




Half-Life Map Spec Sheet


------General Information--------------------------------------------

Title : Rats!

Release : Version 2

Date : 29th August 1999

Filename : rats.bsp

Author : Chris Spain

Email Address : [email protected]

Home page :

Description : DM map where the player is about 4 inches tall,

: set in a kitchen (huh?!?).

Previous Maps : Various Quake2, Quake and DOOM maps (see homepage)

Credits/Thanks : Thanks to Swampbug for the concept.

------Release Notes - Version 2 -------------------------------------

I've made this new version of the map after playing Rats! on-line.

The main change I've made is to have moved the Egon/Gluon gun from

the sink into the icebox. This means you've got to suffer a bit to

get it, which seems fair.

The RPG that was in the icebox is now in the sink and the sink-side

trigger for the garbage disposal mechanism is now walk-over instead

of "Use" only, making it much easier to use.

There are a couple of minor bugfixes too, but nothing major.

------Play Information-----------------------------------------------

Deathmatch : Yes - 24 starts defined.

Single Player : No.

Map Description : Small Fraggers...

The map is either set in a giant kitchen or in a normal size kitchen

with tiny players, depending on your point of view. OK, so it's a

gimmicky idea, but I have tried to make it work as a DM map. Try it

out and you'll find that at least it makes a change from endless

bases, warehouses and canyons...

I've defined 24 DM starts (for variety), but I reckon things would

get pretty hectic with that many people. Because the map is centered

around one main "arena", it would probably work quite well for a

small number of players (they wouldn't wander around forever waiting

to catch sight of another player).

The theme and the scale of the players means that r_speeds can get

high in the open spaces (I've seen a peak of just over 700), but

most fast machines should be able to cope with this. If you're

wondering why there's not much stuff lying around on the kitchen

surfaces and table, it's to try keep the r_speeds down. Obviously

I could have had all kinds of fun kitchen applicances sitting around,

but it wouldn't have been playable.

The map could be fun for teamplay, but I haven't been able to try it.

As far as I can see, there are two main bases:- the main cupboard

with four entry points (2 floor, 1 mid level, 1 high) and some nice

weaponry; and a combination of the cupboard under the sink and the

fridge, which has quite a few entry points (3 floor, 1 mid level, 1

high), and a fairly healthy arsenal.

Note: If the map is run with realistic falling damage set on there

will probably be a lot of broken bones and splattered bodies around

as the vertical drops are very high (it's easy to get confused

and think "Hey, it's just a kitchen worktop, I can jump off here..."

and forget that it's equivalent to a five storey building). It still

works, but gameplay is easier with the default setting (normal dmg).

Known Bugs:


------Map Information------------------------------------------------

New Textures : None (just to keep it simple).

New Sounds : None.


Base : From scratch.

Editor(s) used : WorldCraft 2.1

Compile Machine : PII 400.

Compile time : Approx. 8 mins.

------Map Instructions-----------------------------------------------

Unzip the files in this archive. Place the map, "rats.bsp" in

your half-life/valve/maps directory.

------Additional Info------------------------------------------------

This template is available at The radium Half-Life Map Center...


Authors MAY NOT use this level as a base to build additional levels.

You MUST NOT distribute this level UNLESS you INCLUDE THIS FILE WITH

NO MODIFICATIONS!!!. If you don't co-operate, then DON'T DISTRIBUTE


This BSP may be distributed ONLY over the Internet and/or BBS systems.

You are NOT authorized to put this BSP on any CD or distribute it in

any way without my permission.

Top 3 Rats! Alternatives

3 Rooms

Recommended Players: 2-4 | Not one, not two.....


Recommended Players: 6-10 | A medium sized level with little...

Forgotten Bunker

Recommended Players: 4-12 | This is a typical free-for-all...

Recommended Software


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Adobe Illustrator

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