
Dragon Age: Origins - Evoker Summoner Mage

The school of evocation teaches your mage how to summon...

Dragon Age: Origins - Evoker Summoner Mage

The school of evocation teaches your mage how to summon creatures for assistance. You can summon Greater demons, spirits, elementals, and the undead to aid you in battle. Some characters may disapprove using these summons and using blood magic.

Evocation - Summons of Mages Beta-Version 7.e

The school of evocation teaches your mage how to summon creatures for assistance.

Talent-Tree: Evocation-Mastery

- Evocation I (will summon a little helper)

- Evocation II (summon gains 2nd ability)

- Evocation III (summon gains 3rd ability)

- Master-Evocation (improves all summons)

Talent-Tree: Summon Undead

- Summon Minor Skeleton

- Summon Zombie

- Summon Arcane Horror

- Summon Vampire

Talent-Tree: Summon Spirits

- Summon Spirit of Healing

- Summon Spirit of Protection

- Summon Spirit of Dreams

- Summon Spirit of Nature

Talent-Tree: Summon Elementals

- Summon Fire-Elemental

- Summon Earth-Elemental

- Summon Water-Elemental

- Summon Air-Elemental

Talent-Tree: Summon Demon

- Summon lesser Shade

- Summon Ash-Wraith

- Summon Pride-Demon

- Summon Abomination

More to come in later versions.



To deactivate the moral reactions of your companions just add the following lines at the bottom of the dragonage.ini (My Documents/Bioware/Dragon AgeSettings)



Special Thanx:

Cameron Nouri (Beta-Testing)

Tom Wilson (Supervisor - texts & lore)

Zane Blume-Babcock (Retexturing)

Reynen Starfyre, ladydesire, Kyrien, stzehn (Help with the ToolSet)


This MOD uses the following ID-ranges:

Summons.GDA 51-68

ABI_Base.GDA 450047-450066

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