
Half-Life 2 - Korin Bikini

This is a model for Half-Life 2 replacing alex with an...

Half-Life 2 - Korin Bikini

This is a model for Half-Life 2 replacing alex with an incredibly attractive asian girl.


requires working knowledge of how to extract models properly. ALWAYS backup before attempting to switch out models.

Her name is KORIN.

She lives in the planet of the KORIN and wears a black suit.

The anmations are shared with Female in HL2deathmach



Fixed the weird physics of ragdall.

Chaged surfaceprop to flesh.




Unpack this in your //Half-life 2 deathmatch/hl2mp

You can replace Female06 to the model in HL2deathmach.

Try unpacking this in your //SourceMods/garrysmod,

you can enjoy the model in Garry's MOD.

-[half-life 2 deathmatch]





| |

| +--[models]

| | |

| | +--[player]

| | |

| | +--[korin]

| | |

| | +--but.vmt

| | +--but_c.vmt

| | +--but_c.vtf

| | +--but_n.vtf

| | +--hairC.vmt

| | +--hairC.vtf

| | +--hairC2.vmt

| | +--hairC2.vtf

| | +--hairC3.vmt

| | +--hairC4.vmt

| | +--korin01C.vmt

| | +--korin01C.vtf

| |

| +--[VGUI]

| |

| +--[playermodels]

| |

| +--[humans]

| |

| +--[Group03]

| |

| +--female_06.vmt

| +--female_06.vtf














Copyright 2005 nkinta

[email protected]

Half-Life 2 - Korin Black Suit Related Links


IGN content for Half-Life 2

Developer: Valve

Publisher: Vivendi Universal Games

IGN Cheats: Half-Life 2 Cheats

Planet/Vault Site: PlanetHalf-Life


Shots of Upcoming HL2DM Map

Half-Life 2 Deathmatch -- Direct-Feed Clips

Half-Life 2 -- More Direct-Feed For You!


Another HL2DM Map in the Pipe

Half-Life 2's Lost Coast

Half-Life 2 Sells Millions


E3 2004: Half-Life 2 New Footage and Impressions

Pre-E3 2004: Half-Life 2 Hands-On

E3 2003: Half-Life 2 Demo Impressions

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