
GktRadiant 1.1.1 RC2 (Linux)

GtkRadiant is the Quake III Arena & Quake III Arena: Team...

GktRadiant 1.1.1 RC2 (Linux)

GtkRadiant is the Quake III Arena & Quake III Arena: Team Arena level editor supported by Loki Software and It is a cross-platform version derived and improved from Q3Radiant. GtkRadiant brings great improvements over Q3Radiant.

GtkRadiant 1.1.1 Changes



- fixed installer problem on win9x

- entity inspector fix, will focus on the current entity in the list

- fixed GDI leak affecting text widgets, specially the console and the entity inspector

- removed some unneeded stuff from Gtk libraries

- nightly build system

- fixed known sleep/wake issues

- .def files are now scanned from the scripts/ directory

- changed the way we handle paths to use long filenames everywhere

(in project settings, misc_model paths ..)

- Fixed -onlyents bug in q3map / origin brushes

- added general mouse wheel code and texture window

- added "notta" and "notq3a" documentation to the TA Mapping manual

- fixed entities.def on shootable doors and buttons

- added targetShaderName documentation to shader manual

- NEW TA Teams manual in the documentation

- fixed select all of type bug (made behaviour more consistent)

- fixed win32 Gtk keyboard bug Ctrl + [ and ]

- texture sub-menu cascading (when they get too big)

TTimo & MarsMattel

- added general mod support (configured from the project settings)


- rendering improvements:

Added variable LOD for PatchMeshes based on curvature

Added LOD-matching to eliminate gaps between patches with mismatched LOD

Added opengl lighting (three infinite light sources)

Added dynamically calculating vertex normals for PatchMeshes, for gl lighting

Added decoding/transforming md3 vertex normals for gl lighting

Various rendering speedups

- Fixed texture shift/scale on LOD'd PatchMeshes

- Removed Patch_InsertDelete() - not functional

- Added CV lattice to selected patches

- Added Per-polygon patch selection

- Added Per-polygon misc_model selection

- Changed default "patch subdivisions" to 4

- Fixed .wal texture support, searches for .wal extension if .tga and .jpg fail

NOTE: requires a "pics/colormap.pcx" file to obtain a palette from

- Added variable default texture scale in preferences (ini key: TextureDefaultScale)


- fixed Radiant highjacking win32 copy/paste

- proper md3 filtering in misc_model dialog

- better MAX_POINT_ON_WINDING error handling in q3map debug stream

- if you use face selection on a globally selected brush, it will switch

to face selection, and deselect the single face.

- fixed surface inspector "fit" bug

- added patch splitting to bobtoolz

- handling of Node With Unbounded Volume (NWUV) errors in q3map debug stream

- remember last key/pair in entity dialog for easy "apply again"


- added a button to use func_group or not in curves cap dialog

- GL extensions getting too long: using a text box in About dialog

- added a prefs switch for Kyro II GL driver bug workaround (point handles)


- noclip-type camera movement:

documented in the section "New functionalities in GtkRadiant"

of the Radiant manual (see local installation or on the website)

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