
Shadow Warrior - Source Code v1.2

Released by 3D Realms, this is the source code to classic...

Shadow Warrior - Source Code v1.2

Released by 3D Realms, this is the source code to classic first-person shooter Shadow Warrior. There is just one thing to say about that, "You want to wash Wang, or watch Wang wash Wang?"

Shadow Warrior (v1.2 CD Version) Source Code Release - April 1, 2005



"Shadow Warrior" is a registered trademark of Apogee Software, Ltd. (a.k.a. 3D Realms).

"Shadow Warrior" copyright 1997 - 2005 3D Realms. All trademarks and copyrights reserved.

This is the complete source code for Shadow Warrior version 1.2, buildable as detailed in the next section.

The code is licensed under the terms of the GPL (gnu public license). You should read the entire license (filename "GNU.TXT" in this archive), so you understand your rights and what you can and cannot do with the source code from this release.

All of the Shadow Warrior data files remain copyrighted and licensed by 3D Realms under the original terms. You cannot redistribute our data or data files from the original game. You can use our data for personal entertainment or educational purposes. If you need the data, you can order a Shadow Warrior CD from our store on our website (

Please do not contact us for possible commercial exploitation of Shadow Warrior -- we will not be interested.

Please note that this is being released without any kind of support from Apogee Software, Ltd / 3D Realms Entertainment. We cannot help in getting this running and we do not guarantee that you will be able to get it to work, nor do we guarantee that it won't blow up your computer if you do try and use it. Use at your own risk.



Very large thanks to Frank Maddin (one of the original Shadow Warrior programmers) for digging up the code and providing some help getting it off the ground. Also thanks to Jonothan Fowler (responsible for the JonoF port of Duke 3D) for lending his experience with the Build Engine to help track down the last major issues, thus making the released source as full featured and bug free as possible. I couldn't have done it without these guys.

Thanks also to Ken Silverman and Jim Dose for allowing us to include some of their source in this build, so we have it all in one archive.

Finally, thanks to all the fans of 3D Realms and Shadow Warrior. You guys emailing us over and over is part of what motivated us to finally put this release together! We can't wait to see what people do with it. And we really look forward to being able to play the game under XP, with sound, internet play, hardware acceleration and everything else we've seen evolve out of the Duke Nukem 3D source community. :)

I had fun putting this source release together, especially given the lack of a complete source code archive for the game and the challenges that presented.

Charlie Wiederhold

3D Realms


This source code release was compiled on March 31st, 2005 using the materials in this archive.

This code has been updated to allow Shadow Warrior to compile under the free version of the Watcom compiler available from their webpage (

It was compiled under Open Watcom 1.3 for Windows which is free to download. This means, thankfully, that anybody can work with this code right away without trying to find an out of production compiler or wait for someone to port it to other modern compilers.

Step 1) Install Watcom C/C++ onto your system.

Step 2) When you install, make sure that you select DOS 32 Bit as one of your target environments to build for.

Step 3) Choose a place you want to work from and unzip the contents of this .ZIP file into that directory.

From here you must use the IDE to compile (the IDE is the software that manages your files, options for compiling, editing files, debugger, etc). There is a MAKEFILE included in the extras folder, but I didn't spend the time testing it to see if it works, which I seriously doubt.

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