
Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare - SVR Mod v3.13

SVR 3.x mods allow you to switch from Stock/Ranked server,...

Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare - SVR Mod v3.13

SVR 3.x mods allow you to switch from Stock/Ranked server, to ModWarfare with just one dvar.

A full list of available options can be found below.


Game: Call of Duty 4

Mod: SVR 3.x

Date: June 8, 2009

Author: Number 7




SVR 3.x mods allow you to switch from Stock/Ranked server, to ModWarfare with just one dvar.

A full list of available options can be found below.



If you enjoy this mod and would like to offer a few dollars in appreciation, send PayPal to:

[email protected]



1) Create a new folder called: svr inside of your CallofDuty/Mods folder.

2) Extract the contents of this .zip to your CallofDuty/Mods/svr folder.

3) Edit your startup shortcut (or batch file) to include the +fs_game command:

iw3mp.exe +set fs_game mods/svr +set dedicated 2 +exec server.cfg +map_rotate

4) If you have a webspace redirection site for your server files:

a) create a mods/svr folder on that site.

b) upload the following files into the mods/svr folder:



5) Check the addons folder for additional enhancements.



v 3.14

- Fixed: specialty perks were being skipped in playerDamage code

- Fixed battlechatter runtime errors ..thanks Qaddafi Duck

- Fixed headshot sound for the victim ..thanks Vengeance

- Added option to change player angles when shot. (svr_tactical.cfg)

- Added option to disable auto-melee. (svr_tactical.cfg) ..thanks sonixsquad

- Added bleeding mod. (svr_health.cfg) ..thanks kapitanreis

- Added a pistol-mode dvar for ammo supply. ..thanks Flatliner

- Added new in-game perk menu for ranked server. (svr_loadouts.cfg)

- Added "svr_power_rank_info" dvar to the svr_ranks.cfg

- Added new dvars for "body" & "weapon" damage modifiers. (svr_tactical.cfg)

- Change the "svr_dropatdeath" functionality (svr_tactical.cfg)

- Changed: "svr_headshot_sound" can be played for attacker & victim. (svr.cfg)

- Changed a "battlechatter" dvar. (svr.cfg)

- Changed a few admin dvars. (svr_admin.cfg)

- Client "voiceovers" & "language" settings are now saved in mpdata.

- Remove the ForceClass option (no longer needed)

- Updated damage-modifier options & code

- Updated the WeaponMode code.

Config files that have changed since v3.13

- svr.cfg

- svr_admin.cfg

- svr_gametypes.cfg

- svr_loadouts.cfg

- svr_ranks.cfg

v 3.13 (13th update)

- Added new Server Info menu with "Join Alternate Server" options

- Added "svr_weaponmode_class" dvar (svr_loadouts.cfg)

- Added "svr_allowclass_default" dvar (svr_loadouts.cfg)

- Added grenade cookbar. (svr_tactical.cfg) ..thanks Vengeance

- Added "svr_headshot_sound" dvar. (svr.cfg) ..thanks Flatliner

- Added "svr_firstblood_sound" dvar. (svr.cfg)

- Added "svr_distancetype" dvar. (svr.cfg)

- Added "svr_adminlog" dvar. (svr_admin.cfg)

- Added Dutch translations. (svr.cfg) ..thanks No-body

- Added new "svr_power_rank_info" dvar. (svr.cfg)

- Added new "svr_customclass" dvar. (svr_loadouts.cfg)

- Added French translations. ..thanks Le little

- Changed the Addons folder contents.

- Changed "svr_customclass" dvar to "svr_allowclass" (svr_loadouts.cfg)

- Changed the print.gsc file. (all addon-languages have been updated)

- Changed some Scoring Dvars options (svr.gametypes.cfg)

Config files that have changed since last release:

- svr.cfg

- svr_admin.cfg

- svr_gametypes.cfg

- svr_loadouts.cfg

- svr_msgcenter.cfg

- svr_tactical.cfg

NOTE: other configs have had description/informational changes also.

v 3.12 (12th update)

- Added QuickMessage option to show your GUID

- Added KillSpree sounds (svr_stats.cfg) ..thanks Vengeance

- Added option to show kill distance in meters & yards. ..thanks Pistonsfan

- Added option to remove minefields from the map.

- Fixed ShowWaypoints option in hardcore mode. ..thanks Vantro

- Fixed "show score blips" option. ..thanks Flatliner

- Changed various code regarding the WeaponMode/ForceClass options.

- Changed ForceCrouch code to allow climbing. ..thanks Riris

- Changed svr_admincommands dvar to svr_adminrcon (svr_admin.cfg)

- Possibly a few other things that i cannot recall right now..

Config files that have changed since last release:

- svr.cfg

- svr_admin.cfg

- svr_gametypes.cfg

- svr_loadouts.cfg

- svr_stats.cfg

v 3.11 (11th update)

- Added new svrmod\admin.gsc

- Added new hud stats module: Assists (svr_stats.cfg)

- Changed the svr_ingameperks functionality (svr_loadouts.cfg)

- Fixed runtime error regarding ambient aircraft ..thanks Riris

Config files that have changed since last release:

- svr_admin.cfg

- svr_loadouts.cfg

- svr_stats.cfg

v 3.10 (10th update)

- Added option for in-game perk selection on ranked servers. (svr_loadouts.cfg)

- Fixed an Admin Menu issue, and a CTF runtime error. ...thanks Gaashak

- Fixed a runtime error regarding variable timers for SAB/SD. ...thanks Gaashak

- Fixed(?) the "add to favorites" option. ...thanks Riris

Config files that have changed since last release:

- svr_admin.cfg

- svr_gametypes.cfg (changed the variable plant/defuse/timer dvars)

- svr_loadouts.cfg

v 3.09 (9th update)

- Added option to disable client console globally (svr.cfg)

- Added option to disable client console during VoteDelay only (svr_voting.cfg)

- Added option to show clan member badge on scoreboard (svr.cfg)

- Added option to show damage feedback hud (svr_tactical.cfg) ...thanks Vengeance

- Added "arm-hit/leg-hit" realism options (svr_tactical.cfg) ...thanks Gaashak

- Changed the svr_droponshock & svr_fallonshock dvar setup (svr_tactical.cfg)

- Changed the admin "drug" taunt (no longer kills player when finished)

- Moved the spectator dvars from the svr_tactical.cfg to the svr.cfg

- Fixed endmap-stats hud elements for WS monitors. ...thanks Vengeance

- Enhanced the endmap-stats a little more..

Config files that have changed since last release:

- svr.cfg

- svr_admin.cfg

- svr_tactical.cfg

- svr_voting.cfg

v 3.08 (8th update)

- Added new setup & display options for hud-stats/endmap-stats. (svr_stats.cfg)

- Added Call Medic option on team-based games. (svr_health.cfg) ...thanks Riris

- Added new options to the admin menu (more to come) ...thanks Vengeance

- Added option to play game in black&white (svr.cfg) ...thanks Vengeance

- Added Ambient Planes again, which used to be in the 3.01 mod (svr.cfg)

- Changed: perks & weapon dvars are now dvardef compatible. (svr_loadouts.cfg)

- Changed: spectators can see hud stats of player being spec'd. ...thanks Vengeance

- Updated code for modwarfare & forceclass option.

Config files that have changed since last release:

- svr.cfg

- svr_hardpoints.cfg (added svr_hardpointdelay dvar)

- svr_health.cfg

- svr_loadouts.cfg

- svr_stats.cfg

- svr_tactical.cfg (fixed a typo at bottom of Damage Mod section)

v 3.07 (7th update)

- Added option to play game in black&white. (check the svr.cfg) ..thanks Vengeance

- Added German/Polish options to the Hudstats (endmap stats are coming next)

- Fixed the Modwarfare default loadouts & attachments. ..thanks Gaashak

- Changed: spawn protection ends when stepping into minedfield. ..thanks Riris

- Changed: ammo overrides for Modwarfare only (for now) ..thanks Horrid

Config files that have changed since last release:

- svr.cfg (just the Exec Mod Configs section)

- svr_loadouts.cfg

v 3.06 (6th update)

- Added tdm spawnpoint option. (check svr_gametypes.cfg) ..thanks Riris

- Added Polish language translations provided by Gaashak

- Fixed a minimap "no-show" issue. ..thanks Horrid

- Fixed a nades/specials loadout issue. ..thanks Horrid

- Fixed the Team Status Hud "connecting players" display

- Fixed (hopefully) class limit issues on Modwarfare. ..thanks gaashak

- Combined the classes/perks/weapons configs into: svr_loadouts.cfg

- Moved the weapon-damage mod to the svr_tactical.cfg

- Removed the DMF & HTF sections from the print.gsc (no longer needed)

- Changed: svr_forceclass is no longer available on Modwarfare mode.

- You can force a class by setting class-limit dvars to "0"

- If upgrading from a previous version, remove the following config files:

- configs/svr_classes.cfg

- configs/svr_perks.cfg

- configs/svr_weapons.cfg

Config files that have changed since last release:

- server.cfg (new Exec SVR Config section)

- configs/svr.cfg

- configs/svr_gametypes.cfg

- configs/svr_tactical.cfg

v 3.05 (5th update)

- Added a new dvar to the turret options. (check the svr_weapons.cfg)

- Added a few more sniper options. (check the svr_sniper.cfg)

- Added a Save Class section & dvar to the svr_classes.cfg

- Added a logprint showing which player has called a vote.

- Added mod to drop healthpacks at death. ..thanks gaashak

- Added new svr_health.cfg (moved all health related dvars to this new config)

- Fixed a runtime error with menu selection on Modwarfare. ..thanks Riris

- Fixed the saveclass/restoreclass option. ..thanks Riris

- Fixed Cargoship / Farm rain sound when svr_rain_fx is disabled. ..thanks Horrid

- Changed: turret-monitor is disabled on Carentan. ..thanks Horrid

- Changed some code to better enhance the dual-language option.

- Cleaned up the svr_gametypes.cfg, added a Scoring section, changed some dvars.

Config files that have changed since last release:

- server.cfg

- configs/svr.cfg

- configs/svr_classes.cfg

- configs/svr_gametypes.cfg

- configs/svr_sniper.cfg

- configs/svr_tactical.cfg

- configs/svr_weapons.cfg

v 3.04 (4th update)

- Added FirstAid mod to heal teammates. (check the svr.cfg)

- Added option to disable some/all battlechatter (check the svr.cfg)

- Changed some of the ForceCrouch dvars (check the svr_tactical.cfg)

- Fixed a teamkill variable that was causing a runtime error

- Various other code updates

Config files that have changed since last release:

- configs/svr.cfg

- configs/svr_gametypes.cfg

- configs/svr_tactical.cfg

v 3.03 (3rd update)

- Added ModwarfareRanks again. (check the new svr_ranks.cfg)

- Moved the PowerRank dvars from svr.cfg to svr_ranks.cfg

- Fixed the Admin-Rules limit. ..thanks Riris

- Fixed the Longest-Kill / Longest-Headshot issue. ..thanks Riris

- Fixed another issue with weapon selection menu. ..thank again Riris

- Fixed a health-system dvar (check the svr_tactical.cfg)

- Fixed/Changed the MatchDelay/ReadyUp options (check the svr.cfg)

Config files that have changed since last release:

- server.cfg

- configs/svr.cfg

- configs/svr_tactical.cfg

v 3.02 (2nd update)

- Added keybind options to the Controls/MultiplayerControls menu

- Added more force-crouch options (check the svr_tactical.cfg) ..thanks Riris

- Added a couple more HudStats options. ..thanks Riris

- Added a couple more options to the ZoomScope mod. ..thanks Riris

- Added option to change the screen position of player chat (check the svr.cfg)

- Added some extra setup info in the config files to help describe a few options.

- Changed a few things regarding the ForceClass option (check the svr_classes.cfg)

- Changed the ClientMenu options (they are now on the main QuickMenu)

- Fixed a code issue that prevented players from selecting weapons at times.

- Removed the Custom Vote mod (admins can still enable/disable everything)

- Some dvars have changed to reduce overhead. Be sure to use the new configs!

v 3.01 (1st update)

Added option to delay the grenade/specials at spawn (check the svr_weapons.cfg)

Added new "Inactivity" section to the svr.cfg

- Time (in seconds) before moving inactive players to spectator?

- Time (in seconds) before kicking spectators? (no kick for admin/clan)

Added new config file: svr_ranks.cfg

- Moved the powerrank dvars from the svr.cfg to the new svr_ranks.cfg

- Modware rank options had to be changed due to having powerrank code in mod.

Fixed a few hud element placements. ..thanks (SSB) Fiber

Fixed nightmode option. ..thanks KulWun

Changed a few German translations. ..thanks Horrid

Changed the "logo text" options (check the svr_msgcenter.cfg)

Config files that have changed since last release:

- server.cfg

- configs/svr.cfg

- configs/svr_msgcenter.cfg

- configs/svr_weapons.cfg

v 3.0 Initial release


Standard Options:

- Admin Commands:

- Taunt players with various commands

- Display rules/help to players

- Admin Menu (menu-based commands)

- Ambient aircraft

- Jet fly-bys

- Heli patrols and/or battles

- Auto-rotate map rotations

- Add-to-favorites button

- Battlechatter on/off/individually

- Bots (for server testing)

- Check player names, colors

- Clan Check:

- Free spec (in spectator mode)

- Bypass the AFK timer/kick

- Bypass the bad name check

- Bypass the vote restrictions

- Client Menu (bottom of QuickMenu)

- check stats

- check perks

- show guid

- toggle voiceovers

- toggle language

- toggle 3rd pers spectate

- toggle laserdot

- Client binds (accessed from options/controls/multiplayer options)

- Zoom in/out for snipers

- Drop weapon

- Drop object

- FPS/Lagometer

- Download manager (for maps/mods)

- FX Manager (fire, smoke, etc.)

- Hardpoints:

- Allow radar/artillery/airstrikes?

- Killstreak to obtain hardpoints

- Radar duration time

- Artillery & airstrikes count towards next streak award?

- Enable hardpoint announcements?

- Remove unused hardpoints each time a player dies?

- Delay before giving pre-earned hardpoints at spawn

- Health system:

- First Aid system

- Drop healthpacks at death

- Health regeneration

- Spawn protection

- Set player health at spawn

- Player healthbar

- Call medic when hurt?

- Inactivity:

- Time (in seconds) before moving inactive players to spectator?

- Time (in seconds) before kicking spectators? (no kick for admin/clan)

- Killspree messages and/or sounds

- Languages:

- Configurable dual-language option

- English, French, German, Polish, Dutch included

- Loadouts:

- WeaponMode: Knives/Pistols/Shotguns/Rifle-grenade

- ForceClass: Assault/Specops/HeavyGunner/Demolitions/Sniper

- Set weapons/perks on a map/gametype basis

- Save player class (on modwarfare)

- Choose perks ingame (ranked mode)

- Match/round start:

- Match delay

- Round delay

- ReadyUp (from OpenWarfare)

- Message Center:

- Welcome msg

- Gametype/map msg

- Server messages

- Server info screen

- Logo text display

- Modwarfare enable / disable

- Modwarfare Rank System

- Night-mode with laser

- Obituarys:

- Enable/disable

- Custom obits (weapon/distance)

- Headshot, knife messages

- Objectives:

- Awards for capture/destroy/completed obj

- Delay before tracking carrier (sab/dmf/htf)

- Radio respawn delay (koth)

- Allow defending player respawn? (koth)

- Show briefcase during plant/defuse?

- Randomize the plant/defuse/bombtimes?

- Ragdoll effect at death (adjustable)

- Sniper options:

- Show distance-to-target for scoped weapons?

- Enable zoom scopes for snipers?

- Allow the "hold key to steady" message while aiming-down-sights?

- Minimum distance from your target to make a kill?

- Breath-hold & breath-gasp dvars

- Make ghillies suit available on various maps

- Spectators:

- Allow spectators to freelook?

- Allow spectating from player view?

- Allow dead players to spectate enemys?

- Stats (onscreen hud-stats/end-map stats)

- Team assignments:

- Auto assign teams? If yes, players will be forced to autoassign

- Clan assign teams? Clan on one side, pub on the other

- Modified team balance (I wrote a replacement for stock method)

- Team status:

- Show number of alive/dead/connecting players

- Voting:

- Voting available to all, or clan only

- Delay before voting after map change

- Disable clientconsole during vote delay

- Misc stuff (bottom of svr.cfg file)

- 3rd Person: Enable 3rd person view while playing?

- 3rd Person Spectate: Allow players to choose it from Client Menu?

- Black screen: Enable black-screen at endmap?

- Chat hud position: Change screen position of player chat

- Client console: Allow players to access their client console?

- Color maps: Play maps in color, or black & white?

- Dogtags: Show dog tags on the scoreboard?

- Forfeit: End the game if only one team/player left?

- Intel box: Show the "intel box" while players are connecting?

- Laser dot crosshair: Give players a laser-dot crosshair?

- MaxFPS dvar: Force "maxfps"? (prevent FPS jumping hacks)

- MaxRate dvar: Force "maxrate"? (force the players max_rate)

- Minefields: Allow minefields that were placed in the map?

- Remove dead body: Time (in seconds) to remove dead body from map

- Scoreboard time: Time (in seconds) to display the scoreboard

- Teamkill kick: Kick player after "x" number of teamkills per map?

- Mods from AWE:UO

- Next mapvote (modified)

- Automatically try to fix errors in maprotation

- Use random map rotation

- Rotate map if empty server (slightly modified)

- Search bodys for weapons & health (modified)

- Mods from Bullet-Worm:

- Player-based rotation

- Mods from OpenWarfare

- Client binds (accessed from options/controls/multiplayer options)

- Healthpacks (drop healthpacks at death)

- Power Rank (modified)

- Ready-Up (modified)

- Unreal killspree sounds

- Mods from x4

- Firstaid (heal self / teammates)

- CTF gametype added from AWE4 (credits to Tally/RGN Team)

- HTF gametype added from AWE4 (credits to Tally/RGN Team)

- DMF gametype created by Number7 (credits to Bell and LaTruffe for HTF / IHTF code)


Tactical Options:

- Player Hud:

- Show minimap? (yes/no/compass-only)

- Show minimap enemys?

- Show minimap friends?

- Show minimap objectives?

- Show death icon? (floating icon after you die)

- Show grenade hint? (toss grenade back message)

- Show mantle hint? (press spacebar to jump/climb message)

- Show talking icon? (small speaker with name)

- Show waypoint icons? 1 = All, 2 = All except the "kill" icon

- Show ammobar? (weapon ammo, nades remaining, etc)

- Show scorebar? (top of screen, periodically flashes score)

- Show teambar? (bottom-left, showing team scores)

- Show xpbar? (crappy graphic along bottom of screen)

- Show crosshair? (allow players to use the crosshair)

- Show crosshair for turrets? (mounted machineguns)

- Show red crosshair? (crosshair turns red when focused on enemy)

- Show player names? (show teammate/enemy names & rank icon)

- Show clock? 1 = Game clock only, 2 = Bomb timer only, 3 = Both

- Show hit-blips? (flash/icon when making a hit on player)

- Show score-blips? (that silly +5 etc., as you score)

- Realism:

- Drop weapon on hand hit

- Drop weapon on arm hit

- Fall down on foot hit

- Fall down on leg hit

- Drop weapon on shellshock

- Fall down on shellshock

- Disable weapon when going prone

- Death/Pain sounds

- Fall damage modifier

- Jump height modifier

- Modifiy sprint time

- Enable/disable shellshock

- Weaponry:

- Remove explosives at death/spawn

- Delay before giving secondary/grenades/specials at spawn

- Drop weapon on death (current/grenades/specials)

- Claymore mines detonate on all players

- Show claymore laserbeam & icon?

- Show c4 flashing red light?

- Damage mod:

- Modify damage of specific body parts

- Modify damage from specific weapons

- Force players to crouch

- Hardcore mode:

- Show minimap? 1 = Yes, 2 = Show compass bar only

- Show waypoints? 1 = All, 2 = All except "kill" icon

- Show player names? 1 = All, 2 = Friendly Names Only

- Show talking icon?

- Show bomb timer?

- Set player health

- Killcam:

- Show killcam for knife kills only?

- Show killcam only if X meters away?

- Miscellaneous

- Enable black-screen at death?

- Enable damage feedback, showing amount of health taken from enemy?

- Enable grenade cookbar?


The following game events are printed to your server log for stats-tracking:

CTF: ctf_pickup, ctf_drop, ctf_capture, ctf_assist, ctf_defend, ctf_returns

DMF: dmf_pickup, dmf_capture

DOM: dom_capture, dom_defend

KOTH: koth_capture, koth_destroy, koth_defend

HTF: htf_pickup, htf_capture, htf_assist, htf_defend

SAB: sab_pickup, sab_drop, sab_plant, sab_defuse, sab_defend

SD: sd_pickup, sd_drop, sd_plant, sd_defuse, sd_defend

- Any player that starts a vote will log: guid / slot / name

- Scores for each team (on team-based game)

- Winners/Losers player-names (on team-based games)


Language Translations:

The z_svr.iwd includes the following files which can be used to change text/languages:

obits.gsc <-- obituary messages

print.gsc <-- dozens of other mod messages

stats.gsc <-- hudstats, endmap stats display

For best results, use Wordpad or Programmers Notepad to edit these files :)


The progressbar (capture/destroy radio) has been moved slightly higher up the screen.

The match/round timer has been moved slightly higher up the screen.

The fontsize of the center-screen "bold" messages has been reduced a bit.


Mod Hud Elements:

Summary of hud elements used per player during gameplay, if the option is enabled:

hudstats (set to 1): 1

hudstats (set to 2): 11 (if you are using every option allowed)

laser-dot: 1

spawn protection: 1 while activated

target-range: 1 while activated

zoom-scopes: 1 while activated

ctf carrier: 2 while carrying

There are other hud elements which are not created per-player, but still use resources:

server logo: 1

team status: 6 plus 2 more when players are connecting

Having all of these enabled may cause one (or more) of them to disappear briefly.


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