
Doomer - Doom Launcher - v.1.2h

Doomer - A Doom Front-End Launcher...

Doomer - Doom Launcher - v.1.2h

Doomer - A Doom Front-End Launcher. Also works with related games and source ports such as Heretic, Hexen, JDoom, ZDoom and Legacy.

Doomer - Doom, Heretic & Hexen Launcher

FREEWARE by George M. Reagan

v. 1.2i January, 2005


1. System Requirements.

- Windows OS, 24 MB memory

(Tested on Windows 95, 98, ME and XP)

- Doom, Doom2, Heretic, Hexen or source port thereof.


- Any requirement of the source port, such as an

OpenGL compatible video card.

Doomer has been tested with the following games and

source ports:

Doom (1.2 SW, 1.5 SW, 1.9)

Doom2 (1.666), TNT, Plutonia

Heretic (1.2)

Hexen (1.1), Hexen Deathkings

Boom, PRboom (2.2.3), GLboom

Doom 3d (1.16)

Doom Legacy (1.41)

DoomPlus (0.6)

Doomsday (1.80), jdoom, jheretic, jhexen

Edge (1.27), GLEdge

Skulltag (0.95k)

WinDoom (2.0)

ZDoom (1.22, 2.0.63a)

ZDoomGL (0.75)

ZDaemon (1.07)

Other source ports/versions may or may not work.

Let me know!


2. Installation.

The installer for this product was created using Installer

VISE from MindVision Software. For more information on

Installer VISE, contact:

MindVision Software

5901 North 58th Street

Lincoln, NE 68507

Voice: (402) 323-6600

Fax: (402) 323-6611

E-mail: [email protected]


3. Running Doomer.


Main Buttons:

Quit: Quit Doomer.

Play: Play the currently configured game.

View Stats: View or maintain Doomer play stats.

Quit after Play: Check to Quit after Play.


File/Play: Play the currently configured game.

File/Play (Show command line): Before starting the

game, the command line generated by Doomer is displayed.

File/Defaults: A default IWad directory can be

specified. If not set, IWads are expected to be in the

program directory. The original Doom games and some

source ports do not support IWads located outside the

program directory.

File/Exit: Quit Doomer.

Stats/View: View or maintain Doomer play stats.

Stats/Grid View: Display a grid view of stats.

Stats/Update: Check to update Doomer stats with each


Help/Doomer.txt: Display this text file.


Program: Up to 25 programs may be set up for use. Use

the Add button to add a program to the list and the Remove

button to remove a program from the list.

NOTE: Any source port configuration setting not covered

by Doomer, such as video resolution must be preset from

the source port.

Game/IWads: The game and program selections determine

the default IWad selections. Use Add to add an IWad to

the list and Remove to remove an IWad from the list.

Original program IWad selections cannot be changed.

NOTE: If you want to play Hexen DeathKings you can

either set the Doom Program to HexenDk.exe or if using

a port, add the Hexdd.wad to the IWads list.

Files/Maps Replaced: PWad, Dehacked and Demo files

can be selected here. They must be checked for use.

PWads and Demos are placed in the -file command in

sequential order. When a PWad is highlighted, all map

replacements for the PWad are displayed in the rightmost

box. Use the Add button to add a file to the list and

the Remove button to remove a file from the list. Add

can also be used to display a document or text file.

Dehacked does not work with the original programs and

some source ports.

NOTE: This demo option has been provided so that

demos located outside the doom program directory can be

played by original doom programs, it is not necessary when

running source ports. When checked for use, the demo is

placed in the regular demo play box (see Demos below).

This will result in a command line looking something like


c:\doom\doom.exe -file c:\wads\test.lmp -playdemo test

Start Map and Skill: Select the starting map and skill


Other Options:

NoMonsters - No Monsters

FastMonsters - Fast Monsters, regardless of skill

Respawn - Respawn Monsters, regardless of skill

NoSound - No sound effects or music

NoSfx - No sound effects

NoMusic - No Music

Turbo - Player speed, 100 is normal. This does not

apply to Doomsday.


Rec - Check to record a demo.

Play - Check to play a demo. (See Files above)

Time - Check to play a time demo. Plays back a demo

faster than normal and displays a framerate when the demo

is over.

Button - Use to select a demo to play or to assign the

demo file name.

Clear - Clear all demo settings.

NOTE: Except for the Boom, Doomsday, Edge and Legacy

ports, demos cannot be recorded in directories outside the

program directory. Doomsday keeps demos (.cdm files) in

the directory Doomsday\Run\x\Demo, where x is the game

(ex. jDoom).

Additional Parameters: Add any additional parameters here,

except the -file option. Parameters vary between the

various programs.

Video Settings: Doomer does not address video parameters

at present. The only setting Doomer adds to the command

line is for Legacy, it adds the -opengl option.

Statistics: Statistics of doom games run via Doomer can be

recorded. To enable statistics recording, simply check the

Update box in the Stats Menu. Stats are contained in a MS

Access database file (Doomer.mdb) and include the

following fields:

Wad played

Game played

Program used

Date First Played

Date Last Played

Times Played

Memo entered by user

To enter a memo for a wad or perform any other desired

maintenance, use the "View Stats" button or use the View

Stats menu item. In addition, a "Grid" view is available

in the Stats menu. Data can be sorted by clicking on the

column headings.


4. Known issues.

Edge and GLEdge cannot use wad files contained on a CD

Rom because they attempt to create GL Node files on the

CD and the process fails. I am not aware of a work-around.

Legacy's Hexen support is still a work-in-progress.


5. Contact.

Please report any bugs, problems, suggestions and

comments to:

[email protected]

Web site:


6. Revisions.


- Added game setting per port instead of one overall


- Added a read of IWad file to obtain valid level entries.

- Relaxed the game selection rules.

- Added Quit after Play.


- Added a default IWad directory setting.

- Additional parameters expanded from 5 to 10.


- Added a listing of replaced maps per PWAD.


- Minor changes and corrections.


- IWAD add bug fixed.


- Added Heretic and Hexen support for ZDoom.


- Various bugs fixed.


- Expanded the number of Doom programs allowed

from 4 to 25.

- Reverse the the turbo selection. The up arrow now

increases the turbo setting, down decreases it.


- Added Play (Show command line) menu item. Before

starting the game, the command line generated by

Doomer is displayed.

- Several bugs fixed.

- Added Response files for the original games. This

avoids the problem of creating a command line that is

too long. The file is named doomrsp.txt and will

reside in the doom program directory. The command

line will look something like this:

c:\doom\doom.exe @doomrsp.txt


- Added game statistics database.


7. Caveat.

I am not liable for any direct or indirect damage caused as

a result of using this software. Use it at your own risk.


8. Thanks.

ID Software and Raven Software

Bobby Prince for the excellent music.

MindVision for the use of their installer.

Everyone who has spent countless hours playing and

improving the games.

For concepts and inspiration:

TeamTNT (Eternal Doom, etc.)

Jaakko Keranin (Doomsday, etc.)

Team Legacy (Doom Legacy)

Special thanks to's Never_Again and

Kristian Ronge for sharing their vast doom knowledge.

Eblo saves!

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