
Valen NPC v26

The Valen NPC mod is something that I whipped up because I...

  • Category Traditional
  • Size 329.9 KB
  • Program by Westley Weimer

Valen NPC v26

The Valen NPC mod is something that I whipped up because I wanted a brief break from Solaufein. There's no tedious moralizing here!

Valen (of Bodhi's hold) becomes an NPC who can join your party.

She's a Chaotic Evil Vampire fighter/thief.

She has quite a bit of interjection dialogue in SoA.

She won't get along with Aerie, Anomen, Keldorn or Mazzy.

Her innate vampiric powers increase with experience.

She has one Valen-specific challenge.

Anti-Paladin Fighter Kit:

Basically an Evil Inquistor

French Translation by Ly Meng, Archange de la Redemption. Example:

Je me suis tournée vers le crime assez jeune et ai passé de nombreuses années en tant que simple brigande, affûtant mes talents au couteau dans les petites allées. Rien d'autre que la force brute ne m'importait et je n'avais même pas la finesse nécessaire pour poignarder quelqu'un par derrière.

Spanish Translation by Clan REO. Example:

Me inicié en el crimen a una edad muy temprana y pasé muchos años como una mera delincuente, perfeccionando mi habilidad con el puñal en callejones. No me preocupaba nada que no fuera el uso de la fuerza bruta, y no podía perder el tiempo en la sutileza necesaria para apuñalar a alguien por la espalda.

German Translation by Sebastian de Waal. Example:

In Jungen Jahren verfiel ich dem Verbrechen und verbrachte mehrere Jahre als Raubmörderin, übte mein Talent mit dem Dolch in Hinterhöfen. Ich konnte nichts als rohe Gewalt ausüben und auch nicht mit dem Geschick, daß man benötigt jemandem in den Rücken zu stoßen, aufwarten.

Installation checklist and instructions:

You will probably need to start a new game to take advantage of any part of the Valen Mod. Valen will only join you in Chapter 2 and the Anti-Paladin kit is only useful for newly-made characters.

The Valen Mod requires BGII and the Throne of Bhaal expansion.

You may use Virtual PC to install the Valen Mod on a Mac and then play using your native Mac version. Follow these directions.

The Valen Mod works with (or without) The Darkest Day - ToB Compat Version. Install TDD-ToB first if you want to use it.

The Valen Mod works with (or without) all other WeiDU mods. See the Solaufein installation instructions for details.

The Valen Mod does not require IEEP or any other TeamBG utilities and it will not replace your existing DIALOG.TLK.

Click here to view the Mod README file.

Click here to Download the Valen Mod (version v26, size is 329K)

The EXE file above is a WinRAR self-extracting archive. Run it, and in the Install to field put your BGII directory. That is normally:

C:\Program Files\Black Isle\BGII - SoA

Run the newly-extracted Setup-Valen.EXE program that you will now find in your BGII directory. Choose your language and then choose which components to install. You may uninstall any or all of them later.

You may run Setup-Valen.EXE again to uninstall any component that you have already installed. For example, you might try out the harder battles and then uninstall them later if you do not like them.

If you would like to use a different portrait for Valen, you may now install one.

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