
School Tycoon Demo

Run your school the way you want to in School Tycoon! Keep...

School Tycoon Demo

Run your school the way you want to in School Tycoon! Keep an eye on pupils and make sure they're learning, otherwise it's time for some detention.


Run your school the way you want to in School Tycoon! Build your school, complete with classrooms, administration offices and athletic facilities. Populate the school with teachers, and attract students to your new house of learning. Upgrade the cafeteria, improve the landscaping, and add entertainment options to increase your popularity with the students. Keep an eye on pupils and make sure they're learning, otherwise it's time for some detention...


- Construct over 50 different buildings, from classrooms to cafeterias.

- More than twenty challenging scenarios.

- Create entertainment options for your student body, including arcades, skate parks, and even a roller coaster!

- Many objects to add to your school environment - trees, bushes, benches, fountains, fences, and even customizable signs (you can change the message!).

- 80 different students to populate your school, from jocks and cheerleaders to snobs and bullies.

- Add custom characters to the game - put yourself or your friends into the game!

Top 3 School Tycoon Demo Alternatives

Plants vs. Zombies 3.2.1

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Ice Age Adventures

Android and Windows mobile adventure game based on the movie

Universe Sandbox 2 32.1

Software that takes the user on a simulated voyage through space

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