
Unreal Tournament 3 - Jurassic Rage 3 mod v2.1

Jurassic Rage III mutator turns hunters into the hunted...

Unreal Tournament 3 - Jurassic Rage 3 mod v2.1

Jurassic Rage III mutator turns hunters into the hunted. Packs of hungry velociraptors roam the battlefield, looking for anything they can gnaw on. Whatever are your objectives, stay sharp soldier!


Jurassic Rage III with more gore, tweaks and bugfixes! Major features are hit effects (blood), ragdoll-blended hit animations, inverse kinematics for aligning feet to the ground, and beefed up T-Rex AI.

v105 Changelog:

- Rex changes:

* When dead goes into ragdoll mode properly

* Vehicles that try to push him are slowed down, applies to light vehicles mostly

* Rotation speed reduced

* Size increased a bit

* Can't be pushed around by weapons

* Should not dodge anymore

* Increased aggresiveness

* Growling when charging at enemy doesn't happen all the time anymore

- Raptor changes:

* Animation blending for getting up when knocked out

- Other changes:

* Feet align to surfaces

* Bleeding from any kind of damage

* Physics-based hit animations

* Better movement in water


- Rex changes:

* Health is configurable from 300 to 6000

* Speed is configurable from 400 to 1400

* Damage is configurable from 30 to 600

* Does more damage to vehicles

* Default speed increased to 700

* Default health increased to 1000

* Health will be restored to default if it was bugged by previous release

- Raptor changes:

* They do not push vehicles around


- Rex changes:

* Ragdoll optimized for better performance

* Walking anim play rate increased

* Walking speed decreased

* Skin no longer becomes desaturated when viewing from distance

* Decreased spawn rate

* 25% bigger

* Mutator config

* Spawn rate reduced to 1 per 8 players or 4 vehicles

- Raptor changes:

* Visual glitches on PS3 should be fixed

* Better looking shaders

* Hit effect overlays just like on UT3 player models

* Ragdoll optimized for better performance

* Straightens up a little when facing obstacles

* When switching to ragdoll, old collision gets disabled properly

* Damage reduced by 30% in response to increased aggresiveness up close

- Other changes

* Dinos avoid spawning close to players

* Config menu is more accurate and easier to understand

* With spawn rate equal 0 dinos are spawned once per game only

* Optimized code for lower CPU usage

v65: (MSUC release)

- Tyrannosaurus Rex added as new mutator

- Raptor changes:

* Jump lean while attacking

* Anim poses for moving in various directions

* No longer clips into player

* Backwards and strafe speed reduced

* Tweaked player immobilization, now it alows player to fall freely and struggle in other directions a bit

* Don't get stuck on each other

* More accurate attack hit detection

* Leap attack attempts to land straight on predicted enemy position, dealing damage on impact

* Ragdoll optimized for better performance

* Being hit by vehicle doesn't cause instant death everytime

* Being hit by vehicle may knock out (ragdoll) Raptor without killing him

* Raptors don't kill each other accidentially

* Challenge and idle sounds are played less often and more randomly

- Other changes:

* Other bots react faster to dinos going after them

* Low flying vehicles will be attacked by dinos

* Shaders tweaked


- Mutator configuration GUI:

* health

* speed

* skill

* damage

* spawning algorithm

- Animation tweaks

* new jump attack anim pose

* jump lean poses

* alt idle anim

* alt attack anim

* run anim play rate fixed

- Gameplay tweaks and bugfixes:

* Dinos are slightly slower and weaker

* Dinos spawn less often

* Dino max count reduced to 32, increasing performance on maps with many players and/or vehicles

* Dinos like to stay idle while not hunting

* Dinos can get knocked out by hard direct hits such as shock rifle or minigun alt fire

* Dinos are lighter, get bounced around by weapons more

* Being killed by a dino does not count as suicide anymore and doesn't decrease your score

v24: (First release)

Jurassic Rage v1.0 - 10/2/2008

To install on Windows, extract the .zip file to "My Documents\My Games\Unreal Tournament 3\"

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