log



- Added 45 second delay before CTI object is returned to its original location if dropped.

- Added basic HLTV functionality.

- Added battlefield agility causing all stamina burns to be decreased by one third.

- Added dynamic lighting to sparks.

- Added dynamic lighting to the claymore explosion.

- Added friend/enemy display in team ID bar.

- Added full use of bipods for the M82, M60 and M249.

- Added key value to func_friction to choose to affect all entities or just players.

- Added key value to info_firearms_detect, choose whether or not a player's breath is visible (cold weather or warm weather).

- Added key value to trigger_gravity to choose to affect all entities or just players.

- Added M249 light machinegun in place of PKM. PKM will return in a future version of Firearms.

- Added map fogging (OpenGL only).

- Added 'Most Cowardly' award to end game screen.

- Added moving mouths when voice communication is in use.

- Added muzzleflash sprite to the mortar.

- Added randomness to shell ejection velocities

- Added reinforcement bonuses for capturing a push point.

- Added reinforcement bonuses for continued possession of a push point.

- Added server name to the scoreboard.

- Added speech icons above players' heads (displayed when radio is being used).

- Added use of TFC-like status bar for screen tips and player ID

- Added voice icon above players' heads (displayed when voice comm. is being used).

- Added word filter system ability (for players that are offended by racial slurs, swearing, etc).

- Fixed best player calculation to be more accurate.

- Fixed black screen of death (map change lag).

- Fixed mortar damage going through walls.

- Fixed 'no helmet' exploit.

- Fixed prone flying exploit.

- Fixed "Sprite: No Such Frame..." error.

- Fixed 'sticky corpses'.

- Fixed team change retaining the same armour.

- Fixed various other minor bugs. Too numerous to list.

- Fixed various weapon balance issues. Too numerous to list.

- Fixed vote_llama server crash bug.

- Players with stealth skill don't trigger sounds when capturing areas or placing claymore mines.

- Reverted the HULLs and views back to default (to prevent 'helmet cam' exploits).

- Status icons for broken legs and parachutes are now colour coded.

New maps:





Updated maps:






Removed maps:




"cl_censor" allows you to filter out certain words from the game. If set to 0, no censorship occurs. At 1, racist remarks are censored. At 2, swearing is censored. At 3, both racism and swearing are censored. default: 0


When "cl_dlights" is set to 0, all non-map dynamic lights are disabled (muzzleflashes, explosions, etc), giving an increase in performance on some systems. default: 1


When "cl_fog" is set to 1, map specific fog effects are enabled. This may decrease performance, but will hide ugly occurrences when there is geometry outside of the specified draw distance. OpenGL mode only. Requires a map change or a restart of the game for changes to come into effect. default: 1


Setting this to 0 will disable the icon above players who are using voice communication (friendly players only). default: 1

"mp_ffremoverein" (server only)

If set to 1, this command will remove one reinforcement for a team kill. At 0, there will be no penalty for the team. default: 0

"mp_loglevel" (server only)

The amount of data which is stored in server logs. 0 will log basic events such as connects and disconnects, 1 will log connects, disconnects, objectives, triggers, and kills. 2 will log everything, resulting in enormous log files. default: 1


"text_ignore", followed by a WONID, will block any text from certain players. To see a list of players and their WONIDs, use the "status" command.


"text_unignore, followed by a WONID, will cancel previous ignores for the matching player.

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